M1 Flashcards
Refers to the physical parts of the computer hardware components include those used for input processing output and storage
What is a personal computer
1 it receives data from an input device
2 it stores the process data
3 send the process data to an output device for further processing or to print the processed data such as business document and management control reports
The following is not system software
programs that are designed to allow a computer to manage its own resources
a flat round plastic disc on which data is stored magnetically
3 the physical part of the computer
produces characteristics by means of a mechanism that physically strikes the paper
Peripherals that are used to send data to a computer
What is a computer virus explain in full
State seven ways in which a computer system can be infected by a virus
What can one do to protect one’s computer system against viruses
Name five important components of a computer that one May purchase for use in a farming Enterprise
Computers can be used in different fields in a farming Enterprise name five Fields where computers can be used on a farm
Briefly explain four functions of an operating system
Name two kinds of printers
Determine the following terminology regarding computers
1.. central processing unit CPU
2.. copyright
3.. operating system
4.. ALU
1 a multipurpose key on the keyboard
2.. refers to all expects of managing and processing information by computer
3.. stores data that is keyed in on the keyboard
4.. to detect and remove viruses over the internet
5.. it activates the computer
6.. a program used for manipulation of figures
7.. storage media
8.. demodulate and modulate
9.. protect the user against unexpected power failure
10.. data are stored in this format