Lymphatic Circulation Flashcards
What is the lymphatic circulation?
Consists of lymphatic capillaries in tissues and drains lymph through lymph nodes
What is lymph
Is the interstitial fluid that enters then lymphatic system
How much lymph is produced per day
Three liters per day
Describe the composition of lymph
Proteins (same amount as ISF but decreased compared to plasma)
All coagulation factors
Fibrinogen (decreases levels due to large MW and difficulty crossing membrane)
Describe the structure of the lymph circulation
Present throughout body except CNS, bone marrow and cartilage
Consists of blind ending tubules with one way flap backed for unidirectional flow
Low pressure system (1mmHg) at rest
What are the factors affecting lymph flow
Increased flow depends on
Intrinsic factors - smooth muscle cells in walls and valves
Extrinsic factors - muscle contraction, positive infra thoracic pressure, arterial pulsation, exercise, peristalsis
Describe the flow of lymph
Capillaries Venues Lymph veins Lymph nodes Either left thoracic duct (80%) or eight lymphatic duct Subclavian veins
What are the four main functions of lymph
- Immune related - presents antigen presenting cells to lymph nodes, filtration and removal of bacteria - macrophages at lymph node phagocytosis bacteria in lymph
2 maintains low oncotic pressure of ISF - returns proteins back to circulation
- Absorption and transport of fats - fats form chylomicron and transported into circulation via thoracic duct (bypasses portal system)
- Formation of concentrated urine - removes protein rich ISF medulla and allows water to enter vasa recta and allows maintenance of osmotic gradient