LVO Flashcards
What is the DH and RVR for CAT I Approach ?
- DH not lower then 200ft
* Visibility not less then 800 or RVR not less then 550m (p.11)
What is the DH and RVR for CAT II Approach ?
- DH below 200ft not below 100ft
* RVR not less then 300m (p.11)
Can a manual landing be planned for CAT II Approach and is it recommended in Wizz Air?
• a manual landing can be planned but is NOT recommended in Wizz Air (p.12)
What is the DH and RVR for CAT III A Approach ?
- DH lower then 100ft not below 50ft
* RVR not less then 200m (p.12)
What is the DH and RVR for CAT III B Approach ?
- DH lower then 50ft, or NO DH
* RVR lower then 200m but not less then 75m (p.12)
What type of CAT III B Approach is used in Wizz Air, with or without DH?
• CAT III B with DH are NOT approved (NO DH is approved) (p.12)
Realistically what does the CAT III A and CAT III B minima ensure?
- CAT III A permits the pilot to decide if the aircraft will land in the touch down zone
- CAT III B permits the pilot to ensure safety during the rollout (p.13)
Which Category of Approach is AH for ?
• CAT III B only (p.13)
What is Decision Height (DH) ?
• is the wheel height above the runway elevation by which a go-around must be initiated unless adequate visual reference has been established (p.13)
What is Alert Height (AH) ?
• is the height above touchdown, above which a CAT 3 (DUAL) Autoland would be discontinued and a missed approach executed, if a failure occurred in either the airplane system or the relevant ground equipment (p.14)
What would happen if a failure affecting the fail-operational criteria occurred below AH ?
• it will be ignored and the approach continued (p.14)
What would you do if the AUTOLAND Warning Light flashed Red below AH ?
• Go-around or take over manually and land only if VISUAL (p.14)
What should you do if at DH no visual reference has been established ?
• Go-around (p.14)
What would you do if a failure affecting the fail-operational landing system of a CAT 3 (DUAL) approach happened above AH ?
• Go-around (p.14)
Can an operator select an AH higher then the AH indicated on the AFM (AIRBUS) ?
• NO, but the operator can select a lower more restrictive AH (p.16)
What are the 3 portions of the runway for which RVR is measured ?
- MID-zone
- Stop-End (p.17)
What are the minimum visual segments at DH for CAT III, CAT II automatic land and CAT II manual landing ?
- CAT III is 60m
- CAT II (Autoland) is 90m
- CAT II (manual) is 225m (p.17)
Which pilot seat position may greatly reduce the visual segment ? Too high or too low seat ?
• too low seat position (p.17)
During a CAT III approach should you turn the Landing Lights ON or OFF ?
• OFF, the light can be reflected by water droplets or snow and further reduce visibility (p.18)
Describe a FAIL-PASSIVE Automatic Landing System.
• in the event of a failure there is no significant out-of-trim condition or deviation of flight path or attitude, and the landing will be continued manually (p.21)
Describe a FAIL-OPERATIONAL Automatic Landing System.
• in the event of a failure below AH, the approach, flare and landing can be completed automatically (p.22)
What is defined as FOG?
• the suspension of microscopic water droplets in the air that reduce surface visibility to less then ONE Kilometre (p.23)
What are the two most prominent types of fog in Europe?
- Radiation Fog
* Advection Fog (p.23)
In a typical fog layer the density increase with …….?
• height (p.30)
What is the visual segment available with a RVR equal to 125m for the A320 (LVTO)?
• 112.5m (p.31)
When a pilot is properly seated the A320 provides how many degrees of vision angle ?
• 20º (p.31)
Sitting 1cm too low reduced the cut-off angle of 1º which at 100ft results in a loss of how many meters of the visual segment ?
• 10m (p.31)
Encountering turbulence at low lever during an LVO is very uncommon, although what would be the danger specifically during an Autoland ?
• Autoland system is not designed to cope with sudden variation of wind direction and velocity (p.33)
What is the minimum and maximum runway length during an LVO ?
• It’s an operational limitation not a LVO limitation (p.34)
What is the minimum Runway Width for Autoland ?
• equal or more then 45m (p.34)
Why there is a maximum slope change of 2% per 30m limitation before the threshold during Autoland ?
• a rapid slope change could disrupt the RA and therefore the automatic landing (p.34)
Which Category of Approach is OCH taken account for ?
• CAT II (which is a function of aircraft category A320 Cat C) (p.34)
The Obstacle Free Zone (OFZ) is established to protect CAT II and III approaches below DH and in the even of a balked approach or go-around after DH. If a go-around was initiated beyond the end of the TDZ lighting will you still remain within and be protected by the OFZ ?
• NO (p.34)
Describe the colour of Mandatory Signs.
• white fonts on red background (p.39)
Describe the colour of Location Signs.
• yellow fonts on black background (p.40)
Describe the colour of Direction and Destination Signs.
• black fonts on yellow background (p.40)
Describe the position of White, Alternating White and Red and Red centreline lighting.
- White from threshold to 900m from the runway end
- White and Red the next 600m,
- Red final 300 m from end of the runway (p.44)
If a runway is less then 1800m where are the Red Centreline Lights positioned?
• from the midpoint to 300m from runway end (p.44)
Describe Rapid Exit Taxiway Indicator Lights ?
• six yellow lights adjacent to the runway centreline and configured in a 3/2/1 patter spaced
100m apart, the single light is 100m from the start of the turn for the rapid exit taxiway (p.45)
What colour are taxi edge lights?
• blue (p.46)
What colour are the taxiway centreline lights used for LVO operations ?
• green (p.46)
Can a pilot taxi across a lit Stop Bar ?
• never (p.47)
What are the standard ICAO ILS coverage area at 17NM and 25NM ?
- 17NM 35º each side
* 25NM 10º each side (p.49)
What is an ILS Critical Area ?
• an area of defined dimension about the localiser and glide path antennas where vehicles, include aircraft, are excluded during ILS approaches (p.50)
What is an ILS Sensitive Area ?
• an area extending beyond the critical area where the parking and/or movement of vehicles including aircraft, are controlled to prevent the possibility of unacceptable interference to the ILS signal during operations. (p.50)
What are the “increments” for RVR report for RVR below 400m, 400m to 800m and above 800m ?
- 25m increments when RVR is below 400m
- 50m increments from 400m to 800m
- 100m increments above 800m (p.52)
What is the percentage of acceptable unserviceable lights during a CAT II or CAT III approach according to ICAO ?
- approach lights: 5% from threshold to 450m, 15% beyond,
- 5% of runway centreline, edge and threshold lights,
- 10% of runway touchdown zone lights
- 25% of runway end lights (p.52)
Usually two adjacent unserviceable lights are never permitted for CAT II and III approach except …..?
• in the same crossbar or barrette (p.53)
What is the maximum switch-over time required for a Secondary power supply for visual aids ?
- 1 sec for approach lights, runway threshold, end, centreline, touch down zone and stop bars lights
- 16 sec runway edge lights and essential taxiway lights (p.53)
What is the switch-over time of the standby power supply for meteorological measurements ?
- 1 sec for trasmissometers
* 15 sec for ceilometers (p.53)
What is the switch-over time for the Standby ILS system and Standby Power Supply ?
- equal or less then 5 sec for CAT II
* Equal or less then 2 sec for CAT III (p.53)
Which RVR must always be known by the pilot among TDZ, MID, S/END ?
• TDZ (p.54)
If the MID and S/END RVR are equal to TDZ RVR which RVR must be reported ?
• only TDZ RVR (p.54)
How can an operator be approved to perform CAT II / III or Autoland approaches ?
- aircraft type must approved for this type of ops
* The operator has received from his national authorities the operational approval to perform the type of Ops (p.55)
In a Autoland during Flare how does the computer control the rudder and the de-crab ?
• uses the LOC signal (p.56)
In a Autoland after touchdown, as speed decreases, how does the computer keep the plane centred ?
• By controlling the nose wheel steering until complete stop (p.56)
During a LVTO what is the minimum height for AP engagement?
• 100ft (and 5 seconds after lift-off) (p.56)
During a CAT I landing AP must be disconnected by latest, what height ?
• 160ft AGL (p.56)
During a CAT II and III approach AP must be disconnected by latest, what height ?
• 80ft AGL (p.56)
How many landing capabilities is the A320 certified for ?
• 4 landing capabilities. CAT I, II, III Single, III Dual (p.56)
Is it true that once that the APPR mode and both APs are engaged each FMGS computes its own landing capability ?
• YES (p.56)
What does Fail Passive (uncoupled, CAT 3 SINGLE) actually mean ?
• that in case of a failure of any part of the system, the Autoland will turn itself off and the crew has to take over (p.56)
What does Fail Operational (coupled, CAT 3 DUAL) actually mean ?
• a single failure of any part of the system can be tolerated below Alert Height and will not affect the safe completion of the landing (p.57)
What is the 50ft DH of CAT III A (CAT 3 SINGLE) established for ?
• To still be able to safely take over to perform a manual go around or manual landing (p.56)
Does Alert Height refer to both CAT III landing ?
• CAT III B (CAT 3 DUAL) (p.58)
What should you do if a single failure which affects the fail-operational landing system happens ABOVE AH ?
• a go around should be decided and initiated (p.58)
What should you do if a single failure which affects the fail-operational landing system happens BELOW AH ?
• the approach and Autoland can be continued (p.58)
At what height can the AUTOLAND light actually flash ?
• from 200ft and below (p.58)
What are the conditions to activate the RED AUTOLAND Light?
- RA below 200 ft with at least one AP engaged:
- The aircraft get too far off the beam (LOC 1/4 dot above 15ft RA) (GS 1 dot above 100ft RA) for which LOC and GS scales flash on PFD,
- Both AP fail,
- Both localiser transmitter or receiver fail above 15ft RA
- Both glide slope transmitter or receiver fail above 100FT RA
- Difference between both RA indications greater than 15ft
- The FMGS detects a long flare
Besides the conditions to activate the RED AUTOLAND Light, what does the activation of such actually mean ?
• the plane is not able to safely continue the Autoland (p.58)
Autoland has been demonstrated inside which range of ILS slope angle ?
• - 2.5º and - 3.15º (p.59)
What is the minimum and maximum airport elevation to be able to perform an Autoland ?
• - 1000ft and 6500ft (p.59)
On which type of runway (dry, wet, contaminated) performance of ROLL OUT has been demonstrated for ?
• dry and wet runway (p.59)
If during an Autoland the wind displayed on the ND exceed the company limitations but not the one reported by ATC, which one should you use as a limitation ?
• wind reported by ATC (p.60)
What are the wind limitations for A320 CEO with wingtip fence Autoland for CAT II, IIIA, IIIB?
- HW 30kts
- XW 20kts
- TW 10kts (p.60)
What are the wind limitations for A320 CEO with sharklets Autoland for CAT II, IIIA, IIIB ?
- HW 30kts
- XW 20kts (CAT III B is 15kts)
- TW 10kts (p.60)
What are the wind limitations for A321 CEO with sharklets Autoland for CAT II, IIIA, IIIB ?
- HW 40kts (CAT IIIA/B 30kts)
- XW 25kts (CAT IIIA/B 20kts)
- TW 10kts (p.60)
What are the wind limitations for a321 NEO Autoland CAT II, IIIA, IIIB ?
- HW 15kts
- XW 10kts
- TW 10kts (p.60)
Are you allowed to use the remaining Thrust Reverser in case of one engine inoperative or one thrust inoperative, and what are the conditions ?
- YES, provided that:
- No more then idle reverse thrust is used
- Maximum wind conditions for automatic rollout are applied
- Crosswind components not above 15kts (only for A321) (p.61)
What are the approved flap settings for One Engine Inoperative CAT II and CAT IIIA Autoland for A320 ?
• Flap FULL (p.61)