M&A Final Flashcards
What year did US M&A Deals have the most deals from 2012-2021? And what type had the most?
2021, US Domestic
Where are the world’s biggest shipping hubs? Top 2?
Shanghai and Singapore
LA was on the list in 2005, no US companies on the list in 2021
Why the big in M&A deals in 2021?
Lower borrowing rate, more cash on hand, stocks exploded
What makes a “US” business?
Principle place of business is in the US or place of incorpration
ESG meaning
Environmental, Social and Governance
two discreet entities becoming one by “operation of law,” the one assumes all assets and liabilities of the two, a legal combination. Legal combo of two discrete economic entities in which only one survives and by ops of law assumes all the assets and liabilities of both entities
buying assets/liability or buy shares but two companies still remain (no merger law required). The purchase by one economic entity of all or a material part of the shares or assets of another entity where both entities survive the transaction
Why do Chinese companies want to list on US stock exchanges?
They can get higher share prices
What is not M&A?
“greenfield investment, most joint ventures, venture capital, real estate development.
Why M&A
acquire new technology
horizontal growth - expand new market/product
vertical integration (chevron, does discovery to retail and everything in between)
geographic growth/expansion
eliminate competitors
inversion for tax purposes
buying for distribution channels, acquire sales network
block a competitor
Rational for M&A
1+1 = 3
target entity is public, highly regulated, in M&A deal
Public M&A
target entity is private in M&A Deal
Private M&A
a defense strategy used by a target firm to prevent or discourage a potential hostile takeover by an acquiring company. Potential targets use this tactic in order to make them look less attractive to the potential acquirer.
Poison pill
M&A deal meant to bolster your business strategy
Strategic M&A