Host defense mechanism of nasopharynx
Nasal hair
Mucociliary apparatus
Immunoglobulin A (IgA) secretion
Host defense mechanism of oropharynx
Sloughing of epithelial cells
Local complement production
Interference from resident flora
Trachea, bronchi
Cough, epiglottic reflexes
Sharp-angled branching of airways
Mucociliary apparatus
Immunoglobulin production (IgG, IgM, IgA)
Host defense mechanism of Terminal airways, alveoli
Alveolar lining fluid (surfactant, Ig, complement, fibronectin)
Cytokines (interleukin 1, tumor necrosis factor)
Alveolar macrophages
Polymorphonuclear leukocytes
Cell-mediated immunity
Compromise In Pulmonary Host Defense Mechanism
Loss of suppression of cough reflex
• Coma, anaesthesia, neuromuscular disorders, drugs, postsurgery, chest pain
Injury to mucociliary apparatus
• Impairment of ciliary function, destruction of ciliated epithelium
due to cigarette smoke, inhalation of hot or corrosive gases, viral
diseases or immotile cilia syndromes
Interference with phagocytic action of alveolar macrophages
• Alcohol, tobacco smoke, anoxia, oxygen intoxication
Pulmonary congestion and oedema
Accumulation of secretions
• Cystic Fibrosis and bronchial obstruction