Luther Flashcards
What happens in 1522 in Wittenberg ?
Monks refuse mass, Augustinian monks disband, ministers marry-wide iconoclasm.
What can u use to suggest luther’s ideas were not new?
Translation of the New Testament into English by Wycliffe.
His challenged papal authority.
Renaissance brought closer analysis of scripture and new ideas. Why is this significant, give examples?
Erasmus-praise of folly ( morally criticised the corruption of the church in 1509)
When was the the Leipzig debate and with who?
1519- Johann Eck
What was the significance of Marburg colloquy?
1529- Luther denounced Zwingli and showed weakness /sign of division.
Treaty of venloo?
When was the colloquy of Regensberg?
When was the diet of Augsburg and the Augsburg confession?
When did Erasmus split with Luther?
1525-causes split with humanists and Luther writes de servo arbitro
Apart form printed word what other ways was the Lutheran message spread ?
Wood cuts, music. Cathecisms, plays
Who supposedly kidnapped him on the way back from the diet of worms regardless of the fact he had 21 days of safe conduct?
Frederick and taken to wartburg castle
Who was the man employed by the archbishop of Mainz to sell indulgences?
Johann tetzel
When was the second colloquy of Regensberg?
1546(first in 1541)
When was the peace of Augsburg?
Who led revolt in 1552?
Maurice of saxony
When was the peace of Nuremberg and why is it significant?
1532- Charles forced to call truce with the Lutherans because of threat of the Turkish invasion.
On march 15th 1520 what did the papacy try to do to suppress Luther?
They wrote to the vicar of his order to restrain Luther or be dismissed.
What did Luther publish in 1525 against the disorder of the revolt?
against the murdering thieving hoards of peasants.
Where did Luther go to school?
Magdeburg school then uni of Erfurt
When was the Augsburg interim issued?
What were the details to know about the Wittenberg concord in 1536?
Unity of Protestant States and Eucharist agreement.
What were the terms of the Schmalkalden articles ?
Overview of Lutheran theology and justified resistance to the emperor.
Significance of 2nd diet of Speyer ?
Highlight Charles’ effort for 1 faith still , threat for Lutherans again.
When does he become a doctor of theology ?
When was the peace of passau?
1552- Charles gave Lutheran religious freedoms after the attack led by Maurice of saxony
What did Luther study and get a masters in ?
Liberal arts
When was a general council summoned by pope Paul III?
After the meeting with cardinal Cajetan Luther flees Augsburg, only to return to Wittenberg under the protection of who?
Frederick III elector of saxony
Where was Luther born?
When does Luther become a priest and Augustinian vicar for Meissen Thuringia in charge of 11 monestries?
What details of the papal schism in the 14th century ?
Corrupt. papal dispensations could be purchased allowing more than one clerical post at the same time.
When does Luther go to Rome to sort political affairs for his order?
What are the 7 sacraments?
Baptism, Eucharist, penance, confirmation,matrimony, extreme unction, ordination
When was the battle of Frankenhausen?
1525-50000 die
When was the Schmalkaldic alliance formed ?
What were the results of the 1541 diet of Regensberg?
Failed. Luther denounced double justification, pope Paul reluctant to make doctrinal concessions.
What was the Augsburg interim ?
An imperial law issued against the Lutherans in 1548 after diet of Augsburg. Was not enforced and was meant to be there until general council decided on doctrine.
What were the terms of the treaty of passau?
Enforced on Ferdinand by Maurice of saxony and the estates, the peace abandoned the Augsburg interim,secularised church property and cleared the way for meaningful religious peace.
When was the 3rd diet of Nuremberg ?
1524- renewed banishment but he is very popular by this time.
Sig of Venloo 1543?
Threat for Protestants and showed power for Charles ( was a promise to restore Catholicism in his territories )
What did Luther do to the papal bull issued in 1520?
Burnt it along with other church books outside the city walls
Give an examples of the abuses of the church ?
Simony- bullying or selling of a benefice e.g. Indulgences.
Nepotism- the security of a benefice or post for ones family
Pluralism- the holding of more than one benefice at the same time.
Absenteeism- in ability to be present in ones benefice.
Clerical marriage - priest not allowed to marry.
Illiteracy- ignorance of old and New Testaments and consequent in ability to spiritually administer to their flock.
When was the diet of Regensberg ?
When was john Huss burned ?
When did he start his period of polemic writing?
What did Luther publish in 1522?
Translation of the New Testament
When was the second diet of Speyer ?
Nuremberg diets between 1521-24 demonstrated what?
As no one would enforce edict -showed lack of Central control
Detail of significance of treaty of Venloo?
Threat for Protestants
It showed Charles had power in 1543
Was a promise to restore Catholicism in his territories.
When Does Luther join the Augustinian monks?
When is the Heidelberg disputation ?
Sig/details about 2nd diet of Regensberg ?
Not for compromise but Charles to finalise alliance with Maurice of saxony for defensive alliance with Bavaria for war.
When was the peace of crepy?
With France in 1544
What did Luther publish in 1529 in German for all common men to access doctrine?
When was the bull of excommunication issued against Luther?
- June 15th
Why could u say Charles was naive?
Thought there could be a peaceful solution - no war until after mud 1540’s.
When was the 95 thesis pinned on the door of Wittenberg church?
1517 (31st October)
When was the thunder storm of St Anne?
1505-struck by bolt of lightning said that if he survives he would dedicate his life to religion.
When was his meeting with cardinal cajetan?
1518- was told to recant 95thesis.
Details of government in 1500s?
Political environment was decentralised-made it easier for papacy to interfere in religious or political affairs.
Growing dissatisfaction with papal exploitation of lands-a reason for luther’s success.
Hapsburg power diluted once princes supported Luther.
When does Luther marry and who?
1525,Katherine Von bora who was a nun
What was the outcome from the diet of worms in 1521?
Emperor Charles v condemns Luther and gives Luther few days to recant , proclaimed as a heretic and books to be burnt.
Where did the money from the sale of indulgences go ?
To help rebuild St. Peter’s basilica
What revolt happens in 1525?
Peasants revolt led by radicals such as Thomas Munster
When was the 1st diet of Speyer?
When was Luther born ?
When was the general council in Trent?
Significance of the league of Torgau in 1526?
To ensure that the edict of worms not enforced.
When did Luther die?
What three famous pamphlets did Luther produce in 1520
Babylonian captivity of the church
Freedom of a Christian man
Appeal to the nobility of the German nation
When was Luther excommunicated ?
What radicalist was among the leaders of Frankenhausen?
Why did Frederick help Luther
. He was not Lutheran
Didn’t want interference in saxony from Rome.
Ulrich Von Hutten?
Patriotic tone in his writings. There was nationalist resentment of foreign pope.
He was one of those who pledged military support for Luther added to threat not cause.
When is Luther summoned before the diet of worms?
When was Phillip of Hesse accused of bigamy?
How were Luther and Zwingli similar?
In terms of academic ability, influences e.g. Erasmus and sole fide, impact (Zwingli was slower), environment , in some doctrines similar.
Disagreed in Eucharist.
Details to know for the 1st diet of Augsburg?
Had abandoned any compromise, doctrinal position figured, religious war appeared imminent, gave reason for schmalkaldic league.
Muhlberg in 1547 was a win for Charles? True of false
When was the battle of Muhlberg?
In 1529 Luther has another disagreement with someone who and what about?
Zwingli-over Eucharist , Marburg colloquy and Luther celebrates his death in 31
When was the Marburg colloquy? Who was present? What was the main issue?
1529- over Eucharist mainly was a discussion between Zwingli and Luther (as well as their supporters)
Give reasons for why Luther was more successful than Zwingli.
- Produced more publications.
- Publication were on the popular topics of dispute so not much left to discuss for zwinglis followers
- Luther had missionaries in terms of those he taught from university of Wittenberg
- Geographical position in saxony was easy to spread ideas than zwinglis remote position in Zurich
- Personality- was easier for Luther to built band of followers
Who led the diet of Augsburg ? When ?
Philip melanthon in 1530
When was the siege of trier ? Who controlled this city?
1522- led by ulrich von hutten and frans von sickingen , was a failure. Rich archbishop of tier had found other noble support to crush this revolt.
Apart from the violence in trier in1522, where else was there a violent outbreak supposedly in favour of lutherism?
Memingen-peasants revolted against lords , this worried Luther
What did Luther publish to suppress the violence in 1522 and 1525?
Against the murdering and thieving hoards of peasants
How many peasants were killed in the battle at frankenhausen ?
50,000- they felt betrayed by Luther
When was the peace of Nuremberg and what did it mean for the prots?
1532- allowed them freedom of worship
How do we know that the Augsburg confession and the peace was successful ?
Was no religious war until 1618
What did John Calvin preach ?
That if you are rich and successful you will go to heaven . Popular in England and the Netherlands as there was much investment in economy.
How many relics did Frederick the wise own ?
19000(if you prayed with one time in purgatory was reduced by 1.9 billion years)
Many pilgrimages were made to be granted salvation, where were the most common shrines ?
Canterbury- Thomas becket
Durham-st cuthbert
Which uni did Luther graduate from with a masters in liberal arts ?
University of Erfurt in 1505
Who called the Heidelberg disputation?
Head of the Augustinian monks (Johannes staupitz)
What was the importance of Heidelberg ?
Luther put forward the theology of the cross rather than of the glory and Eco proposed Leipzig debate at this hearing. Staupitz wanted Luther to get a fair hearing
What was the name of the 2nd bull Luther received in 1521 and what did it mean for Luther?
Decet romanum -excommunication
How long was he in wartburg castle ?
10 months
Who led the iconoclasm in 1522 in Wittenberg ?
Andreas Karlstadtt
What was a tithe ?
10%of the harvest owed to the church
What was rack renting?
Rent raised so high people kicked off the land for inability to pay
What was the peace of Nuremberg ? Who was involved?when ?
1532- between Charles and schmalkaldic league , was a ceasefire
When and where was the first Protestant university founded?
Marburg in -1527