LT Exam Flashcards
What two SCOTUS cases establish the exclusionary rule?
- Weeks v. US
- Mapp v. Ohio
What is one significant thing a SUPERVISOR can be disciplined for?
Lack of supervision
What type of evidence are weapons, fingerprints, blood, and drugs?
Physical evidence
When you establish the minimum blood alcohol content, is that direct or circumstantial evidence?
Direct evidence
What are the 4 vehicle descriptors?
(Acronym: CYMB)
GRATUITIES (Withrow & Dailey):
Who is a “Presenter”?
Offers a gift voluntarily and without expectation of a return from the receiver.
GRATUITIES (Withrow & Dailey):
Who is a “Contributor”?
Furnishes something towards a result and expects something in return.
GRATUITIES (Withrow & Dailey):
Who is a “Capitulator”?
Involuntarily responds to the demand of the receiver.
GRATUITIES (Withrow & Dailey):
Who is an “Acceptor”?
Receives the gift humbly.
GRATUITIES (Withrow & Dailey):
Who is an “Expector”?
Looks forward to the gift and is annoyed in the absence of it.
GRATUITIES (Withrow & Dailey):
Who is a “Conqueror”?
Assumes TOTAL control over the exchange.
GRATUITIES (Withrow & Dailey):
Which two types are NOT corruption?
“Presenter” & “Acceptor”
What is a better way to describe “Random Patrol”
“Varied Patrol.” Because you’re not wandering aimlessly, you’re just varying the route in such a way that you patterns are unpredictable to criminals.
Who in MSP maintains social media? (Unit, division, & office?)
Public Affairs, Executive Division, Office of the Director.
What is indirect or circumstantial evidence?
Merely tends to incriminate a suspect by tying them to the crime, but it does not offer conclusive proof.
Who is the father of modern day policing?
August Vollmer
- What is the primary characteristic of an anticipatory search warrant?
- What case?
It requires a triggering condition (US v. Grubbs).
What rule of law comes from Chimel v. California?
Incident to a lawful arrest, you can search the arrestee’s (1) person and (2) the area within their immediate control (meaning the area from which he might gain possession of a weapon or destructible evidence).
What are the three eras of policing?
- Reform Era: 1800-1900.
- Social Upheaval: 60’s & 70’s.
- Community Policing: 1980-2000.
What are the three main methods to create crime scene sketches? Describe each.
- Coordinate method/baseline technique: Measures an object from two fixed points of reference.
- Triangulation method: Bird’s eye view best used for outdoor scenes.
- Cross-Projection method: Best for indoor scenes (top-down view where the walls are “folded down” to allow measurement up the walls.
What is a crime scene sketch?
Basically a handwritten photograph of a crime scene, but unlike a photograph it represents the scene as it actually is rather than as it is perceived by the viewer (e.g. photos can distort scale, distance, etc.).
How do you measure the effectiveness of community policing?
The absence of crime.
What is “authentic leadership”?
Being deeply aware of how you think, behave, and are seen by others. You can be both genuine or a real bastard.
Does a LEO posing as a prisoner need to give Miranda warning? What case is controlling?
No. Illinois v. Perkins.
Who is a “cognitive interview” appropriate for?
Witnesses and victims.
What case deals with “stop and frisk”?
Terry v. Ohio
What case establishes the primary factors for use of force?
Graham v. Connor
What are the four factors considered in field interviews?
- Freedom of movement.
- Number of officers.
- Physical contact.
- Retaining personal property.
What are the four search patterns?
- Spiral.
- Grid.
- Strip / line.
- Quadrant / zone.
What is “active patrol”?
Uses every available opportunity to discover, detect, observe, and interdict.
What is a “transactional” leader?
Gives something to get something. Motivates followers by appealing to their self-interest.
What is a community policing supervisor considered?
If 2 officers are NOT present for a CI payment, within what time frame must command follow-up?
90 days.
What did Withrow & Daily research?
Corruption related to gratuities.
What is the laisse faire style of leadership?
Hands off, reluctant to use authority or make decisions.
What is an “admission”?
A self-incriminating statement that falls short of an acknowledgement of guilt.
What is a personnel complaint?
Allegations of misconduct against any employee by someone inside or outside the organization.
What is “directed patrol”?
Putting cars in certain areas or giving special attention to certain areas. You direct patrol efforts to areas where crimes are most likely to occur.
What does a transformational leader do? And how?
MOTIVATES by emphasizing the upper levels of Maslow’s hierarchy.
What does equality in community policing mean?
Having equal access to police treatment and services.
What does “community policing” involve?
Community and police participation and problem solving.
What was the Christopher Commission, and what did it find regarding mid-level force tactics?
LAPD investigation after Rodney King. Officers didn’t believe there were any effective mid-level force tactics, which led to greater use of deadly force.
MSP vision statement?
Be a leader and partner in law enforcement and public safety, with a highly trained, full-service state police force that is mobile, flexible, and responsive to emerging public safety needs across Michigan.
What is one of the most important contributions an officer can make?
Field interviews.
What are Kelling & Moore known for?
Evolution of policing.
What are the command steps for prosecuting a grievance?
- Immediate supervisor.
- District commander.
- Director.
- Arbitration.
What was the Knapp Commission formed to investigate?
Institutionalized corruption in NYPD.
How often shall long guns be cleaned and function checked?
What is a reason a police officer is in a bad shooting?
They must make a split-second decision.
How often do long guns need to be inspected?
What is a primary characteristic of a FINISHED crime scene sketch?
It is drawn to scale.
What is sleeping on duty considered?
Shirking responsibility.
Regarding news releases, is it acceptable to report whether someone was stabbed or shot?
Define stalking (how many instances).
Two or more separate, non-continuous instances . . . .
The “leadership skill mix” involves what 3 categories?
- Human relationship skills.
- Conceptual skills.
- Technical skills.
Who must you forward news releases to?
Public affairs unit (at the same time as release to media).
Describe the charismatic leader.
They are not hard on employees and do not strong arm them.
Elements of carjacking?
- Offender used violence.
- In the course of a larceny of a motor vehicle.
- Victim was the operator or passenger in lawful possession of the vehicle.
Who trains CSTs?
Grants and Community Services Section / Prevention Services.
To who is workplace violence reported?
HR director or an immediate supervisor.
What is entrapment?
When police engage in impermissible behavior that would induce an otherwise law-abiding person to commit a crime in similar situations, OR police engage in conduct so reprehensible that it can’t be tolerated by the Court.
MSP values statement?
“A proud tradition of service through excellence, integrity, and courtesy.”
How old must ride-alongs be?
18, unless a student with district commander approval.
What is the primary difference between chemical and biological agents?
Chemical agents have an immediate effect.
How much notice do you get before an inspection?
At least 5 days, except for unannounced inspections.
What is the exclusionary rule?
Evidence obtained in violation of the 4th Amendment will be excluded. (related to Fruit of the Poisonous Tree).
What is it considered when you don’t follow orders?
CSTs must submit what form how often?
TD-55 on the 10th of every month.
Can a CI be compelled to testify?
How many outside employment hours are allowed?
What is NOT a factor in a pursuit?
Time of day.
What is the punishment for larceny <$200?
93-day misdemeanor.
What is the offense level for careless driving?
Civil infraction–you cannot arrest for it.
When can an officer return to work after an OIS?
After being cleared by behavioral science.
Who must authorize release of personnel files?
Director or HR Division commander.
What is the BAC limit for off-duty carry?
What 3 relays are prohibited?
- Property.
- Prisoners.
- Mentally ill.
What section is responsible for all phone moves?
Communications Section.
Define the mobilization signals.
Signal 1: Notify troops, NORMAL WORK, carry mobilization gear.
Signal 5: Paper squads, NORMAL WORK, carry mobilization gear.
Signal 7: Report to duty stations. (Standby mode–normal work is usually curtailed unless an exception is met).
What level of officer action corresponds to a subject displaying PASSIVE RESISTANCE?
COMPLIANCE CONTROLS (e.g. pressure points).
What is the greatest area of constitutional encroachment in the area of post arrest publicity?
When the media releases information about a crime.
What are the Department discipline timeframes?
What is the most important step in a complaint against employee?
The investigation.
When can a minor complaint against employees be closed?
After consulting with Labor Relations.
Can you pursue on a department motorcycle?
What is the relationship between timely crime reporting and arrest?
The longer it takes to report a crime, the less chance there will be an on-scene arrest.
What is the innovative supervisor associated with?
Community policing.
What do incident command managers bring to a situation?
What is the relationship between traffic enforcement and crime?
There is a STRONG relationship between traffic enforcement and crime prevention.
What is the primary tool to reduce traffic crashes?
Traffic enforcement.
What are the 3 levels of police/citizen contact?
- Voluntary / informational.
- Investigatory detention.
- Arrest.
Can Garrity statements be used in a criminal case?
How many patrol cars are allowed in a pursuit?
- (New order says at least 2 MSP cars though).
Who should you avoid using a TASER on (unless other forms of control have failed)?
- Children.
- Elderly.
- Pregnant.
- Ill.
- Crippled.
How many hours do you have to conduct an arraignment?
48 hours.
How long is the waiting period before administering a PBT?
15 minutes.
When does “failure to protect” kick in?
When officers fail to protect a person from a “known and foreseeable danger.”
What are “sexual shakedowns”?
When officers demand sexual services from prostitutes, homosexuals, and others engaged in criminal activity as a form of protection.
Can you accept subpoenas on behalf of the Department, the Director, or other members?
What 3 constitutional amendments most affect the criminal justice system?
4th: unreasonable searches & seizures.
5th: self-incrimination, due process, double jeopardy.
6th: speedy trial and confrontation of witnesses. Also right to counsel.
What is “intelligence led policing”?
Attempts to identify terrorists & targets, and also enhance intelligence gathering and use skills.
What fraction of drivers get stopped?
1 in 10.
Do troopers have to obey traffic laws under normal driving conditions?
Yes. We have no immunity during normal driving conditions.
What is the most common evidence found at a crime scene?
What is maximum COMP time accrual?
160 hours.
What is proper court attire for a member?
Uniform or business attire.
How often can an inspection be?
Every 10-14 months.
What information can be released to the media before and after arraignment?
BEFORE ARRAIGNMENT: Gender, age, general location of residence. (e.g. a 24 y/o Gaylord man . . . ).
AFTER ARRAIGNMENT: Everything but race.
Should you conduct a juvenile interview at a school?
A TASER may not be used on a handcuffed suspect UNLESS _______?
They are using active aggression.
An active CI must have checks done on them how often?
Every 6 months.
If an employee is arrested, what must they do?
Report it immediately.
What must a trooper provide a citizen if requested?
Name & badge number.
Minimum number of people for a riot?
What are the 4 types of disciplinary action?
- Written warning.
- Written reprimand.
- Suspension without pay.
- Discharge.
Who is the acting colonel when the colonel is not available?
FSB Deputy Director.
How long do temporary policies remain in effect?
Current year plus 2.
What are benefits/drawbacks of crime scene photos?
They do not show distances, but they are easily store/retrieved and provide easy reference for judge/jury.
What did the Kansas City prevention patrol experiment reveal?
That increasing patrols doesn’t necessarily reduce crime or improve citizen feelings of security.
What are the protected categories for discriminatory harassment?
age, sex, religion, disability.
Can any member contact EEOC directly?
What is the trooper/sergeant composition of a mobilization platoon?
24 troopers (6 per squad), 4 sergeants (1 per squad), and 1 grenadier. 1 platoon leader.
What department form is used as the “mobilization roster”?
Can you be a “transformational” leader without being a “charismatic” leader?
Yes, but they’re often used interchangeably. You can be transformational without people being drawn to you as a charismatic person.
Whose responsibility is traffic enforcement?
How long does IA have to initiate an investigation?
90 days.
Name the investigations in the IACP book.
Internal, external, and personal complaint involving officer conduct.
In employment discrimination cases, federal guidelines in employment cases have found potential discrimination where the members of one race or other protected class are selected at below ________% the rate of another?
80% (referred to as the four-fifths rule). See
What style of interviewing communicates to the suspect/interviewee that you don’t want them to benefit from cooperating with law enforcement?
(?) still looking for answer
During an investigation into a discriminatory harassment complaint, due to the sensitive nature of the subject, who should you contact to be a part of the investigation?
The department EIO.