Ls- 5,6,7,8,9 Flashcards
Arthashastra was written by?
Kautilya/ Chanakya/ Vishnu Gupta
Write about Arthashastra of Kautilya
Pg 55
Write about indika
Pg 55
Write about the edicts of Ashoka
Pg 55, 56
What are different types of Ashoka’s Inscriptions
Pg 56
What information could be extracted by Ashoka’s edicts?
Pg 56
How was the administration brought up on provincial level?
Pg 62
How was the military administration in Mauryan empire?
Pg 63
How was the revenue brought up in Mauryan empire?
Pg 62
How was the spy system brought up in Mauryan empire?
Pg 63
Write about the central administration of Mauryan empire.
Pg 61
What are the sources of information of the Sangam age?
Pg 74,75
What are the chief literally sources of the reign of Gupta’s?
Pg 84
Write about the allahabad pillar inscription.
Pg 84
What were the contributions of people in the Gupta age on the basis of mathematics and astronomy?
Pg 93,94