LSW Exam Flashcards
def: primitive drives, instinctual needs
properties: need gratifying, primary process thinking, unconscious discharge tension
def: mediator between id and superego & between internal/external reality
properties: defense mechanisms
def: conscience, ego ideal
properties: right and wrong, uses internal/external rewards and punishments to control and regulate id impulse
a failure to resolve a conflict (psychoanalytic theory)
three levels of mental activity
unconscious: thoughts, feelings, desires, memories (unaware)
preconscious: thoughts & feels brought to consciousness easily
conscious: mental activities - fully aware
Stages of Psychosexual Development
1) Oral (0-18mos) world explored through mouth, dependency needs externally met, libido centered onn oral
2) Anal (18-36mos) elimination/retention, holding on, letting go, impulse regulation beginning, some self-control
3) Phallic/oedipal (36mos-6yrs) affection directed at opp. sex parent, rival w/same sex parent, genital investment
4) Latency (6-11yrs) formal learning occurs, peer friendships, same-sex peer relationships primary, energy invested outside family
5) Genital (11-15yrs puberty & 11-19yrs adolescence) intense love capable of sexualization, egotistic and altruistic, ambivalence toward parents and other adults
Psycho-social Theory
Personality develops with interaction and mastery of social environment.
Trust vs Mistrust
Erikson 0-12mos -sufficient supplies enable assurance of care -soothing to prevent overstimulation -certainty of mother
Autonomy vs Shame/Doubt
Erikson 18-36mos -verbal and conceptual stim -language dev -permission to explore w/protection against danger -beginning differentiation
Initiative vs Guilt
Erikson 3-6yrs -begin. to be away from home -play w/peers -pride in self/achievements -separate from parents -superego dev
Industry vs Inferiority
Erikson 6-11 yrs -conformity in educational institution -->some sacrifice of creativity/imagination -intellectual/social mastery -cooperation with others
Identity vs Role Confusion
Erikson 11-18yrs -partial sep. from parents -peer relationships are primary -sexual identity confirmed -conformity within group -dev of vocational goal -second individuation phase
Intimacy vs Isolation
Erikson Erikson 19-30yrs -leaving home -dev of career -intimate relationships -commitments to sex, role identity, occupation, social role
Generativity vs Stagnation
-achievement of stable new family
-achievement and productivity in vocational area
Ego Identity vs Despair
Erikson 65+yrs -acceptance of mortality -satisfaction of previous life roles -opp for further self-dev -adequacy in dealing with loss (death/illness)
Separation-Individuation Theory
Margaret Mahler
- dev of consolidated sense of self as result of separation and individuation from love object
- 0-3yrs
- leads to object constancy
1) Attachment
- Normal Autism: 0-2/3mos - someone meets all physiological needs, stimulus barrier, alert inactivity
- Normal Symbiosis 2-5/6mos - “I vs Not I”, omnipotent fusion w/mother, mutual cueing w/mother
2) Separation
- Hatching 6-8/9mos - alert when awake, exploration of others, observation/peek-a-boo, discrimination of mother vs others, stranger anxiety
- Practicing 9-18mos - optimal distance, upright mobility, height of narcissism, trying out autonomous skills,
3) Individuation/Rapproachement
- Beg 15-22mos - disengagement vs intense need for attention, resurgence of stranger anxiety, shares discoveries, identifies body as own, attaches to others when mother absent
- Rapp. to Crisis Proper 24-30mos - ambivalent behaviors (clinging/demanding), splitting of self, transitional objects help, can leave mother vs being left
- Res. of Crisis 30-36mos - language dev, play masters anxiety, internalization of parental demands, dev own means to solve dilemmas
4)Object Constancy 36+mos - ok w/mother leaving bc understands she will return, memory retention, play is purposeful and constructive, unified self and other image (good/bad)
Cognitive Developmental Theory
Jean Piaget
4 stages completed by 11yrs
1) Sensorimotor: 0-2yrs
- intentional actions, signal-meaning, language beginning
2) Pre-Operational: 2-7yrs
- night terrors/magical thinking, concrete thinking, egocentric, centered on one detail or event
3) Concrete Operations: 7-11yrs
- beg of abstract thought, fairness is issue, cause/effect understood, comprehension of past/present/future, logical implications understood, reversible thinking
4) Formal Operations: 11+yrs
- higher level abstract thinking, planning for future, perspective-taking,
Moral Development Theory
Lawrence Kohlberg
Need higher levels of cognitive reasoning to achieve moral reasoning. Levels of moral reasoning:
Stage I: Pre-conventional - based on avoiding punishment/serve own needs, “right” is relative
Stage II: Conventional - need to look good in own/other’s eyes, maintain social system
Stage III: greater moral principles, sense of personal commitment to do what is right, greater good
Stages of Death & Dying
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance
Problem-Solving Approach
Helen Harris Perlman
4 P’s (person, problem, place, process) looked at during process of change
Psychsocial Approach
Florence Hollis
- People seen in context of interactions/transactions with external world.
- Need formal medical, psychological, social history
Crisis Intervention
Naomi Golan
- Brief intervention of 6-8 wks
- Goals:
1. relieve stress w/social-emotional resources
2. return to previous level of functioning
3. help strengthen coping mechanisms and dev adaptive coping strategies
Classical Conditioning/Respondent
Ivan Pavlov
- stimulus-response
- dog/bell/food
Operant Conditioning
BF Skinner
ABCs of behavior & FBA
Used mostly for sexual dysfunction, phobic disorders, compulsive behaviors, DD/autism
Rational Emotive Therapy
- Cog-oriented approach
- Change client irrational arguments thru argument, persuasion, rational re-evaluation, teaching client to counter self-defeating thinking w/new non-distressing self-statements
experiences not isolated but part of perceptual system of interdependent factors - tx is experiential, here/now, used with groups/indiv
Structural Family Therapy
Salvador Minuchin
importance of family organization –>functioning/well-being of group
-boundaries (interpersonal, w/outside world, generational), enmeshment
-interventions: family mapping, parent training, strengthening co-parent relationships, building family hierarchy, enactment, joining
Multi-generational approach
Murray Bowen
family issues result of unfinished business in family of origin relationships; problems are fusion/inadequate individuation
Goal: increase differentiation of individuals and avoid triangulation/emotional cut-offs
Interventions: genogram, extensive history-taking, education about impact of family system on current family system
Strategic Family Therarpy
Jay Haley/Palo Alto Group
- All problems have multiple origins; presenting problem is symptom/response to current dysfunction in family interaction
- Therapy focuses on altering feedback style
- Techniques: relabeling, reframing, directives,
Concurrent therapy
tx of two or more people - usually seen by different therapists
Conjoint therapy
tx of 2 or more people in sessions together
Object Relations
internalized images of self and others based on early parent-child interactions which determine a person’s mode of relationship to other people
Object Relations Theory
Melanie Klein & British School
-Stresses object-seeking propensity of infant instead of focusing exclusively on libidinal and aggressive drives
Undifferentiated family ego mass
the emotional fusion or enmeshment of a family
Stages of Group Development
- Forming/Pre-Affiliation: dev of trust
- Storming/Power&Control: struggle for indiv autonomy and group identification
- Norming/Intimacy: utilizing self-service in group
- Performing/Differentiation: acceptance of each other as distinct individuals
- Adjourning/separation&termination: independence
Primary prevention
to prevent; aimed at reducing the prevalence of a problem by reducing incidence of new cases; creating environments that promote mental health
(Ex: teen pregnancy - boys/girls clubs)