Lumbar Spine II Flashcards
Usual MOI for SIJ
Torsional leg loading
Ex. Running, skiing, golf, lift/twist
Patient profile SIJ age
(Usually not over 65 due to lack of AROM available at the joint at that age)
Patient profile SIJ gender
SIJ hypomobility sx
Ipsilateral SIJ pain
Can refer to groin, post thigh, lower abs
Running agg > walking > stand > sit
No neuro sx
Ext and SB to same side hurt
Pain with carrying weight on that side
SIJ hypermobility sx
Pain with prolonged positions, relief with changing positions, carrying heavy objects
+ provacation tests
Adductor weakness
+SLR (needs SIJ belt)
Weakest pelvic ligament
Ventral sacroiliac ligament
SIJ innervation
L2 - S3
2 mechanisms for joint stability for pelvic and sacrum
Form closure and force closure
Force closure
From myofascial systems
Local and global
Local: pelvic floor, transversus, diaphragm, multifidi
Global: 4 slings
4 global slings of force closure
- Post oblique: glute max and lats
- Ant oblique: ext oblique, contra internal oblique, adductor
- Longitudinal: peroneii, biceps femoris, sacrotiberous lig, erector, thoracodorsal fascia
- Lateral: glute med, TFL, QL
Antegrade flow speed
Slow flow speed
Retrograde flow speed
Compression required for decreased venous flow
Compression required for decreased capillary/arterial flow and axonal transport
Compression required for ischemia and blocks nerve impulse
Peripheral nerve clinical sx
- where is pain most intense
- pattern
- testing
At entrapment site
Non Dermatomal
+tinel and NTT
Manipulation contraindications
Fracture / bone compromise osteopenia or osteoporosis
Ehlers danlos, Down syndrome
Vascular compromise
Neural compression
Lig instability
Long term corticosteroid use
Pregnancy and SIJ
- hormone
- term
Relaxin causing lig laxity
Most increase in pain 3-7mos
SIJ Hypermobility tx
Strengthening for force closure (glute max and contra lat, lower abs)
SIJ belt, wear only when vertical
Sclerosing injections
Manipulations if no ERL or contraindications
Normal length for piriformis
90 hip flx, 20 add, 20 IR
Normal quad length (knee flex) in Thomas test
SLR testing for SIJ
Lift leg 20, if pain then do again with stability to pelvis. + if sx reduce for hypermobility
Standing flexion test
PSIS should go post with lumbar flx. Positive for hypomobilty if there is superior/anterior ride on ipsilateral side
- define irridation
- GTOs role
- use and dosage
- too forceful contraction of synergist
- contraction of muscle in lengthened position activated GTOs which inhibits alpha and gamma motor neuron resulting in muscle lengthening
- after manip, 3 sets 6-8sec holds
Which ligament connects sacrum to ischial tuberosity and continues with biceps femoris
Sacrotuberous lig
Nutation (flx) of sacrum
Which ligaments attaches medially to lower sacrum and coccyx and assists sacrotuberous lig?
Ligament that attaches to iliac crest and SI ligaments
Stability for
Lumbosacral junction
2 main causes of hypermobility of SIJ
Ext rot
AGMR hip
Form and force closure work together to cause
Self locking mechanism to prevent shearing
SIJ motion
Translation 0-8mm
Rotation 1-8 degrees
Which lig can cause pain from ext of pelvis putting it on tension?
Long dorsal
Counter nutation
Which lig blends with thoracolumbar fascia, erector, multifidi
Makes it a good what
Long dorsal
SIJ tests and cluster
Thigh thrust, Gaenslens, compression/distraction, sacral thrust
2/4 = good chance SIJ block
Find side of dysfunction and manip it
SIJ provocation tests
Sacral spring
Compression and distraction tests
Time and positive
Compression: Up to 30sec hold, + is unilateral pain (not midline pain)
Distraction: perform side to side, + is reproduction of pain or alleviation of sx
OA and SIJ
Radiograph findings
Hypo or hyper
Sclerosing of joint
Female > male
Causes hypo
Progressive rheumatoid disorder
Inactivity followed by exacerbation periods
1 per million, male, 25
AS sx
Affected areas
+ provocation tests, - motion tests
Thoracic spine, SIJ, heels, ischial tub, SC, CS, TMJ
Test for thoracic stiffness
Measure diff in rib cage circumference b/w inhalation and exhalation
Normal is 6-9cm
Less than 2.5cm suspect
AS tx
NSAIDS and exercise therapy
Goal to maintain mobility in affected joints and avoid bamboo spine and thoracic kyphosis
Strongest lig in pelvic and crucial for optimal performance
Interosseous lig
Sciatic nerve entrapment sites and causes
Entrapped in piriformis mm in 12.5%
Usually due to sitting on wallet or direct blow
Sciatica nerve differential diagnosis
Lumbar radic, gluteal muscles affected with lumbar radic not sciatic nerve
Best imaging for nerves
Ilioinguinal nerve
T12 - L2
Entrapped at Rectus and iliac crest
Commonly mistake for hip pain
Can be irritated with inguinal hernia, pregnancy
Genitofemoral nerve
Anything that extends hip will hurt
Obturator nerve
Pain with abduction, ext, IR (kick or twist)
Femoral nerve
Absent patellar reflex
Superior gluteal nerve
Motor only for glute med, min, TFL
Fall on butt or post hip sx approach
Pseudo sciatica
Inferior gluteal nerve
Motor only glute max
Post femoral cutaneous nerve
Pure sensory
Irritated from sitting activity
Cluneal nerves
Sensation to butt and medial anus
Won’t refer
Inferior cluneal n
Sensation to butt and medial anus
Won’t refer
Superior cluneal nerve
Prices QL
Pseudo sciatica
Maignes syndrome: TLJ dysfunction
Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
TFL, inguinal ligament,
Can be from belt, more superficial
Numbness anterior lat thigh
No motor sx
L2/L3 nerve root diff diagnoses vs inguinal nerve entrapment
Pain over the inguinal ligament is not with lumbar radic but common in lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
Sciatic nerve
+ tension testing
Decreased Achilles reflex
Lumbar vs sciatica nerve differential
Gluteal muscle are fine with sciatic nerve entrapment
Common peroneal nerve
Entrapped at neck of fib
Innervates short head biceps femoris (entrapment at or Prox to sciatic notch) but is spared in more distal entrapments
If deep perineal nerve is affected there will be loss of sensation in first web space, the extensor hallicus and digitorum brevis will be weak
Anterior tarsal tunnel syndrome
Caused by shoe laces tied to tight
Dorsal of foot parasthesia and 1st web space, weak EDB
Medial plantar nerve
Master knot of Henry
FHL/FDL tendinitis
First branch of the lateral plantar nerve
Comes from post tibial nerve
Sensation to 4th and 5th toes
Heel pain
Deferential from plantar fasciitis
Ttp medial calc for tibial nerve
Plantar faciiits had morning pain, that is not commo in nerves