LUH72 Progression Deck Flashcards
Engine Failure at OGE Hover steps
- Collective- adjust to maint. rotor
- A/S- increase if possible
- Collective- adjust OEI limit or below (12FLI)
- Rotor speed- trim to MAX
- A/S- gain 65kts (Vy)
- Collective- reduce to OEI MCP / blw (11FLI)
- Aff Eng - ID
- SE/ES - Perform
- Land - ASA Practicable
Engine Failure at OGE Hover Procedures
- collective adjust, rotor trim to max, 20 deg nose down, maintain trim/heading.
- excel through 30 KIAS, adjust collective 2.5 min OEI (12FLI); excel through 45 KIAS.
- 200’ AGL and/or clear of obstacles, adjust to 65 KIAS, adjust to OIC MCP or below
Engine Failure Low Altitude/Low Airspeed/Cruise Flight Steps
- OEI Flt- Est
- Rotor Speed- Trim to MAX
- Aff Eng - ID
- SE/ES - Perform
- Land
Engine Failure Low Altitude/Low Airspeed/Cruise Flight Procedures
- announce engine failure, collective adjust to maintain RPM R, trim rotor to max, and adjust to OEI flight, maintain trim
- near landing adjust to 65KIAS, shallow approach, trim
- 50’ AGL and 40KIAS, running landing, NTE 300fpm descent, land w/ max FLI min fwd a/s
Autorotation Steps
- COL - reduce to maintain rotor speed
- A/S - maintain 70-90kts
- Dual Eng / ES - Perform
- Batt Mstr swtch- Off
Autorotation Procedures
- lower collective until engine and Rotor RPM split, maintain (60-90) 75* KIAS, trim
- NLT 200’ AGL ensure steady state auto is attained:
- RPM R in limits
- Airspeed
- Trim
- Landing area assured - Terminate with one of the 2 options:
- Power Recovery - abort
- Terminate with Power - continue w/ maneuver - 100’ AGL aft cyclic to deccel flare 15-20deg nose up, maintain alignment w/ landing
- 10’-15’ AGL collective to control descent/ground speed, reduce flare to 7deg, estab landing attitude
- come to stop at 5’ AGL, hover
Perform Manual Throttle (low side failure) Underspeed Steps
- OEI Flt- Est
- Bleed air consumers - Off
- VARNR - Chk Man
- Aff Eng- ID
- N2 Trim- comp NRO / Match TQ
- Twist Grip (aff eng)- Rels Stop - Rotate toward flt, stabilize Normal rng /FLI needles match
- Land - ASA Practical (perform VMC App. w/ man throttle. twist grip Idle before lowering COL)
Perform Manual Throttle (high/low side failures) Procedures
- confirm condition, identify malfunction, announce corrective action
- after landing, rotate twist grip to fly prior to placing collective in the full down position
Warning* - do not let limiting stop fall into place when #2 throttle is in the EMER area.
Caution* - releasing #1 safety throttle latch is difficult, will take longer to release
Fixed Pitch Steps
- COL - reduce to min SS
- A/S - 70kts or >
- Suit land area - SEL
- Shall app w/ nose left (perform is 40kts w/ nose left)
- A/S - Reduce to aligne nose with FLT direction
- Landing - Perform
* (If nose right above 40kts:) - A/S - Increase
- App - Abort/climb
- Auto - perform
Fixed Pitch Procedures
- airspeed 70 KIAS or above, intercept and maintain approach angle, slow to 40 KIAS, <300fpm rate of descent, nose left - continue (right - abort)
- arrive over the first 1/3 of the landing area approx 5’ AGL w/ nose left
- maintain altitude while decreasing a/s until aligned w/ landing direction, apply fwd cyclic
* collective increase will increase right yaw*
Perform Manual Throttle (high side failure) Overspeed Steps
1.COL - raise to maint. N2/NRO w/in limits
2. VARNR - Chk Man
3. N2 trim - NRO to 101 w/ match TQ
(If not possible:)
4. Aff Eng - ID
5. Twist grip - rotate toward Idle stabilize in Normal Rng/FLI needles match
6. Land - ASA Practical (perform VMC app w/ man throttle. Twist grip Idle before lowering COL)
Single Engine Emergency Shutdown
will situation allow for OEI flight?
1. Twist grip (aff eng) - Rotate slowly to Idle, check indications, then OFF
2. Rotor Speed - Trim to MAX
(Bleed air heating - will be shutdown automatically, depending on power margin of remaining eng - may be turned back on as follows:)
3. BLD HTG rheostat - ON
OEI Flight Conditions Establish in case power of Aff Eng Tends to Zero:
- Maintain ENG w/in Safe OEI Limits (12FLI or blw)
- Maintain A/C w/in Safe OEI limits (Airspeed: Max A/S 110kts below 12FLI……. OR……. Max 65kts between 12-14 FLI)
NOTE: If a climb is necessary to reach safe flt altittude, attempt to obtain 65 Vy (best rate of climb) or 45 Vx (best climb gradient speed). Then establish A/S between 65-110kts.
OEI Flight Conditions Establish in case power of AFF ENG Still Delivers Power:
- Establish steady level flight and determine if the situation will allow for OEI flight by setting AFF ENG to IDLE and maintaining the Normal ENG w/in appropriate OEI limits.
- *If ENG PWR is sufficient for OEI flight (w/ 1 ENG Idle and 1 ENG Normal) continue w/ remaining steps of the relevant procedure and Land ASA Practical.
- *If ENG PWR is NOT sufficient for OEI flight: Land ASA POSSIBLE
- Then perform SE/ES
* If necessary try to escape from danger w/ both ENGs operating
* To determine if the situation will allow for OEI flight - rule of thumb - check that the sum of individual ENG TQs is lower than the OEI TQ limit
Land Immediately
The urgency of the landing is paramount. Primary considerations is to assure survival of the occupants. Landing in water, trees or other unsafe areas should be considered only as a last resort.
Land as soon as POSSIBLE
Land w/out delay at the nearest adequate site (i.e. open field) at which a safe approach and landing can be made.
Land as soon as practical
The landing site and duration of flight are at the discretion of the pilot. Extended flight beyond the nearest approved landing area where appropriate assistance can be expected is not recommended.
Resetting tripped Circuit Breakers
A tripped CB shall not be reset In-Flight unless doing so is consistent with EP. No attempt should be made to reset a CB if it trips a second time.
Basic Rules for Emergency Procedures
- Maintain Aircraft Control
- Analyze the Situation
- Take Proper Action
FLI: Starting Maximum (red hollow triangle)
FLI : 8.5
Time: N/A
TOT: 785
FLI: Starting Transient (red solid triangle)
FLI: 11
Time: 5 sec
TOT: 865
FLI: Starting Normal Range (white band)
FLI: 6-7
Time: N/A
TOT: 650-700
FLI: AEO T/O Pwr Rng (yellow band)
FLI: 8.5-10
Time: 5 min
TQ: 71-88%
TOT: 845
FLI: AEO Max T/O Pwr (red vertical rectangle)
FLI: 10
Time: 5 min
TQ: 88%
TOT: 845