Lung Function Testing Flashcards
Why might lung function tests be conducted?
Evaluation of the breathless patient
Screening for COPD or occupational lung disease
Lung cancer to assess fitness for treatment
Pre-operative assessment
Disease progression and treatment response
Monitoring of drug treatment which is toxic to the lungs
Pulmonary complications of systemic disease
Peak flow, oximetry and spirometry can be conducted at the GP surgery. What other lung function tests can be conducted in a specialist setting?
Transfer factor Lung volumes Blood gases Bronchial provocation testing Respiratory muscle function Exercise testing
What instructions should be given to a patient when doing a spirometry test?
Take a big breath in as far as you can, blow out as far as you can for as long as possible, then take a big breath all the way in
What are the disadvantages of spirometry testing?
Requires an appropriately trained technician
Effort and technique dependent
May not be possible if pain is too frail or is in too much pain
What is the normal FEV1/FVC?
> 70%
How are predicted % FEV1 and FVC values determined?
These are based on age, gender, race, height and atmospheric values
What conditions are classified as obstructive lung disease?
COPD and asthma
How is obstructive lung disease indicated on spirometry?
<70% FEV1/FVC
What pattern is seen on a flow/volume loop in COPD?
Church and steeple pattern
What reversibility criteria on spirometry define asthma?
An increase of 15% AND 400ml reversibility in FEV1
What signs are seen on spirometry for restrictive lung disease?
Proportionally reduced FEV1 and FVC
FEV1/FVC >70%
What are the possible causes of restrictive spirometry?
Interstitial lung disease Kyphoscoliosis/chest wall abnormality Previous pneumonectomy Neuromuscular disease Obesity Poor effort/technique
What is the transfer factor test of lung function?
The test involves a single breath of a very small concentration of carbon monoxide. CO has a very high affinity to haemoglobin. The concentration of CO in expired gas can be used to derive the uptake in the lungs
When would the transfer factor test be reduced?
Interstitial lung disease
Pulmonary vascular disease
What lung volume can be tested on a lung volume test that spirometry cannot detect?
Residual volume
What is measured in a helium dilution lung volume test?
Measures the inspiration of a known quality of inert gas
When are lung volumes reduced?
Restrictive lung disease
How is reserved volume affected in obstructive lung disease?
Increased reserved volume
What is an oximetry test?
A non-invasive measurement of saturation of haemoglobin by oxygen
What is measured in an oximetry?
Oxyhaemoglobin and deoxyhaemoglobin are detected as they absorb infrared light differently.
Why can oximetry not measure ventilation?
It doesn’t measure carbon dioxide
What are the main causes of hypoxaemia?
Hypoventilation e.g. drugs, neuromuscular disease
Ventilation/perfusion mismatch e.g. COPD, pneumonia
Shunt e.g. congenital heart disease
Low inspired oxygen e.g. altitude, flight
Ventilation perfusion mismatch will fully correct with oxygen administration. T/F?
False - it will not fully correct
What test can be used to measure arterial partial pressure of oxygen directly?
Arterial blood gases