(M) Heart And Blood Vessels Flashcards
What is the organ in focus
Identify layers a and b
A - endocardium
B - myocardium
What is the structure encircled?
Purkinje fibers
What is layer a?
Lining epithelium - simple squamous
Identify b
Identify c
What is the defining characteristic of d?
Thickest layer of the heart
What are the encircled structures
Intercalated discs
Identify layer a,b, and c
A - tunica intima
B - tunica media
C - tunica adventitia
What organ is in the photo
Identify structures A and B
A - Tunica Intima
B - Tunica Media
What is the structure the arrows are pointing at?
elastic fibers
In which layer of the aorta can we find the elastic fibers ?
Tunica media
Identify structures A and B
A - tunica media
B - tunica intima
what layer of the aorta is in the photo?
tunica adventitia