Lustrum Flashcards
Part one
Consul - 63BC
Five years
Quote from JG Farrell book
Siege of Krishnapur - “We look on past ages with condescension”
What is pulled from the Tiber two days before Cicero is inaugurated as consul
Body of a boy
Magistrate responsible for keeping order
Octavius, aedile of the plebs
How old is the body
Twelve - human sacrifice
Who does the dead slave belong to
Antonius Hybrida
Who does Cicero ask about the human sacrifice
Sanga - patron of Gauls
Who visits Cicero just before his inauguration
Catulus, Isauricus, Hortensius and Rabirius
Who is Rabirius charged with killing
What is the ancient charge being brought against Rabirius
Perduellio - Treason
What is the penalty for perduellio
Who appoints the two judges for Rabirius’s trial
Lentulus Sura
Who does Sura appoint to try Rabirius
Julius Ceasar and his cousin Lucius
Who has laid the charge against Rubirius
Labienus - tribune
Caesar claims descent from …
Caesar’s daughter
Caesar’s mother
Women seen leaving Caesar’s house
Postumia, wife of Servius Sulpicius
Bronze in Caesar’s house
Venus, by Myron
Caesar’s wife at this time
Keepers of the sacred chickens
Augur that day
Quintus Caecilius Metellus CELER
Celer’s wife
Where are new bills displayed
Outside the Temple of Saturn
State land to be siezed
Cicero’s refrain when spending money
Macedonia will pay
Where does the senate meet
Temple of Jupiter
How many vestal virgins
How many pontiffs of state religion
Sacrifice to Jupiter
White bull
Cicero’s first law of rhetoric - a speech must contain at least one …
What is held on the Alban Mount
Latin Festival
Highlight of Latin Festival
Swinging competition
What has been erected on the Field of Mars
Cross - Rabirius
Nationality of Hybrida’s murdered slave
Who killed Hybrida’s slave
Catiline - hammer
How does Cicero halt Rabirius’s trial
Hauls down the flag on the Janiculum Hill
Pontifex Maximus who dies
Metellus Pius
Two candidates for Pontifex Maximus
Catulus and Isauricus
Who wins the election for Pontifex Maximus
Caesar - 7 tribes, against Catulus (6), Isauricus (4)
Who has Pompey defeated in the east
Mithradates Eupator
What do they call Pompey in the east
Warden of Land and Sea
Official residence of the Pontifex Maximus
Via Sacra
Terentia has supervison of …
Cult of the Good Goddess
Good Goddess’s temple
Aventine (snakes)
Who comes to tell Cicero of the plot against him
Unnamed mistress of Quintus Curio
Where is Cicero’s seaside villa
Julius Caesar’s new mistress
Servilia - wife of Julius Silanus
Cicero’s bodyguards
Sextus brothers - Titus and Quintus
Lucullus’s palace on the Bay of Naples
Villa Cornelia
Lucullus’s slave girl
What does Lucullus call his largest eel
Cicero’s name for Clodia
Lady Ox-Eyes
“If a fire is raised to consume my fortunes then I will put it out - not by water but by
Which of Catilina’s military lieutenant disappears to raise troops
Phrase used to mock Cicero
“I have been informed”
Who does Tullia marry
Gaius Frugi
Cicero’s guard dog
Sargon (Assyrian king)
Which town does Manlius intend to seize on Catiline’s behalf
Who leaves the anonymous letters at Crassus’s house telling of the plan to seize Praenestre
Cicero via Sositheus
Sura’s stepson
Mark Anthony
Mark Anthony betrothed to
Antonia, daughter of Hybrida
Catiline’s first ancestor
Sergestus, companion of Aeneas
Where does Catiline pretend to exile himself to
Massila (Marseilles)
Who will come to kill Cicero for Catiline
Vargunteius and Cornelius
Who comes to warn Cicero that Catiline is sending men to kill him
Rufus sent back to his father’s house in
Who comes with reinforcements to stop the attack on Cicero’s house
What does Clodia send as a gift following the unsuccessful attack on Cicero’s house
Basket of fruit
“How much longer, Catiline …
… will you try our patience”
Catiline leaves Rome with a silver eagle that once belonged to
Tribe chosen to set up trap
Who takes command of the army to go against Catiline
Who does Cicero appoint as second in command to Hybrida
Who is appointed to accompany the Gauls
Flaccus and Pomptinus, century from Reate
Where is the ambush of the Gauls’ expedition planned
Mulvian Bridge over the Tiber
Password for the Mulvian Bridge
Aemilius Scaurus
Knight carrying the letters
Titus Volturcius of Croton
Senate to meet to discuss the conspiracy
Temple of Concordia
Chief of the Allobroges
What does Sura mean by “the lowest of the low”
Where are the prisoners strangled
Who suggests life imprisonment for the conspirators
Who turns the vote to death for the conspirators
Conspirators executed
Sura, Capito, Statilius, Caeparius, Cethegus
What does Cicero say to the crowd in the forum
They have lived - Vixerunt
Title bestowed on Cicero
Father of the Country - Pater Patriae
Where does Catiline make his last stand
Who did the house on Victory Rise previously belong to
M Livius Drusus
Who is in the house next door
What price does Crassus settle on for the Drusus house
Which of the conspirators does Cicero defend for two million sesterces
Publius Cornelius Sulla
Who does Cicero approach to write his biography in epic verse
Archias and Thyillus
Who does Clodius marry
Where does Atticus go back to
Who is discovered in Caesar’s house on the night of the Good Goddess
Why does Caesar divorce Pompeia after the night of the Good Goddess
Because the wife of the chief priest must be above suspicion
Which of Cicero’s secretaries dies
What does Pompey’s daughter quote to his on his return
Helen to Paris - Homer “You came back from the war. I wish you had died there”
Impious deed, sin, etc - Clodius
Penalty for violating the sanctity of the vestal virgins
Beaten to death
Entrance to Apollo’s shrine at Delphi
Know thyself, Desire nothing too much, Never go to law
Who is providing Clodius with an alibi
C Causinius Schola from Interamna - 90 miles from Rome
Which aged senator dies in Cicero’s house during a conference following Clodius’s acquittal
Pompey’s cloak
Alexander the Great
Pompey’s new nickname
The Pharaoh
What is Pompey building on the Fields of Mars
Metelli’s family symbol
Caesar’s Spanish engineer
Balbus - born in Gades
Triumvirate (first)
Caesar, Crassus, Pompey - Beast with three heads
Who does Caesar have removed from the Senate and imprisoned
Caesar’s fellow consul who stands against land reform
Tribune for triumvirate - ugliest man in Rome
Who does Cicero have to defend in the treason court
Who is prosecuting Hybrida
Caelius Rufus
Qualification for land reform
More than three children
Senators made to swear they won’t repeal land reform act on …
Sacred stone of Jupiter
Region Hybrida is accused of losing
Histria - lower Danube
Who defeats Hybrida’s forces on the Danube
Who arranges for Clodius to become a pleb
Who has replaced Catulus in the college of priests
Who adopts Clodius so he can be a pleb
Publius Fonteius
Provinces granted to Caesar for five years
Lower Gaul and Bithynia
How is Celer presumed to have died
Poison (Clodia, his wife)
Who is seen with Clodia after Celer dies
Caelius Rufus
Who has Pompey married
Julia - Caesar’s daughter
Cicero’s wedding gift to Pompey
Silver dish
Who does Caesar force to apologise to him in the senate on his knees
Who does Caesar marry
Calpernia - daughter of Lucius Calpernius Piso
What post does Caesar offer Cicero in Gaul
Which temple is disfigured by Clodius’s followers and used as a headquarters
What does Clodius’s bill forbid anyone to offer Cicero
Fire and water
Cicero’s most valuable possession
Citrus-wood table, 500,000s