LTA+EBA Flashcards
Section 113
Passenger Details-Routine Checks
D-Direct a person on a road to give identifying details.
I-Inspect/Test/Examine vehicle for road worthiness.
M-Move/Authorise another person to move any vehicle from obstructing.
D-Direct the driver/person in charge to remove the vehicle obstructing.
F-Forbid an unlicensed driver to drive.
F-Forbid a person operating a transport service without a licence to operate that transport service.
D-Direct traffic, vehicles, animals, pedestrians.
Section 114
Driver Details-Stopping vehicles/demand details.
A. Name/Address/DOB/Occ/Ph Num.
B. They own the vehicle.
C. Name/Address of Vehicle Owner.
Powers of arrest
A. Failure to stop.
B. Refuse to provide driver details.
C. Supply false/misleading details.
Section 115
Pink/Green Stickers
Pink-Unsafe-POL 555
Not in a safe condition to be driven on the road.
-Structural Rust/Illegal Mods/4 Bald Tires
Green-Defective-POL 650
Fails to comply with rules/regulations.
-Defective Exhaust/Tinted/Cracked Windscreen/Bald Tire.
Section 116
Powers of Arrest
Arrest without warrant if a person has failed to comply with a direction given under
Section 113-Land Transport Act
Section 115-Land Transport Act
Section 118
“Nark on a mate 14 days too late”
Obtaining Information-Owner/Hirer about Driver/Passenger-Offence Related
Any officer may require the Owner/Hirer of any vehicle to give information within 14 days which may lead to
A. ID/Apprehension of a Driver/Passenger.
B. If they have committed any Offence against any Act.
C. In a vehicle.
Fleeing Driver-Owner/Hirer must give details immediately.
Section 121
“Old McDonald Had A Farm”
Taking Keys/Forbidding Driving
F-Forbid that person to drive for a specified time.
A-All keys surrendered.
R-Render Vehicle Immobile.
M-Move/Cause vehicle to be moved from obstructing.
E-EBA Offenders forbidden to drive-12 hours.
D-Direct a person to drive to a specified place to have a rest if they exceed their driving hours.
Section 122
“12 for you”
Seizing Vehicles for 12 hours for Public Safety
Plus Additional 12 hours if needed
Section 123
“10 For Me”
Seizing/Impounding Vehicles for up to 10 days.
-Preserve Evidence
-Establish Cause Of Accident-Serious Traffic Accident
-Enable Scientific Examination
Section 90
“90 close to 100”
Demerit Points
A. 100 demerit points accumulated in 2 years.
B. Loss of licence for 3 months.
C. Alert on person.
Section 95
Licence Suspension-28 days-Alcohol/Speed
650 mcg Breath/130 mgm Blood.
400 mcg Breath/80 mgm Blood
Previous Conviction Relevant Offence-Within 4 years.
Fail/Refuse Blood Test after request of Officer/Authorised Medical Person at hospital
40 KPH over permanent speed limit
50 KPH over temporary speed limit
Section 96
Seize/Impound Vehicles-28 Days
-Disqualified/Suspended/Revoked/Forbidden/No Licence
-400 mcg/80 mg 2 previous convictions any relevant offence within 4 years
-Fail/Refuse blood test at request of Officer/Authorised Medical Person at Hospital.
Section 96 (1A)
“Boy Racers”
Seize/Impound Vehicles-28 Days
-Sustained Loss Of Traction
Process Of EBA
- Passive Breath Test-Pass/Fail
- Breath Screening Test-Pass/Under 250/Over 250/Over 400
- Require To Accompany-BOR/S85 Search/Take Keys (S121)
- Evidential Breath Test
- 10 Min Decision By Law (12 Mins)
- Elect For Breath-Summons for Excess Breath.
- Fail/Refuse EBT or Incomplete
- Officer Requires Blood Test/Doctor Requires Blood Test
- Blood Test Procedures-Results-Summons Excess Blood.
Under 20 Alcohol Limit
0 Alcohol Limit
Under 20-Penalty
Over 80 MG-BLOOD
3 Months Imprisonment
$4500.00 Fine
6 Months DQ Licence
Under 20-Penalty
Over 30 MG-BLOOD
3 Months Imprisonment
$2250.00 Fine
3 Months DQ Licence
Youth Aid Services
Under 20-Penalty
Under 150 MCG-BREATH
Under 30 MG-BLOOD
$200.00 Fine
50 Demerit Points
Infringement Notice-ION
BREATH does not exceed-150 MCG
BLOOD does not exceed-30 MG
Over 20
Alcohol/Blood Limit
Over 20-Penalty
Over 80 MG-BLOOD
3 Months Imprisonment
$4500.00 Fine
6 Months DQ Licence
Over 20-Penalty
Over 250/Under 400 MCG-BREATH
Over 50/Under 80 MG-BLOOD
$200.00 Fine
50 Demerit Points
$700.00 Fine if fail and refuses EBT
Threshold for a 28 day licence suspension
Section 95 LTA
Section 119
“Have you had a Wine”
Powers of Entry on any premises to carry out Breath/Alcohol testing and seize vehicles
What does RIDS stand for ?
What Sections relates to powers to have a blood sample taken ?
Section 68 (2) LTA
Section 73
Driver Offences Behaviours
- Inconsiderate
- Careless
- Dangerous
- Reckless
Driver Responsibilities-Injury
Timeframe-ASAP or Within 24 Hours
To Whom-Nearest Police Station/Police Officer
Driver Responsibilities-Damage
Timeframe-48 Hours
To Whom-Owner
Timeframe-60 Hours
To Whom-Police