Luke Outline Ch 13-20 Flashcards
Luke 13:1-9
- Lessons for Israel
Luke 13:1-5
a. Tragedy and the need to repent
Luke 13:6-9
b. Parable of the spared fig tree
Luke 13:10-17
- Sabbath healing of the bent over woman
Luke 13:18-21
- Kingdom Parables: mustard seed and leaven
Luke 13:22-30
- The narrow and soon-shut door
Luke 13:31-35
- Lament for the nation as Jerusalem nears
Luke 14:1-6
- Another sabbath healing and silence
Luke 14:7-14
- Lessons on humility and generosity
Luke 14:15-24
- Parable of the great supper
Luke 14:25-35
F. Discipleship in the face of rejection: basic elements
Luke 15:1-32
G. Pursuit of sinners: heavens examples
Luke 15:1-7
- Parable of the lost sheep
Luke 15:8-10
- Parable of the lost coin
Luke 15:11-32
- Parable of the forgiving father
Luke 16:1-31
H. Generosity: Handling money and possessions
Luke 16:1-13
- Parable of the crafty steward
Luke 16:14-18
- Responses to the Pharisees’ scoffing
Luke 16:19-31
- Parable of Lazarus and the rich man
Luke 17:1-10
I. False teaching, Forgiveness, and Service
Luke 17:1-3a
- Warning about False teaching
Luke 17:3b-4
- Instruction about confronting the sinner and forgiving the penitent
Luke 17:5-6
- Exhortation to exercise even a little genuine faith
Luke 17:7-10
- Parable of the dutiful servant
Luke 17:11-18:8
J. Faithfulness in looking for the king, the kingdom and the kingdom’s consummation
Luke 17:11-19
- Healing of ten lepers and a Samaritans faith
Luke 17:20-37
- Question about the consummation
Luke 17:20-21
a. Basic reply
Luke 17:22-37
b. It’s quick coming and accompanying judgement
Luke 18:1-8
- Expectant prayer and promised vindication: parable of the nagging widow
Luke 18:9-30
K. Humbly entrusting all to the father
Luke 18:9-14
- Humility and arrogance: parable of the Pharisee and tax collector
Luke 18:15-17
- Children and faith
Luke 18:18-30
- Jesus discussion with a rich ruler and the disciples
Luke 18:18-23
a. The rich ruler and Jesus
Luke 18:24-30
b. Discussion about the rich ruler’s response
Luke 18:31-19:44
L. Turning to Jerusalem: messianic power, personal transformation, warning of responsibility, and entry with mourning
Luke 18:31-34
- The passion prediction
Luke 18:35-43
- Healing by the son of David
Luke 19:1-10
- Zacchaeus: Faiths transforming power
Luke 19:11-27
- Parable of Stewardship
Luke 19:28-40
- Jesus controversial approach to Jerusalem
Luke 19:41-44
- Weeping for Jerusalem
Luke 19:45-24:53
V. Jerusalem: the innocent one slain and raised
Luke 19:45-21:4
A. Controversy in Jerusalem
Luke 19:45-48
- Temple cleansing
Luke 20:1-8
- Question about authority
Luke 20:9-19
- Parable of the wicked vinedressers
Luke 20:20-26
- Question about Caesar’s tax
Luke 20:41-44
- Jesus question about the messiah
Luke 20:45-47
- Jesus condemnation of the Scribes
Luke 20:27-40
- Question about resurrection
Luke 21:1-4
- Counterexample: the widow who gave it all
Luke 21:5-38
B. Jerusalem’s destruction and the end
Luke 21:5-6
- Setting
Luke 21:7-11
- Signs before the end
Luke 21:12-19
- Persecution
Luke 21:20-24
- Picture of the end: Jerusalem’s destruction
Luke 21:25-28
- The end: coming of the Son of Man
Luke 21:29-33
- Parable of the fig tree
Luke 21:34-36
- Application: call to watch
Luke 21:37-38
- Jesus teaches at the temple
Luke 22:1-38
C. Betrayal and farewell
Luke 22:1-6
- Judas’s plan to betray
Luke 22:7-13
- Preparing for the meal
Luke 22:14-20
- Last Supper
Luke 22:21-38
- Last discourse
Luke 22:21-23
a. The betrayer
Luke 22:24-27
b. Greatness
Luke 22:28-30
c. Appointment to authority
Luke 22:31-34
d. Peter’s denials predicted
Luke 22:35-38
e. Swords and rejection
Luke 22:39-23:56
D. Trials and death of Jesus
Luke 22:39-46
- Preparation through prayer
Luke 22:47-53
- Betrayal and arrest
Luke 22:54-71
- Trial and denials
Luke 22:54
a. Jesus taken to the high priest
Luke 22:55-62
b. Peter’s three denials
Luke 22:63-65
c. Jesus reviled
Luke 22:66-71
d. Jesus condemned before the Sanhedrin
Luke 23:1-5
- Trial before Pilate
Luke 23:6-12
- Trial before Herod
Luke 23:13-25
- Sentencing by Pilate and release of Barabbas
Luke 23:13-16
a. Jesus’ innocence declared
Luke 23:18-23
b. The crowd’s demand: Jesus’ death and Barabbas’s release
Luke 23:24-25
c. Jesus’ condemnation and Barabbas’s release
Luke 23:26-49
- Crucifixion
Luke 23:26-32
a. To Golgotha
Luke 23:33-38
b. Crucifixion
Luke 23:39-43
c. Two thieves
Luke 23:44-49
d. Jesus’ death
Luke 23:50-56
- Burial
Luke 24:1-53
E. Resurrection and ascension of Jesus
Luke 24:1-12
- Resurrection discovered
Luke 24:13-35
- Emmaus road and a meal of discovery
Luke 24:13-16
a. Meeting
Luke 24:17-27
b. Conversation
Luke 24:28-32
c. Meal and revelation
Luke 24:33-35
d. Report to disciples
Luke 24:36-53
- Commission, promise, and ascension
Luke 24:36-43
a. Appearance at a meal
Luke 24:44-49
b. Commission, plan, and promise of the Spirit
Luke 24:50-53
c. Ascension