LU LI ST SP Acupuncture Flashcards
LU Back Shu Vs. Front Mu
BL13: LU Deficiency
LU1: LU Excess
LU Window of Sky
Visible Phlegm in LU
LU5 + LU1, ST40
Categories of LU7 (4)
Luo Connecting
Ren Confluent
Command of Head and Neck
Exit Point
Guest Host for LU *Wind Cold, Open Nasal Orifice
LU7 + LI4
Confluent Pairs LU7 + KD6 (Channels & Indications)
LU7 : Ren, KD6: Yin Qiao
Throat, Lung Dryness
“Sheng Mai San” Pt Combination
LU9 + BL13 (Yuan Source + Back Shu)
LU Ying Spring
Bleed ___ for Sore Throat
LU___ with BL17 for Hemoptysis
LU6 (Xi Cleft). BL17 *Influential of Blood
Jing Well of LI
What Pt Categories are on the Index finger?
LI2 (Ying Spring), LI3 (Shu Stream)
What are the Indications for LI4?
1) 4 Gates for Internal Wind/Dysmennorhea, Syncope. 2) Wind 3) Command of Face (Bell’s Palsy, Toothache) 4) Easy Labor (+SP6, BL67)
LI Pt Prescription for Yang Edema
LI6 + LU7, LI4, BL39
“Fire Engine” Point
LI__ (Anterior Shoulder), SJ __ (Posterior)
LI15, SJ14
Caution for LI18
Jugular Vein (Vs. ST9 Carotid)
LI Window of Sky
Pt Rx to Open Nose
LI20, LI4, BI TONG, DU23 *congestion=toward nose, runny nose=away, BL7
Crossing Pt of ST, Ren, & Yang Qiao
3 Leg Yang Muscle Meridian Mtg Pt
ST3, SI18
ST4 to ST6 + LI4
Bell’s Palsy
Distal Points of Face
LI4 + ST44
“Above The Joint” Vs “Below The Joint” GB__ vs ST ___
GB3, ST7.
Joint: Zygomatic Arch
Distance Btwn ST8 AND DU24
4.5 cun
ST8, GB13, GB15, BL4, BL3, DU24
ST8 + ST40
Headache with Phlegm, Dizziness. “Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Tang”
“Man’s Welcome” Ren Ying
Caution for ST9
Carotid Artery
Caution for ST12
Brachial Plexus
ST Window of Sky
ST9 *Excess Above, Deficiency Below
Mtg of All Yang Channels on Supraclavicular Fossa (Except ___ )
ST12 Area
LI, ST, SI, SJ, GB. Except UB
*All Yang Chanels Cross DU14
*All Channels Cross Diaphragm (Except UB)
ST Pts location to SCM
Anterior: ST9, ST10
Btwn: ST11
ST Pt @ 4th ICS
Avoid Needling
ST17 @ Nipple
Mastitis, Insufficient Lactation
ST18 + SI1, R17