M exam style questions Flashcards
In Latin, Porifera means
Pore bearer
Choanocytes main role is for…
Filter feeding.
Pinacocytes are…
Plate like cells that line the outside and canals of a sponge
The most simple poriferan body plan is…
Homoscleromopha are commonly known as…
Encrusting sponges
Demospongiae are…
Predominantly Leuconoid
Hexactinelleda have spicules made of…
silica, since they are glass sponges
Sponges have…
no true tissues
Across the Porifera, skeletal elements can be made of…
Silica, spongin or calcite
Which is the most diverse sponge classes…
Demospongiae, make up >90% of sponge species
Cephalochordates are…
Chordates, since lancelets are a subphyla of chordata
The two invertebrate sub-phyla of chordates are…
Urochordates and cephalochordates
Cephalochordates do not have the following feature…
Based on molecular data, the invertebrate group closest to vertebrates are….
Urochordates are the closest group to us based on genomic data
Sessile, adult sea squirts would likely belong to the class…
An adult ascidian does not have a…
Notochord, they only have on as larvae
Urochordata have…
Bilateral symmetry
Which statement about larvaceans is false, they…
They only have a notochord at the larval stage. False, because larvaceans retain the notochord as an adult.
Thaliaceae is a group containing…
sea squirt blood I though to be an unusual green colour due to high levels of…
Vanadium, they have cells called vanadocytes whose function remains unclear.
Annelida are commonly referred to as…
Segmented worms
Sabellidae belong to…
Sedentaria, tube dwelling fan worms
Sipunculid worms are currently viewed as…
A group within the Annelida
Turbellarian worms are…
Free-living Platyhelminthes, flatworms.
Errantia typically have…
A free-living lifestyle, well-developed jaws, well-developed sensory structures, segmented bodies.
Which of the following statements about the Nematoda is false?
They have circular and longitudinal muscles. False, because they only have longitudinal muscles.
Riftia and Osedax gain their nutrients primarily through…
Bacterial symbionts, in hydrothermal vents.
A nemertean rhynchocoel is primarily involved in…
Proboscis Evertion, they have a cavity that holds the introverted proboscis and is involved in it eversion.
The priapulid introvert typically contains…
Mouth parts
Which of the following is false about the anoplan worm Lineus longissimus?
It has a proboscis with barbed hooks/stylets. False because it’s an anoplan worm so it doesnt have stylets like enoplans, the proboscis is sticky and can have toxins used to paralyse prey.
are the most speciose invertebrate group
Which one of these statements is FALSE about the respiratory system of tusk shells…
They get oxygen via their gills. False, because tusk shells lack gills.
Mussels feed by…
Filter feeding, where the gills pass food to the labial palms via ciliary motion.
Monoplacaphorans are…
considered to be primitive living fossils
have chitons, so they have 8 plates
Conchifera does not include…
Solenogastres, they don’t have a shell like conchifera
Scaphopod is Greek for…
Boat foot
Certain species of squid can jet propel themselves using water currents generated by muscular contractions of…
The mantle, water I drawn in and pushed out of a siphon via contractions of the muscular mantle.
The mantle of gastropod sea snails has a primary role in…
the secretion of an external calcareous shell. The mantle is also multifunctional, since they don’t have reduced internal shells and they have gills for oxygen diffusion.
Have tough radular teeth, for scraping algae off rocks. they don’t use gills to feed and don’t have a beak either.
Meiofauna are organisms with a size range…
45-1000um, smaller than a millimetre but bigger than microorganisms.
Gastrotrichs are commonly known as…
Hairy bellies
What body part plays a main role in adhesion in gastrotrichs…
The cement gland, protonephridium for osmoregulation.
The mastax in rotifers is primarily involved in…
Feeding, with trophi (jaws)
Which of the following statements about Loriciferans is false?
They cant love under permanent anoxia. False, because the first metazoan can live under permanent anoxia.
Kinorhynches do not have…
An unsegmented trunk, since they show segmentation.
Tardigrades have how many pairs of legs…
Water bears have 4 pairs of short, claw-bearing legs.
Chateognaths are commonly known as…
Arrow worms (look like arrows when swimming through plankton).
What is a lophophore…
A feeding organ with ciliated tentacles, in the lophophore phyla.
Which of the following about bryozoa is false?
The anus is located inside the tentacles of the lophophore. False, because the anus is outside the ring of lophophore.
What is the key type of cell that all cnidaria possess…
Cnidocytes, stinging cells.
Cnidarians typically have…
None of the above, no specialised systems and a nerve net but no cord.
What is the correct order of cell layers from outside to inside in a typical Medusozoan…
Epidermis, mesoglea, gastrodermis
On a Portugues man o’ war, what is the name of the structure responsible for ingesting food…
Gastrozooid, ingests food. The nectophore is for capturing prey the pneumatophore is a gas float for movement. The gonodendron is a floating structure released from the main colony when mature.
In Scyphozoa, ephyra are produced by a process called…
Strobilation. The strobila polyp stage gives rise to the free swimming ephyra stage.
Which of the following is FALSE about Staurozoa? They have…
A free-loving medusa stage. False, because they are stalked jellyfish so they have an attached medusa stage only.
Sea anemones belong to which taxonomic group?
The main driving force of Ctenophore swimming is…
Cilia, they have 8 rows of cilia called comb rows which are used for swimming.
Cubozoa have…
True eyes, can be up to 24 arranged in clusters around the body.
- Octocorallia are thought to have…
Poor nematocysts, thought to be predators but have low numbers of, and poor nematocysts.
Echinodermata is derived from the Greek meaning…
Spiny skin
A ‘typical’ echinoderm would have…
A calcareous, mesodermal skeleton enclosed by the epidermis
Crinoidea differ from all other echinoderm classes by…
having an upward facing mouth
Sea lilies are…
Which of these statements about brittle stars is FALSE. They have…
A separate mouth and anus. False, because brittle stars or Ophiuroids only have one opening. Undigested food waste is passed back through the mouth.
The ring canal
Is a part of the water vascular system, for example, in starfish the water enters the ring Cana, and then goes into the radial canals for the 5 arms.
In sea urchins, the test is…
A skeleton consisting of fused calcareous ossicles
Sea cucumbers can expel some of their internal organs as a defence strategy, this is known as…
Evisceration, they can regenerate their digestive systems in as little as three weeks.
The ampullae of a sea star
Contain water that can be passed into tube feet for locomotion, part of the water vascular system.
Echinoidea is the class which contains…
Sea urchins
A ‘typical’ arthropod would most likely have…
a segmented body and jointed limbs
Which of these is likely a malacostracan crustacean…
Which type of limb are thought to typically provide the main driving force for swimming in gammarid amphipods?
Pleopods, the beating of pleopods propels them.
Are largely head, with reduced thorax and abdomen.
Barnacles use the following structure for filter feeding…
Cirri, specialised thoracic limbs that grab particles out of the water.
Pycgnogonida are commonly referred to as…
Sea spiders, they are chelicerates
Horseshoe crabs belong to which of the following taxonomic groups…
Xiphosura, horsehshoe crabs aren’t actually carbs and belong to Malacostraca.
Copepod species are…
Free-living and parasitic, often found in plankton.
The Remipedian body tends to have…
Less clear evidence of limb specialisation and can be visually worm-like. These are retained primitive features.
Cephalocarida are commonly known as…
Horseshoe shrimp.