Lumbar Exam Flow Flashcards
Patient position order
Standing, supine, side, prone, seated, straddle
What to perform while patient is standing?
Posture AROM Toe raises/heel walk Squat and rise Standing crest height Standing trochanteric crest height Single leg stand
lateral pelvic shift
What should be performed while patient is supine while doctor is at the table’s side?
High index neuro Low back/pelvic orthopedics SI distraction Pubic symphysis Aorta exam Abdominal exam Inspect feet and palpate pulse
Components of Lumbar High Index Neuro
Light touch Sharp/dull DTR: Vibration Babinski LE girth measurements Muscle tests: Hip flexor muscle test, Quadriceps test, Tibialis anterior, Extensor hallucis longus, Peroneus longus, Flexor hallucis brevis
Low back or pelvis orthopedics to be assessed while patient is supine
Active SLR Bilateral active SLR SLR (braggard, bowstring, max SLR) Kernig Fabere Modified Laguerre Hip circumduction Thigh thrust Thomas Knees to chest
What to perform while patient is supine
Hip internal rotation and external rotation
What to perform while patient is side-lying
Active abduction Gluteus medius muscle test Modified Ober's SI compression Side posture motion palpation (joint dysfunction)
What to assess while patient is prone
Prone low back/pelvic orthopedic
Soft tissue - hamstrings, ischial tuberosity, TFL, greater trochanter, piriformis, gluteus maximus/medius, lumbar paraspinals, quadratus lumborum
Bony and ligament - PSIS, long dorsal ligament, sacrotuberous ligament, SI joint provocation, iliolumbar ligament, lumbar and thoracic spine and ribs
Sciatic nerve
Low back and pelvis orthopedics to assess while prone
Gluteus maximus muscle test (L5, S1; sciatic n)
Hamstring muscle test (L5, S1; sciatic nerve)
Nachlas (quad/fem N stretch)
Hibb’s test (palpate piriformis) (hip)
Yeoman’s (SI/femoral nerve stretch test)
Sacral thrust (SI)
Farfan torsion (Lx facet/disc)
Prone extension (active, resisted, passive) (St/Sp)
What perform while patient is seated
Bechterew’s (Deyerlie, Slump)
Quadrant test
Lumbar and thoracic motion palpation