Lymphatic System: Exam 2 Flashcards
Lymphatic System & Lymphoid Organs and Tissues
- lymphatic system returns fluids leaked from blood vessels back to blood; has three parts
1) network of lymphatic vessels (lymphatics)
2) lymph: fluid in vessels
3) lymph nodes: cleanse lymph - lymphoid organs and tissues provide structural basis of immune system by housing phagocytic cells and lymphocytes
- spleen, thymus, tonsils, lymph nodes, and other lymphoid tissues
Lymphatic System
lymphatic system returns interstitial fluid and leaked plasma proteins back to blood via:
- lymphatic vessels (lymphatics): elaborate network of drainage vessels
- circulates about 3 L interstitial fluid per day
- once interstitial fluid enters lymphatic, it is called lymph
Distribution & Structure of Lymphatic Vessels
- lymphatic vessels offer a 1-way system, ensuring lymph flows only toward heart
- lymph vessels (lymphatics) include lymphatic capillaries and larger lymphatic vessels
- lymph is delivered from trunks into one of two large lymphatic ducts
- right lymphatic duct drains right upper arm and right side of head and thorax
- thoracic duct drains rest of body
- half of individuals start out as an enlarged sac, cisterna chyli
- each empties lymph into venous circulation at junction of internal jugular and subclavian veins on its own side of the body
Lymphatic Capillaries
- blind-ended vessels that weave between tissue cells and blood capillaries
- absent from bones, teeth and bone marrow
- once thought to be absent from CNS, now found to be present but limited to locations in meninges where they help drain interstitial fluid and CSF
- similar to blood capillaries, more permeable
- take up larger molecules and particles that blood capillaries cannot
- ex: proteins, cell debris, pathogens and cancer cells
- can act as route for pathogens or cancer cells to travel throughout body
- increased permeability due to two specialized structures
1) endothelial cells overlap lossely to form one-way minivalves
2) minivalves are anchored by collagen filaments to matrix, so increases in ECF volume opens minivalves even more
- decreases in ECF cause minivalves to close - Lacteals: specialized lymph capillaries present in intestinal muscosa
- absorb digested fat and deliver fatty lymph (chyle) to blood
Larger Lymphatic Vessels
- lymph capillaries drain into increasinglt larger vessels called collecting lymphatic vessels
- consists of collecting vessels, trunks, and ducts
- have structures and tunics similar to veins, except:
- thinner walls, more internal valves
- anastomose more frequently
- collecting vessels in skin travel with superficial veins but deep vessels travel with arteries
- Lymphatic Trunks: formed by union of largest collecting vessels, drain large areas of body
- named for regions of body they drain:
- paired lumbar
- paired bronchomediastinal
- paired subclavian
- paired jugular trunks
- single intestinal trunk
- named for regions of body they drain:
(CLINICAL) Lymphangitis
condition in which lymphatic vessels appear as painful red lines under the skin
- caused by inflammation of larger lymphatic vessels that contain vaso vasora
- vaso vasoea become congested with blood
- larger lymphatics, like blood vessels, receive nutrients from branching vasa vasorum
Lymph Transport
- lymph system is a low pressure system like venous systemous
- lymph is propelled by same mechanisms:
- milking action of skeletal muscle
- pressure changes in thorax during breathibg
- vavles to prevent backflow
- pulsations of nearby arteries
- contractions of smooth mucle in walls of lymphatics
- physical activity increases flow of lymph, immobilization of area keeps needed inflammatory material in area for faster healing
(CLINICAL) Lymphedema
Severe localized edema
- caused by anything that prevents normal return of lymph to blood
- ex: tumors blocking lymphatics of removal of lymphatics during cancer surgery
- lymphedema may improve if some lymphatic pathways remain and enlarge
Lymphoid Cells
- lymphoid cells have immune system cells found in lymphoid tissue and supporting cells that form lymphoid tissue structures
1) Immune System Cells- lymphocytes: cells of adaptive immune system; mature into one of two main types
- T cells (T lymphocytes)
- B cells (B lymphocytes) - T cells and B cells protect against antigens (anything the body perceives as foreign)
- ex: bacteria, toxins, virus, mismatched RBC, cancer cells - T cells: manage immune response, some also attack and destroy infected cells
- B cells: produce plasma cells, which secrete antibodies
- antibodies mark antigens for destruction by phagocytes or other means - other lymphoid immune cells
- macrophages phagocytize foreign substances and help activate T cells
- dendritic cells capture antigens and deliver them to lymph nodes; also help activate T cells
2) Supporting Lymphoid Cell - reticular cells produce reticular fibers called stroma in lymphoid organs
- stroma: network like support that acts as scaffolding for immune cells
- lymphocytes: cells of adaptive immune system; mature into one of two main types
Lymphoid Tissue
- main functions:
- houses and provides proliferation sites for lymphocytes
- offer survillience vantage points for lymphocytes and macrophages as they filter through lymph
- largely composed of reticular connective tissue, type of loose connective tissue
- macrophages live on reticular fibers
- spaces between fibers offer a place for lymphocytes to occupy when they return from patrolling body
2 main types of lymphoid tissues
- Diffuse Lymphoid Tissue: loose arrangement of lymphoid cells and some reticular fibers
- found in every body organ
- larger collections in lamina propria of mucous membranes
- Lymphoid Follicles (nodules): solid, spherical bodies consisting of tightly packed lymphoid cells and reticular fibers
- contain germinal centers of proliferating B cells
- may form part of larger lymphoid organs (nodes)
- isolated aggregations of Peyers patches and in appendix
Lymphoid organs are grouped into 2 functional categories
- primary lymphoid organs: areas where T and B cells mature-red bone marrow and thymus
- T and B cells originate in bone marrow, but only B cells mature there; T cells mature in thymus
- secondary lymphoid organs: areas where mature lymphocytes first encounter their antigen and become activated
- nodes, spleen, MALT (mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue) and diffuse lymphoid tissues
Lymph Nodes
- lymph nodes: principal secondary lymphoid organs of body
- 100s of nodes found throughout body
- most are embedded deep in connective tissue in clusters along lymphatic vessels
- some are near to body surface in the inguinal, axillary and cervical regions of body where collecting vessels converge into trunks
- main functions of lymph nodes
1) cleansing the lymph: act as lymph “filters”
- macrophages remove and destroy microorganisms and debris that enter lymph (prevent unwanted substance from being delivered to blood)
2) immune system activation: offer place for lymphocytes to become activated and become mount an attack against antigens
Structure of a Lymph node
- vary in shape and size, most are bean shaped
- small, less than 2.5 cm (about 1 inch)
- surrounded by external fibrous capsule
- capsule fibers extend inward as trabeculate that divide node into compartments
- lymph sinuses are found throughout node
- conisist of large lymphatic capillaries spanned by crisscrossing reticular fibers
- macrophages reside on ribers, checking for and phagocytizing foreign matter
- two histologically distinct regions of node:
1) cortex - superficial area of cortex contains follicles with germinal centers that are heavy with dividing B cells
- deep cortex houses T cells in transit
- T cells circulate continuously among blood, lymph nodes and lymph
- abundant numbers of dendritic cells are closely associated with T and B cells
- play role in activating both lymphocytes
2) medulla
- play role in activating both lymphocytes
- medullary cords extend inward from cortex and contain B cells, T cells and plasma cells
Circulation in Lymph Nodes
- lymph enters convex side of node by afferent lymphatic vessels
- travels through large subcapsular sinus and then into 2 smaller sinuses found throughout the cortex and medulla
- lymph then enters medullary sinus
- finally exits concave side at hilum by efferent lymphatic vessels
- presence of fewer efferent vessels cause flow to somewhat stagnate, allows lymphocytes and macrophages time to function
- lymph travels through several nodes