Lung Conditions Flashcards
Damage to the lungs result in difficulty blowing air out, causing shortness of breath. smoking by far is the most common cause
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
A form of COPD usually caused by smoking. the fragile walls between the lings’ air sac (alveoli) are damaged, trapping air in the lungs and making breathing difficult
Repeated, frequent episodes of productive cough, usually caused by smoking. Breathing also becomes difficult in this form of COPD.
Chronic bronchitis
Infection in one or both lungs. bacteria especially Streptococcus pneumoniae, are the most common cause but it man also be cause by a virus
The lungs’ airway (bronchi) became inflamed and can spasm, causing shortness of breath and wheezing. allergies, viral infections or air pollution often trigger this
An infection of the lungs’ large airways (bronchi), usually caused by a virus. cough is the man symptom
Acute bronchitis
A form of intestinal lung disease. The interstitium become scarred, making the lungs stiff causing shortness of breath
Pulmonary fibrosis
Fluid builds up in the normally tiny space between the lung and the inside of the chest wall.
Pleural effusion
Inflammation of the lining of the lung, which often causes pain when breathing in. Autoimmune conditions, infections, or a pulmonary embolism
The airways (bronchi) become inflamed and expand abnormally, usually after repeated infections. Coughing with large amounts of mucus, is the main symptom
A genetic condition in which mucus does not clear easily from the airways. the excess mucus causes repeated episodes of bronchitis and pneumonia throughout life
Cystic fibrosis
A collection of conditions in which the interstitium becomes diseased. Fibrosis (scarring) of the interstition eventually results, if the process cant be stop
Interstitial Lung disease
Cancer may affect almost any part of the lung. caused by smoking
Lung cancer
A slowly progressive pneumonia caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. chronic cough, fever, weight kiss, and night sweats are common symptoms
What bacteria causes tubercolosis
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
What kind of bacteria causes Pneumonia
Streptococcus Pneumoniae
Air in the chest; it occurs when air enters the area around the lung (the pleural space) abnormally. Can be caused by an injury or may happen spontaneously.