Lung Channel Flashcards
Where does the Lung Channel go?
Middle Burner Large Intestine Stomach Lung Throat Lateral aspect of arm Thumb
Where does the branch of the lung channel go?
Radial side of the tip of the index finger
What is the Lung Luo point?
Where does the Lung Luo channel travel?
Palm & Thenar eminence
What does the Lung Luo treat?
‘In excess, heat in the palm & wrist; in deficiency, frequent yawning, urinary incontinence & frequent urination’
Where does the LU divergent Channel. go?
- Diverges at the axilla - Enters the chest to connect with LU & LI - Emerges at supraclavicular fossa - Ascends along the throat to meet LI primary channel.
Does the Lung channel connect with the nose and how?
Yes. Through LI Channel
What are the Physiological Functions of the LU?
- Governing Qi - Controls respiration - Controls disseminating and descending - Regulates water passages - Skin - Body hair - Open in nose
Summarize the Actions of the LU Points:
-rebellion of LU-Qi -exopathogenic factors -edema and obstructed urination -nasal disorders -throat disorders -rebellion of ST-Qi
What designation does LU1 have?
-Front-Mu of LU - Meeting point of LU& Sp
What designation does LU3 have?
Window of Heaven point
What designation does LU5 have?
-He-Sea -Water (Child point of LU)
What designation does LU6 have?
What designation does LU7 have?
-Luo-Connecting -Confluent point of CV -Command point of head and nape of neck
What designation does LU8 have?
-Jing-River -Metal
What designation does LU9 have?
-Shu-Stream=Yuan-Source -Earth(Mother point of LU), -Hui-Meeting point Vessels
What designation does LU10 have?
-Ying-Spring -Fire
What designation does LU11 have?
-Jing-Well -Wood -Ghost point
What are the Actions of LU1?
-Disseminates & Descends LU-Qi, *Transforms phlegm *Clears heat, -Alleviates cough & wheezing -Regulates water passages -Descends ST-Qi
Because LU1 is the meeting point of SP, what does it treat?
What are the indications of LU1?
*Deficiency/Excess patterns of all LU disorders, bias towards heat penetrating deeply into the chest, esp. with accumulation of phlegm -Coughing/wheezing/ dyspnea/fullness of the chest, heavy yellow/green phlegm, fever -‘Upper source of Water’- ‘lid of a teapot’ Yang edema, acute swelling of the face d/t attack of exterior wind -Dual disharmony of the LU & ST Difficult ingestion, vomiting, abdominal distention
What are the Actions of LU3?
-Clears LU-Heat & Descends LU-Qi *Cools blood & Stops bleeding -Calms the corporeal soul(‘Po’)
What are the Indications of LU3?
-LU-Heat, esp. (LV)Wood-Fire scorching the Metal Bouts of spasmodic coughing with a red face, dyspnea or asthma induced/worsened by anger, thirst Nosebleed, spitting blood (+LI4) -‘Window of Heaven’ Goitre, eye disorders(visual dizziness, short-sightedness) Children who get asthma from nightmares Somnolence, sadness, weeping, muddled thinking -Pain in medial upper arm
What are the Actions of LU5?
-Clears LU-Heat(excess/def.)& Descends rebellious Qi (LU/ST) -Regulates the water passages -Activates the LU channel -Relaxes the sinews & Alleviates pain
What are the Indications of LU5?
*All forms of LU-Heat excess/deficient, exterior/interior, acute/chronic Excess Heat: fullness in the chest, expectoration of heavy yellow/green/brown phlegm, agitation (+ST40, LU1: to resolve phlegm & clear heat) Deficient Heat: tidal fever, taxation heat, dry mouth (+LU9, BL43, KD3: to nourish Yin & moisten the Lung) -‘Counterflow Qi & Diarrhea’ —ST-Qi rebellion Vomit, abdominal distention, diarrhea -Bleeding from heat Coughing/spitting/vomiting blood, nosebleed -Disorders of water metabolism (upper source of water) Excess: urinary retention, swelling of the four limbs Deficiency: enuresis, frequent urination -Heart (LU/HT: upper burner) agitation, heart pain -Swelling & pain in upper limb or the whole body tennis elbow, wind painful obstruction syndrome ‘crane’s knee wind’ (cross-connection needling) ‘5 types of lumbar pain’ (mirror point of BL40)
What is LU5 best for?
Excess LU conditions
What are the Actions of LU6?
-Disseminates & Descends LU-Qi -Clears heat & Moistens the LU -Clears heat & Stops bleeding -Moderates acute conditions
What are Xi-Cleft points used for?
-Acute conditions & Pain -Bleeding disorders on Yin Channels
What are the indications of LU6?
*Acute cough, wheezing, asthma of any etiology Particularly indicated for attack of exterior pathogenic wind-heat or wind-dryness -All kinds of bleeding from the Lungs Hemoptysis d/t wind-dryness, wind-heat, phlegm-heat, LV-LU disharmony, Yin deficiency -Pain along the LU channel Pain in the chest, elbow & arm, difficulty in flexing and extending the fingers, inability to raise the arm above the head
What are the Actions of LU7?
-Releases the exterior & Expels wind -Pacifies wind & descends phlegm -Benefits the head & nape of neck -Promotes descending function of LU -Regulates the water passages -Activates channel & Alleviates pain -Opens & Regulates Ren Mai
LU7 is the confluent point of what?
The Conception Vessel (LU7 & KD6)
What are the Indications of LU7?
*Exterior/Interior Wind Disorders Exterior Wind-Cold, Wind-Heat, Wind-Dryness: chills & fever, h/a, ache & pain in the neck/shoulders/back; cough, asthma, wheezing; acute swelling of the face or limbs THE MOST EXTERIOR-ACTING OF LUNG CHANNEL POINTS & THE MAIN POINT FOR COMMON COLD + LI4, TW5, GB20, GV16, GV14, BL12 to strengthen the action of expelling Wind -Interior Wind-Phlegm: facial paralysis, lockjaw, epilepsy, hemiplegia -Other: wind painful obstruction, numbness of the whole body
Compare LU5, LU6, LU7:
LU5: He-Sea point, Water pt., child pt. All forms of LU-Heat vomiting & diarrhea LU6: Xi-Cleft point Acute cough/asthma/ wheezing, Bleeding from the LU LU7: Luo-Connecting point The most exterior-acting of LU channel point, indicated for all the Wind disorders Primary point for head and nape of the neck Confluent point of CV, for genito-urinary disorders
What are the Actions of LU9?
*Tonifies the Lung(Qi&Yin) & Transforms phlegm(d/t LU def.) (YUAN-SOURCE, SHU-STREAM, EARTH & MOTHER POINT) -Promotes the descending function of the Lung -Regulates & Harmonizes the vessels -Activates the channel & Alleviates pain
What are the Indications of LU9?
*LUNG deficiency: chronic weak coughing/wheezing LU-Qi def.: shortness of breath, frequent yawning, copious watery phlegm, fatigue LU-Yin def.: dry cough with scanty dry phlegm or streaks of blood, malar flush, 5-palm heat * THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT POINT ON THE CHANNEL TO TONIFY -Stagnation of Gathering Qi fullness/oppression of chest w/ inability to lie down -Disorders of blood vessels pulseless syndrome, Heart pain with Choppy pulse -Pain along the course of the LU channel
Summarize LU9:
Compare LU7 & LU9:
LU7: -Exterior Excess -Affects Qi -Emotional component -Weak at phlegm transformation LU9: -Interior Deficient -Affects Qi & Blood -No emotional component -Resolves Phlegm
What are the Actions of LU10?
-Benefits the throat -Clears LU-Heat (YING-SPRING, FIRE POINT) -Descends rebellious Qi -Harmonizes the ST & HT
What are the Indications of LU10?
*THROAT disorders characterized by heat/dryness, no matter excess or deficiency Pain, swelling, congestion, dryness of throat, loss of voice *LU-HEAT Any inflammation of the lungs or throat Excess Heat , Phlegm-Heat (LU1/5), Yin-deficient Heat (KD6) Bleeding d/t heat: coughing blood, vomiting blood, blood in urine(LU-Heat→ HT→ SI →BL) LU-Heat →HT: agitation, mania, anger LU-Heat →ST: breast abscess, toothache -Local pain & heat in palm/thumb
What are the Actions of LU11?
-Clears LU-Heat & Benefits the throat *MAIN POINT FOR EXTREME SORE THROAT d/t EXCESS -Revives consciousness (JING-WELL, GHOST POINT)
What is a summary of LU Actions?
What are LU11 Indications?
*All acute THROAT disorders d/t excess heat or poison Sore throat d/t wind-heat, tonsillitis, mumps LU10 vs. LU11: excess& def. vs. only excess *Mental disorders Loss of consciousness(from windstroke), mania, epilepsy, childhood fright wind *Spasmodic pain of thumb
What are the Actions of LU2? (1 Star)
local pain in chest, upper back, shoulder & arm
What are the Actions of LU4? (1 Star)
local pain in the medial aspect of arm
What are the Actions of LU8? (1 Star)
-Jing-River point, Metal point -“cough and dyspnea, chills and fever -mainly for excess type cough & dyspnea with fullness and pain of the chest and upper back