Luxury Brand Management Flashcards
Define Luxury
Experience, Uniqueness, Hedonism, Artisanal, High Price
Define Brand
Identity, Story Telling, Values, Image
Berthon’s 3 spheres
Objective (characteristics of a product)
Subjective (Hedonic experience, Sense of belonging, Felling stronger)
Collective (Signal sent by the brand, Social Attributes)
Keller’s 10 criterias
- Premium Image
- Intangible brand association
- Quieting
- Logo, packaging, symbols
- Personality
- Control Distribution
- Premium Price Strategy
- Brand architecture
- Define competition
- Legal protection (patent)
Dubois’ Method (definition of luxury)
- Excellent Quality
- High Price
- Scarcity and uniqueness
- Aesthetics
- Heritage and History
- Unusful
Vigneron and Johnson
3 non personal oriented criteria
(Show-off, Uniqueness, Quality)
2 personal oriented criteria
( Hedonism, extended self)
Widemann and Ali
Financial, Functional, Individual and social
More than 30 criterias.
- High Price
- Scarcity
- Tradition
- Pleasure
- Uncomfortable
- Showing ofg
Miller and Mills
- Level of Hierarchy
- Level of Innovation
- Brand user
Enjo, Costello, Taylor (2017)
- Quality
- Authenticity
- Timeless Design
- True to its values
Self concept theory
focus on utilitarian (for themselves not society)
Social concept theory
Show-off, Sign of wealth, big logo and less quality
Social Comparison theory
About self image (the reason why you buy)
Gap between what you think you are and what you think you should be
Consumer Culture Theory
Build a character
Artistic expression
Build a cultural identity
Theory of Uniqueness
Becoming different from others
The consumers determine if it’s a luxury brand
Kapferer definition
B2C - brands base on emotions
Aaker definition
B2B - focus on the products or services
Much more rational
Identity Prism
Physique - Personality
Relationship - Culture
Reflexion - Self Image
Brand Identity System
Brand as a
* Product
* Person
* Organisation
* Symbol
Tynan, McKenchie et Chuon’s Key identifiers (2010)
It appears to be aware
- Prestigious, authentic,
- High level of symbolic (most of the consumer relation is in your head)
Vickers and Renand’s model (2003)
- Symbolic interaction
- Experionsalism (Consumer experience)
Heine’s model (2012)
- Price
- Quality
- Status
- Rarity
- Perceived as extraordinary
Nueno and Quelch’s model (1998)
- The ratio between fonctionnality and price is low
- The ratio of intangible and situational utility price is high
Hagtvedt and Patrick’s model (2009)
Luxury products:
- Premium products
- Pleasure
- Connect with consumer emotionality