M Flashcards
What is the Intrapartum Period?
The time from the first stage of labor until the baby is expelled from the birth canal.
What is expelled during the Intrapartum Period?
The baby, placenta, and fetal membranes.
What is the role of labor in the Intrapartum Period?
Labor is responsible for the progression from the ante to intra period.
What does ‘parturient’ refer to?
A woman in labor.
What causes uterine myometrial irritability?
It occurs when the uterus reaches a minimum stretch due to fetal growth and increasing amniotic fluid.
What is the Progesterone Deprivation Theory?
Labor starts when there is a decrease in progesterone.
What is the Oxytocin Theory?
Pressure from the fetal head on the cervix stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete oxytocin.
What do Estrogenic, Fetal Hormone, and Prostaglandins Theories suggest?
They have a stimulating effect that can cause contractions.
What is the Theory of Aging Placenta?
It states that pressure on the fundal portion and diminished blood supply cause contractions.
What is lightening in the context of labor?
The dropping of the presenting part to the true pelvis.
When does lightening occur for primigravida?
About 2 weeks before labor.
When does lightening occur for multigravida?
A day before labor or on the day of labor.
What are some signs of labor?
Relief of dyspnea and abdominal tightness, increased frequency of urine, edema, varicosities, shooting pain down the legs, and increased vaginal discharge (leukorrhea).
What are Braxton’s Hicks contractions?
Practice contractions or false labor that do not dilate the cervix and are relieved by walking or an enema.
What causes increased maternal energy before labor?
Due to the hormone epinephrine (adrenaline).