M - 5 - Suretyship Flashcards
What is a surety and who are the parties involved?
A surety is someone who also signs on the loan on behalf of the debtor. They agree to be liable for the debt of another.
Three parties are
Creditor (lender)
Principle debtor (borrower)
What is the difference between a surety and a Guarantor?
A surety is someone that is directly liable for the contract.
A guarantor - this is someone who is liable to the creditor, only if the debtor does not perform his or her duty.
When can the creditor go after the guarantor?
If and only if, the creditor has used all their options in going after the debtor first, this involves:
Judgment, and
exhaustion of all supplementary proceedings.
Do you need writing for a surtey contract to be enforceable?
Yes, S in MYLEGS
What a debtor defaults in a surety situation, how will the creditor get it’s money?
Unlike a guarantor, in a surety, the creditor has three options and they can go after any of these in any order.
Demand payment from surety
Demand payment from debtor
Immediately go after collateral if there is any.
For a surety, what is exoneration?
This is principle debtor won’t pay the creditor, but they are capable of doing so. If this happens, then the surety can bring a suit for exoneration, and compel the principle to pay. This is before they any payment is made to the creditor.
For a surety, what is subrogation?
After the surety pays the principle debtor’s obligation, the surety can enforce any rights that the creditor had on the principle debtor.
For example, let’s say that the surety pays off the loan for the principle debtor, but there was collateral on the loan. The surety, can acquire that building, sell it, and get there money back that they lost.
Also, whatever order that creditor had in bankruptcy, the surety would have that as well.
For a surety, what is reimbursement?
The surety is entitled to reimbursement from the principle debtor for any amount the surety paid on behalf of the debtor.
What are cosureties? Who can the creditor go after?
Cosureties are two or more sureties that are all liable for the loan, in case the debtor defaults.
The creditor can go after all the sureties, a group of sureties, or even just one surety. Each surety is liable for whatever amount they promise to guarantee.
What is exoneration against cosureties?
A surety can bring a suit against the other cosurties, before the payment is made to the creditor. This basically the surety wants the other cosurties to pay their portion of the debt, so it doesn’t all fall on them.
What is contribution against cosureties?
This is when the creditor finds one surety, and that surety pays the creditor the loan amount. After payment, that surety wants the other cosureties to pay their fair share. They bring a suit in court, so the other cosureties pay their share of the debt. This is after the payment was made.
If the contract does not specify what amount of the loan each surety is responsible for, how do you know which surety is responsible for the portion of the loan?
So each surety is 100% liable (unless specified in writing) to the creditor for the full amount of the loan, this is implied. So if there are three sureties, the creditor can say you each pay me a thirds, or they can go after one, and say you pay me the full 100%.
If they do go after one, and they pau the full amount of the loan, that surety can go after the other cosurities, and demand their pro rata share of the loan. For example, if there were three surteies, and one paid the full loan, they surety that paid, can demand the other two to pay their pro rata, which would be one third of the loan. So three sureties, so one third each.
Can you get money from insolvent sureties?
No, you can only get money from solvent sureties.
Provide an example of how the cosurties would pay if the debtor stops making payments.
Lets say C loans D 9,000 and X, Y, Z agree to be cosurteis.
On the contract, each surety says that the max liablity they have are as seen below:
X - 6,000
Y - 3,000
Z - 9,000
After D makes a few payments, the have a balance of 6,000 left and they default. C goes after surety Z and makes them pay the full 6,000 amount. Z does, but now they want contribution from the other cosurties. Here is how the math is broken out.
X - (6,000/18,000) * 6,000 = 2,000 they need to pay Z
Y - (3,000/18,000) * 6,000 - 1,000 they need to pay Z
If this was pro rata, they would each pay Z a third if they were solvent. If X was insolvent, then Y would owe 1,500.
Y - (3,000/12,000) * 6,000 = 1,500
What are some of the defenses where the surety would not need to pay the creditor?
Defrauded the principle - Creditor was a bad guy, contract was entered by fraud.
Duress Upon Principle - Creditor put a gun the principle’s head and said sign this loan.
Illegality of the Principal’s Obligation - Gambling debts or illegal’s transactions. Those would not be a valid contract.
Discharge of the principle’s obligation - Creditor releases the principle and wants payments from surety, obligation is paid already, or debtor tenders performance and creditor refuses to accept it.
Surety’s Incapacity or Bankruptcy - Was a minor or bankrupt.
Lack of Consideration - Some consideration needs to be given, does not mean payment (Gratuitous Surety). If a surety promise made the debtor want to get in the agreement that is consideration. If the debtor got into an agreement, and then the surety promises something, that is not consideration. Or if the surety is paid that is consideration.
Variations of the Surety’s Risk - Any variations of the contract that changes the gratuitous surety’s risk, will discharge them. Now if you are a compensated surety, then you will still have some risk but less.
What is the difference between a compensated surety and a gratuitous surety.
Compensated is paid, gratuitously is doing it for free.
What are some of the additional defenses where the surety would not need to pay the creditor?
Extension of Time vs Delay in Collection - If the creditor and debtor agree to extend time, then the gratuitous surety is discharged, and compensated surety would be discharged if the change is material and increases risk.
A delay in collection surety will not be discharged.
What are the no defense surety situations where the surety has to pay the creditor?
If the principal debtor is a bad buy and commits fraud, surety is still responsible. So if the debtor defaults, the surety still has to pay the loan.
What are the options a debtor owes money to a creditor but does not have sufficient funds to pay?
Debtor can file for bankruptcy (voluntary petition)
Creditor can push a debtor into bankruptcy (involuntary petition)
Entering into a creditors compensation - Where the debtor agrees a deal to pay for pennies on a dollar. Debtor pays the creditor less, but creditor does this if they are good customer and buys a lot of goods, they want that debtor coming back.
An assignment for the benefit of the creditors - Debtor is still liable for any unpaid debts. Normally what happens is the debtor creates a trust, and that trust sells property the debtor has to pay off the loan.
What is the difference between a judicial lean vs Garnishment?
If the creditor is not getting their money from a debtor, they can try to get there money back via a judicial lean or garnishment.
A judicial lean means that with the help of a judge, the creditors can gain rights to the debtor’s property through a judicial lien. This lien is for property that is in the debtor’s hand.
A garnishment is the same thing, except the people who have the property or are holding it is third parties.
What is a prejudgment attachment?
This is when a creditor has reason to believe that the debtor won’t pay the loan, so they ask the judge to put the creditor on a certain piece of property the debtor owns. If approved, the sale of the property will go to the creditor and get some of their money back. This has to occur before the final decision in court is rendered.
How is a judicial lien different from prejudgment attachment? What is a judicial lien?
A judicial lien occurs after the hearing and the creditor still has not paid back. The creditor files another court order, asking if they can have a lien on a property, so what ever proceeds the sale of the property are, those go to the creditor.
Prejudgment attachment is after before the official hearing, judicial lien is after.
What is the homestead exemption, and when does it not apply?
The homestead exemption, is where certain states do not allow general creditors to take your property. So they cannot put a lien on your house, so a lot of people move to Florida for this reason.
Now this does not apply if you get a mortgage from a bank, specifically to pay for a home. You default on that, the bank can take your house. Same thing with a car loan.
Also the IRS has free range. You don’t pay the IRS back, they can put a lien on anything they want, just to get their money back.
For Garnishment, what if the third party does not want to hand over the property?
They can be held personally liable for the value of the property that was not turned over.
For Garnishment, if you are getting money from Social Security, can the creditor go after Social Security and say, instead of paying the debtor, pay us instead? What about employee wages from their employer?
No, they cannot. Since it is a government agency, you cannot do this.
Most states have a limit on what the creditor can take, since you cannot take 100% of their salary.
For mechanic’s what happens if they work on your car, make repairs, and you refuse to pay them?
For services like this, if the mechanic does work on your car, they automatically have a lien on that car, as long as they don’t give it back. So if you come in a refuse to pay for services, they can sell your car, and keep the proceeds that equaled the cost of the repairs, and then they pay you the rest of the amount.
Same rule for contractors that work on your home.
What is fraudulent conveyance?
When property is transferred with intent to hinder, delay, or defraud creditors.
For example, you file for bankruptcy, but try to hide some of your assets from the court. Or you transferred property to an insider. Title was out of their name, was not disclosed to court, or if you sold it for a low price, we know you are trying to get his asset back. This is an example of this type of fraud.
What is the fair debt collection practices act?
This is the rules that are mainly implied to debt collectors. They cannot call your employer, third parties, for reasons of embarrassment, and cannot disclose what is going on to them. They can call them to know your whereabouts, but cannot disclose why.
Can call between 8 and 9 pm
If they hire an attorney, they have to call the attorney
No harrasing or abusive lanague.
Make false statements, or employer asks to stop calling them.
Can the debtor terminate collection agencies contacts?
Yes, they just need to say that are not paying the debt, and to stop calling them.
What if the collection agency breaks some of the rules they are not supposed to. Like calling in the middle of the night?
The debtor can get a minimum of 1,000 dollars.