LV Channel Flashcards
Which point:
- This point has a marked action on the lower burner
- Can be used like the Xi-cleft point, for acute and sudden pain
- Regulates Qi in the lower jiao and alleviates pain:
(Shan disorder - treating opposite side; such as hernia, genital swelling and pain, severe pain of lower abdomen. Causes of Shan disorder are qi stag, accumulation of cold in the LV channel, damp-heat, traumatic injury and deficiency. Lower abdomen = hypogastric pain, pain of the umbilicus, abdominal distention and swelling, constipation, heat of the lower abdomen) - Resolves damp-heat and benefits the genitals and adjusts urination:
(swelling and pain of the genitals, pain of the head of the penis, retraction of genitals, swelling of the testicles, enlarged scrotum, itchy scrotum, vaginal discharge, painful urination, blood in urine, frequent urination) - Regulates menstruation:
(uterine bleeding due to heat in the blood, irregular menstruation, uterine prolapse) - Restores consciousness:
-for acute stage of Wind-Stroke
(loss of consciousness, epilepsy, fright wind, excessive fright and little strength, worry and oppression, great fear as if seeing ghost, mania-depression, STRONG emotional shock)
other: spasms, impotence, gynecology, D-H in lower jiao, problems of eyes, tetany, sighing, somnolence, copious sweating, sudden heat pain, bitter taste in mouth)
LV 1
-A point to sedate LV excess
-The principle point to clear LV fire and descend LV yang in 3 main locations
(Head=head, face, nose, throat, eyes. Emotion= fear (LV qi def), anger (LV qi excess). Lower Jiao))
- Spreads LV Qi and Clears LV Fire:
(thirst, bitter taste, red face, burning heat of the face, red tongue and thick yellow coat, red and painful eyes, easily over-heated, propensity to anger, propensity to fright, insomnia, madness, palpitations, sighing, phlegm, SOB, wiry rapid pulse, pain of the HT and LV, pain of chest and back) - Cools blood and stops bleeding:
(incessant uterine bleeding, early menstruation, difficult lactation, four limbs cold, lower abdominal mass in women) - Subdues LV yang and pacifies interior wind:
(migraine headaches, epilepsy, children’s convulsions, contracted sinews, wind-stroke, tetany, hypertension) - Subdues rebellious Qi:
(coughing due to LV invading LU, coughing blood, vomiting) - Benefits the lower jiao:
- LV channel encircles genital region and penetrates the lower abdomen
(pain and itching in genitals, pain of the penis, diarrhea, constipation, retention of urine, abdominal distention)
LV 2
- For both deficiency and excess cases
- Subdues LV yang, expels interior wind and calms spasms:
(migraine, dizziness, epilepsy, HTN, spasms and contractions and cramps of muscles, facial paralysis and tic - used with LI 4) - Promotes the smooth flow of LV Qi and calms the mind (emotional tension, short temper, deep frustration, insomnia, nervous tension from stress, repressed anger, swelling of the axilla, pain of LV or HT, HT pain with wiry pulse, distention of HT, breast pain, jaundice, n/v, constipation, vomiting blood)
- Clears head and eyes:
(blurred vision, cloudy vision, redness, swelling and pain of the eyes) - Expels cold from the LV channel: Moxa after needling*
(genital swelling, orchitis, chronic white vaginal discharge) - Nourishes LV blood and LV yin: with townifying method
(cracked lips, swelling of the lips, distention of the throat, throat pain, dry throat with desire to drink, internal heat with thirst, low grade fever, death-like green complexion - Regulates menstruation:
(amenorrhea, irr. menstruation, uterine prolapse, insufficient lactation) - Regulates the lower jiao:
(enuresis, difficult urination, retention of urine, swollen testicles, pain of the genitals, blood in stools, borborygmus, undigested food particle diarrhea)
LV 3
- Local point for ankle pain, but also treats genital region/menstruation
- Promotes the smooth flow of LV Qi in the lower burner:
- For Qi stagnation in the genital and urinary region
(urinary problems, difficult defecation, Shan disorder, seminal emission, pain and retraction of genitals) - Clears LV channel stagnant heat:
(green complexion, sighing, jaundice, yellow body with low grade fever, dry throat, malaria)
LV 4
- Major point to treat the genital region
- Promotes the smooth flow of LV Qi:
- strong effect on genital and urinary area. Use for any urinary symptom due to LV Qi stagnation (pain before urination, urinary retention, hypochondriac distention)
(itching, swelling and pain of genitals, sudden itching of the genitals, incessant erection, sudden swelling and pain of the testicles, Shan disorder)
-Plum pit Qi (depression, much belching, fear and fright, fright palpitation, fear and fright, worry and oppression, sighing) - Resolves D-H from the lower jiao:
(Vaginal discharge, cloudy urination, difficult urination, retention of urine) - Regulates menstruation:
(dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, prolapse of uterus, red and white leucorrhea)
-good for uterine fibroid/ovary cysts
LV 5
- For excess, acute cases to stop pain
- acute urinary pain due to D-H and LQS
- Promotes the smooth flow of LV Qi, regulates the lower jiao and stops pain:
(shan disorder, lower abdominal pain, hypogastric pain) - Regulates blood:
(persistent flow of lochia, uterine bleeding) - Unblock the channel, drains damp and stops pain:
(damp painful obstruction with inability to walk, flaccidity and emaciation of the legs, numbness of the body, numbness of the hands and feet, cold sensation of the lower legs with inability to stand for long, hot sensation of soles of the feet)
LV 6
- Local point for the pain in the medial side of the knee
1. Dispels wind-damp, benefits the knee and relaxes the sinews: (swelling and pain of the knee, pain of the inner aspect of the knee radiating to the patella, crane’s knee wind, wind painful obstruction, difficulty in flexing and extending the knee)
LV 7
- Benefits the bladder and genitals and resolves dampness from the lower burner: - either D-H or D-C
(urinary retention, cloudy urine, burning urination, vaginal discharge, itchiness in genital region, Shan disorder, seminal emission, pain of the genitals, impotence, diarrhea contains undigested food, diarrhea with blood and pus) - Relaxes the sinews - for knee pain:
(knee pain, swelling and pain of patella, coldness and pain of the knee and lower leg, pain of the inner thigh, extreme body pain) - Nourishes the LV blood and Yin and subdues LV yang:
(h/a, visual dizziness, nosebleed, mania, redness swelling and pain of the eyes, no pleasure in eating) - Invigorates blood and benefits uterus:
(uterine prolapse, masses of the hypogastrium, abdominal masses in women due to blood stasis, infertility due to blood stasis, amenorrhea)
- good for damp = water point
LV 8
- Adjusts menstruation and regulates the lower jiao:
(irregular menstruation, difficult urination, retention of urine, enuresis, lumbo-sacral pain extending to the lower abdomen)
LV 9
- Clears D-H and benefits the urination:
(difficult urination, retention of urine, enuresis, itching of the genitals, swelling and pain of testicles, special point for glaucoma, fullness of lower abdomen) - Local point of leg pain and hemiplegia: (hip pain/groin pain)
LV 10
- Benefits the uterus:
(infertility, irregular menstruation, pain on the inner thigh and knee, special point for habitual miscarriage - treated with 3 Moxa cones)
LV 11
- Eliminates cold from the LV channel and benefits the lower jiao: (pain of the genitals, pain of the penis, swelling of the testicles, uterine prolapsed, pain of the inner thigh)
LV 12
- For LQS attacking SP and ST
1. Promotes the smooth flow of LV Qi:
(fullness in the epigastrium, hypochondriac distention, fullness of the chest and lateral costal region, rib pain, sudden difficulty breathing, inability to catch the breath, dyspnea, cough, stone edema, epilepsy)
- Harmonizes the LV and SP and benefits the SP and ST:
(loose stools, constipation, emaciation and jaundice, abdominal distention, food retention, belching, vomiting)
LV 13
- Promotes the smooth flow of LV Qi:
(pain, distention and fullness of the chest, masses in the lateral costal region, cough, much sighing, malaria, gallstones, jaundice, distention and pain of the breast) - Benefits the ST, and harmonizes LV and ST: - for LQS invading the ST
(belching, n/v, acid regurgitation, hiccup, ingestion) - Cools blood, invigorates blood and disperses masses:
(injury by cold leading to heat which enters the blood chamber, manic raving, alternate chills and fever, red face, tetany, dry mouth, uterine bleeding, postpartum disorders)
Not good for pregnant woman because the point moves blood strongly - can cause miscarriage
LV 14
Name of point:
LV 3
Tai Chong (bigger rushing)
Name of point:
LV 5
Li Gou (Gourd Ditch)
Name of point:
LV 8
Qu Quan (spring and bend)
Name of point:
LV 14
Qi Men (Cyclic Gate)