LT operant learning theory (skinner) Flashcards
What did Skinner suggest?
He suggest that a particular behaviour results from conditioning.
If a behaviour is rewarded the behaviour is likely to be repeated again, this is postitive reinforcement.
If a behaviour results with something undesirable then it’s less likely to be repeated, this is punishment
What is behaviourism?
The cause of someone’s behaviour lies in the reinforcements and punishments
What is operant conditioning?
Learning through consequences
What is the differential reinforcement theory?
Skinner argued that all behaviour is the result of reinforcement and punishment. If this is the case then it must explain criminal behaviour as well.
To explain offending both punishments and rewards need to be looked at.
Strength: how can this be applied to crime and offending? Explain real life application
Jeffrey states that if crime leads to more rewarding outcomes, than punishments, then offending if more likely to happen. This has real life application because it can be applied to real life and the crime that happens, it can also be used in any courts to explain why crimes have been committed
Weakness: it only focuses on conditioning, ignoring other factors, why is this deterministic?
The theory ignores internal mental processes, including thinking, personal values and attitudes. It doesn’t take into account personality
Weakness: skinners research is based on his study on rats, why is it bad that it’s animals?
Operant learning theory is based on studies of learning in animals. This isn’t an accurate model and representation of humans. This can’t be expected to explain criminal behaviour. It can’t be generalised to humans, lack of validity
Strength: is there research to support skinner? What did he study?
Skinner study of learning in animals show that they learn from experience through reinforcement. His study was on rats, and how they repeated a specific behaviour because it was rewarded with food. This can be linked to criminal behaviour