Lung Cancer Flashcards
Lung cancer
Bit of epidemiology to get started
Proportion of cancers?
19% of all cancers
40000 cases/ year (UK)
Responsible for 27% of cancer deaths
Lung cancer
2 clinical groups
One of which subdivides into 4 main categories
1) Small cell 15%
2) non-small cell 85%
i) squamous 35%
ii) adenocarcinoma 27%
iii) large cell 10%
iv) alveolar cell carcinoma 1%
Small cell tumours
Grow quickly
Can secrete
ADH (SIADH) - low Na
ACTH - (cushings)
ACTH - adrenocorticotrophic hormone - usually from anterior pituitary gland, stimulates cortisol secretion from adrenal gland
Non small cell
Grow slower
Squamous cell carcinomas can secrete PTH - Ca up
Cough Haemoptysis Dysponea Chest pain Weight loss
Recurrent/slow healing pneumonia’s
Enlarged lymph nodes - supraclavicular/axillary
Consolidation, collapse, pleural effusion or nothing in lungs
HPOA - hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy - wrist pain (substances released by tumour cause inflammation of extremities - most common in non small cell)
HPOA - 1 Timothy 3:16
This Christian life is a great mystery, far exceeding our understanding, but some things are clear enough: He appeared in a human body, was proved right by the invisible Spirit, was seen by angels. He was proclaimed among all kinds of peoples, believed in all over the world, taken up into heavenly glory.
Signs of spread (general for cancer)
Brain - confusion, fits, cerebellar syndromes, neuropathy etc
Bone - bone tenderness, anaemia (etc) calcium up
Liver - hepatomegaly
Adrenal gland - Addison’s
Recurrently laryngeal nerve palsy (voice changes) Phrenic nerve palsy Svc obstruction Horners syndrome Rib erosion Pericarditis Atrial fibrillation
Chest x Ray
- peripheral nodule
- hilar enlargement
- consolidation
- lung collapse
- bony secondaries
- sputum
- pleural fluid aspirate
Lymph node - fine needle aspiration/biopsy
Ct - stage tumour
Broncoscopy - for histological grade
Non small cell treatment
Stage 1-2
Chop it out
radiotherapy if poor lung reserve
More advanced - more chemo (cetuximab and the chaps - don’t concern yourself too much with these)
Small cell treatment
Lots of fancy chemo drugs - ultimately it’s usually too late by presentation
Remember CDVE therapy - which is an acronym for the cocktail usually prescribed, but don’t lose too much sleep over it
7 cancers which commonly spread to the lung
Cool Kids Love Patrick's Minimally Boring Teaching Colorectal Kidney Lymphoma Prostate Melanoma (skin) Breast Thyroid
Spot the odd one out Lung cancer. Tuberculosis. Bronchiectasis. Cystic fibrosis. Pulmonary Embolism Interstitial lung disease. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Sarcoidosis.
Clue - which one doesn’t give you clubbing
Pulmonary Embolism
Some other causes too. These are main resp ones
Side effects of radiotherapy
Fatigue Anorexia Cough Oesophagitis Systemic symptoms Skin reactions Nausea (rare) Alopecia - only if head irradiated
Side effects of chemotherapy
Alopecia Nausea/vomitting Peripheral neuropathy Constipation/diarrhoea Rash Fatigue Mucositis Anaphylaxis Bone marrow suppresion - anaemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia