Lung Elasticity, Surfactant & Work Of Breathing/ Lung Capacities & Volumes Flashcards
Define lung compliance
It is the change in the lung volume per unit change in transpulmonary pressure gradient (i.e. distending pressure)
The compliance of lung or chest alone is …. L/cm H2O, while that of lung inside chest cavity is …. L/cm H2O.
Why is this?
Because of the limitation effect of the chest.
Enumerate conditions which reduce pulmonary compliance
- Pulmonary congestion & edema
- Pulmonary fibrosis
- Respiratory distress syndrome
- Pneumonectomy
Enumerate conditions which increase lung compliance
Old age
GR: Loss of lung elasticity result is great difficulty in expiration.
- Decreased elastic lateral contraction, leading to alveolar collapse thus increasing airway resistance.
- Decreased elastic recoil makes passive expiration not enough to empty the lungs, thus increasing work of breathing.
What are the causes of recoil tendency of the lung?
- Elastic tissue in the lung & thiracic wall.
- Alveolar surface tension by the attractive forces between water molecules at the surface of the liquid film that lines the alveoli.
Lung expansion requires energy to
A. Stretch the elastic tissue of the lungs
B. Overcome the surface tension force of the fluid layer lining the alveoli
Pulmonary surfactant is secreted by ….. .
It is composed of ….,…. & ….. .
Type II alveolar epithelium
Phospholipids, proteins & calcium ions
The surfactant has hydrophilic & hydrophobic parts so it remains at the …….; the hydrophilic part is in the ….phase, while the hydrophobic part is in the ….phase.
Gas-liquid interface
Liquid, gas
Function of the surfactant
Decreases surface tension, thus has the following functions:
- Increases pulmonary compliance
- Reduces tendency of alveoli to recoil & collapse
- Keeps alveoli dry and prevent pulmonary edema
- Stabilize the sizes of alveoli and help keep them open
Apply LaPlace law on alveolus
The inward-directed (collapsing) pressure (P) of an alveolus is directly proportional to the surface tension (T) and inversely proportional to the radius (r)
GR: the density of surfactant is higher in small than large alveoli.
Because the alveolus with smaller radius has pressure higher than alveolus with greater radius, so surfactant decreases surafce tension in smaller alveolus more than larger alveolus. This decrease in surface tension with decrease in radius, prevent the increase in pressure in small alveoli so prevent their collapse and emptying onto larger alveoli.
Mention the effects of IRDS
Inadequate synthesis of surfactant, increase surface tension, reduced lung compliance, increased tendency of alveoli to collapse, increased work of breathing, respiratory failure and death. Pulmonary edema is developed due to fluid transudation.
GR: hyaline membrane disease is called so.
Beacuse the poteinaceous fluid filling the alveoli looks like hyaline membrane under the microscope.
Describe the managemnet of IRDS
For premature infant: surfactant replacement therapy & PEEP
For mother: glucocorticoid therapy, cortisone is used for acceleration of surfactant maturation in the fetus lungs.
What is PEEP?
Positive end-expiratory pressure
Ventilate the lungs with positive pressure ventilator and keep the alveolar pressure above the atmospheric pressure.
Describe the role of alveolar interdependence in keeping alveoli open.
A) when the alveolus in a group of interconnected alveoli starts to collapse the surrounding alveoli are stretched.
B) the neighbouring alveoli recoil in resistance to being stretched, they pull outward the collapsing alveolus.
GR: inspiration is an active process. Mention the percentage of each work.
- Elastic work: to overcome elastic tissue & alveolar surface tension. 65%
- Resistive work (airway, 80%) & (tissue, 20%)
The percentage of breathing from TEE
At rest, 3%
In streneous exercise, 5%
Poorly compliant lungs/obstructive lung disease, 30%
The work of breathing is increased in which situations?
- Decreased pulmonary compliance (lung fibrosis & respiratory distress syndrome)
- Increased airway resistance (COPD)
- Increased ventilation (exercise)
- Decreased elastic recoil (emphysema)
Mention factors increasing ealstic/resistive work of breathing.
E: pulmonary fibrosis & deficiency of oulmonary surfactant
R: tissue: sarcoidosis, airway: asthma, bronchitis & emphysema
The volume of air inspired/expired can be measured by ….. .
Define tidal volume and its normal volume
Volume of air entering/leaving the lungs in a single breath in resting condition
500 ml
Define inspiratory reverve volume and its normal value
Extra volume of air that can be maximally inspired over the noraml tidal volume.
3000 ml
Define Expiratory reserve volume and its normal value
It is the extra volume of air that can be expired beyond that normally passively expired.
1000 ml