M1 Flashcards
James Zadroga
provides medical care and compensation for those who are sick with World Trade Center (WTC) illnesses, including first responders who came to New York from every state and nearly all Congressional districts in the nation
Granioloma : giant cells that form around foreign object..
Francis Collins
CysticFibrosis founder
disease taxonomy
classification scheme for diseases
International Classification of Diseases (ICD)
-used to facilitate communication
ICD-Clinical Modification
- used to facilitate communication
- mortality stats
- public health/ morbidity data
- biling purposes
Y-38 terrorism
medical coding
ICD 10 code maker
body systems
disease can be classified depending on which body system its affected
disease etiology
classifying disease by cause
- infectious
ex: protist - malaria - genetic
- environmental
nutritional deficiency
Beri beri : due to lack of vitamin B1 due to polished rice
nutritional deficiency
cause of lack of a nutrient
Beri beri : due to lack of vitamin B1 due to polished rice
cystic fibrosis
genetic disease that is life shortening
a mutation CFTR and results in clogging airways due to mucus
also infectious bc of slime producing bacterium
means “ I cant I cant”
symptoms : severe fatigue and heart failure
environmental disease due to polished rice not having Vitamin B1
polished rice became popular because europeans brought mills that remove husk to elongate shelf life
means “ I cant I cant”
symptoms : severe fatigue and heart failure
environmental disease due to polished rice not having Vitamin B1
polished rice became popular because europeans brought mills that remove husk to elongate shelf life
disease etymology
the study of words/ origin
des= away disease = away from ease
invasion by microorganism (has to be small)
infection does not mean disease
(types of) pathogenicmicroorganisms,
bacteria, fungi, virus, protist, helminths, prions
local vs systemic infections
local infection = one part of the body
systemic infection = widespread that usually travels through blood or lymph
primary vs secondary infections
primary : initial infection within a given pt
secondary : infections that follow initial usually by opportunistic pathogens that easily invade due to susceptible environment
acute/chronic/latent diseases,
acute: disease develop rapidly and runs its course quickly
chronic : disease develop slowly and last a long time
latent: disease that appears long after infection
opportunistic pathogens
invade when environment is susceptible due to earlier infection
communicable vs. contagious vs. non-communicablediseases
communicable : disease transmitted form one host to another
contagious : more easily spread than communicable
noncommuniacble : not spreadable
mechanisms of disease transmission
human to human
animal to human
via a vector
blood blister
bad air