Lung Flashcards
Disseminates and descends Lung Qi, alleviates cough and wheezing, transforms Phlegm, clears Heat and regulates Water Passages, descends Stomach Qi
Clears Heat from the Lung and descends rebellious Qi, regulates Water Passages, activates the channel, relaxes sinews and alleviates pain
Disseminates and descends Lung Qi, clears Heat and moistens the Lung, clears Heat and stops bleeding, moderates acute conditions
Release the Exterior and expels Wind, promotes the descending function of the Lung, pacifies Wind and Phlegm, benefits the head and nape, opens and regulates the Conception Vessel, regulates Water Passages, activates the channel and alleviates pain
Tonifies the Lung and transforms Phlegm, promotes the descending FX of Lung, regulates and harmonizes the 10 v0essels, activates channel and alleviates pain, CHEST Qi point
Benefits the throat, clears Lung Heat, descends Rebellious Qi and Harmonizes the Stomach and Heart
Revives consciousness, clears Heat and benefits the throat