Lungs Flashcards
Covered by?
Pleura Sac
Outer Parital Layer
lines the throaic cage-diaphragm and mediastium
Inner visercal Layer
Lines the lungs
the apex of the lung is covered by
Cervial pleura
Why is the rightlung shorter
rt dome of diaphargm sits higher
wider becuase heart bulging to the left
which lung has a deep cardiac nothc
Costal Surface
smooth convex
Mediastinal Surface
Pericardial concavity for the cardiac impression
Hilum-what leaves the lung
- main bronchus
- pulmonary vessels
- bronchal vessels
- lymphatics
What is the root of the lung
strcutes above the hilum
region where mediastim wehre lung is connected to trachea nd eharet
Which has bigger groove for oesphagus and smaller cardaic impression
which lung has a greater cardiac impression
and smaller groove for oesgphagus
Diaphragmatic is more concave on the right becuae of the
Left Bronchial Arteries
arise from the thoracic aorta
Rt bronchial arteyr arises from
thoracic aorta
Superior posteiort inercostal artery
Common trunk with the left superior bronchial artyer
Rt lung drained by
Azygos vein
Left lung drained by
Accessory azygos vein
Lymphatetics drain into
Nerve Supply Lungs
Sympathetics t1-t6
What way does the embryo tend to develop in
By week 4 what do they form?
form olfacory placodes which from the nasal cavities