LS5 - Nature Vs Nature Flashcards
Everything outside the body
Where traits are passed down genetically.
Interactionist Approach
Biology and the environment work together to determine behaviour
Nature Vs Nurture
The relative contributions of genetic inheritance and the environment to behaviour and human development
Influence Of Nature
Physical characteristics are determined by heredity, even some characteristics are positively correlated with genetic relatedness, suggesting there’s a link with psychological characteristics.
Nativist Position
Characteristics of the human evolution are a product of evolution and someone’s genetic code.
Support For Nature
Twin studies show the closer the relatedness of 2 people the increased similarity in behaviour e.g. the chance of developing schizophrenia is 1% but 46% if both of your parents have it.
Evolution (Supporting Nature)
Natural selection suggests behaviours that increase our chance of survival will be passed on as they provide an advantage.
The Influence Of Nurture
Environmentalists assume that the mind is a blank state that’s filled through experience, any psychological/behavioural differences after infancy are received through learning e.g. Bandura doll study.
Nature Vs Nurture (+)
Interactionist Approach
Genetic Disorder PKV
Supports Neural Plasticity
Nature Vs Nurture (-)
Determinist Views
Environmentalist Views
Interactionist Approach (+)
Recent research shows interaction between nature & nurture is essential for almost all behaviour, which is better than picking one.
Genetic Disorder PKV (+)
Caused by 2 recessive genes, leading to mental retardation, however being placed on a low protein diet from young, can reverse the effects.
Psychopathology (+)
Both a genetic predisposition and environmental trigger is needed for a disorder to develop e.g. diathesis stress model.
Diathesis Stress Model
Where your’e born with a gene making a disorder more likely however it only develops if triggered by an environmental stressor.
Epigenetics (+)
The change in genetic activity without genetic code, due to environmental interactions. Changes in lifestyle leave marks on DNA, highlighting which to use and affecting the genetic code of our children, introducing the influence of previous generations behaviour.
Supports Neural Plasticity (+)
The brain can reorganise itself by forming new neural connections, which is a result of the interaction between nature and nurture.
Determinist View (-)
Leads to controversy linking race, genetics and intelligence, blaming nature for people’s behaviour can lead to controversial policies.
Environmentalists View (-)
Allowing good behaviours to be reinforced through therapy and bad behaviours to be ignored, does this make us puppets of our environment?