LS 2 Vocabulary Flashcards
jump start
to cause something to start quickly / to give new energy to something
to get someone to take part in something
a custom or way of acting that is common
the person in charge of an organization
glass ceiling
an unfair system that prevents certain people from being promoted to high positions
near and dear to
very important to someone
gender gap
differences between salary and job opportunities for men and women
to move to a higher position or job
hold someone back
to keep someone from doing something
a person with a clear idea of what should be done in the future
a rule, custom, etc. that makes something difficult or impossible
role model
someone who another person wants to be like
a group that directs a company or organization
the nature of
the basic quality something has
a skill or way of doing something
wanting to have or achieve something
mixed race
having parents from different racial backgrounds
the qualities, beliefs, and valuse that make a person or group who they are
to do nothing in response to something or someone
to accept and approve of something
unpleasant or harsh
made up of the same kind of people or things
an idea or story that is believed by many people but is not true
related to genes
refusal to accept something new or different
a general direction of change
plateau (v)
to stop growing or increasing
long-standing (adj)
lasting or existing for a long time
nonetheless (adv)
however (formal)
integrate (v)
to make something or someone a part of another larger thing
outstrip (v)
to be or become better, greater, or larger than (someone or something)
category (n)
a group of people or things that are similar in some way
visa (n)
an official mark or stamp on a passport that allows someone to enter or leave a country usually for a particular reason
restriction (n)
a law or rule that limits or controls something
trainee (n)
a person who is being trained for a job
trafficking (n)
the act or business of illegally buying something and selling it especially in another country
migration (n)
to move from one country or place to live or work in another
key (point or idea) (adj)
main or important (point or idea)
human capital (n)
the economic value of a worker’s skill set
bilateral (adj)
involving two groups or countries
a high bar (id)
a hihgh standard or expectation
roll out (v)
to offer or sell (something) for the first time
innovate (n)
to do something in a new way
refugee (n)
someone who has been forced to leave a country because of war or for religious or political reasons
the upshot (n)
the final result or outcome of a process or discussion
citizen (n)
a person who legally belongs to a country
the company line (id)
the official policy (that is often different from what really happens)
labor (n)
work or a job (usually physical)
demographic (n)
the qualities (such as age sex and income) of a specific group of people
decline (n)
to become lower in amount or less in number
sustain (v)
to provide what is needed for (something or someone) to exist
prime of life (id)
the best years of one’s life or youth
outsource (v)
to send away (some of a company’s work) to be done by people outside the company
welfare (n)
a government program for poor or unemployed people that helps pay for their food housing or medical costs
statistics (n)
a number that represents a piece of information
hit & miss (id)
erratic or not consistent
independent (adj)
not requiring or relying on other people for help or support
unique (adj)
unlike anything or anyone else
encourage (v)
to make (someone) more likely to do something
self reliance (n. phr)
to depend on oneself
affluent (adj)
having a lot of money
evidence (n)
something which shows that something else exists or is true
irrefutable (adj)
impossible to prove wrong
subtle (adj)
hard to notice / not obvious
underlying (adj)
the cause or basis of an issue or problem
paranoia (n)
an unreasonable feeling that people are trying to harm you
abuse (n)
to treat (a person or animal) in a harsh or harmful way
neglect (v/n)
to fail to take care of or to give attention to
institution (n)
a place where an organization takes care of people for a long period of time
foster care (n. phr)
care for children who cannot stay with their parents (usually staying with another family instead of an institution)
facility (n)
building made for a specific purpose
throwaway (adj)
made to be discarded
ratio (n)
the relationship that exists between the size number or amount of two things (example 12 to 1 OR 12:1)
infant (n)
a very young child
adopt (v)
to take a child of other parents legally as your own child
vague (adj)
unclear or not specific
social pyramid (n. phr)
distribution of social status in a pyramid shape (the highest are a small number at the top)
poverty (n)
the state of being poor
disorder (n)
a lack of order or organization
trauma (n)
a very difficult or unpleasant experience that causes someone to have mental or emotional problems usually for a long time
find one’s feet (idiom)
to becmome confident in a new situation pr experience
(government) aid (n)
financial help
inferior (adj)
less good than
the group that is the smaller part of a larger group
custody (of a child) (n)
the legal right to take care of a child
skeptical (adj)
having or expressing doubt about something
strain (n)
something that is very difficult to deal with and that causes harm or trouble
burden (n)
someone or something that is very difficult to do or deal with
status-quo (n)
the way things are now
out of sight out of mind (idiom)
something is easily forgotten or considered unimportant if it is out of view
delegate (n)
a person who is chosen to vote or act for others
ultimately (adv)
finally / in the end
commission (n)
a group of people who have been given the official job of finding information about something or controlling something
ruling (n)
an official decision
sanctuary (n)
a place where someone or something is protected or given shelter
reconcile (v)
to cause people or groups to become friendly again after an argument or disagreement
consensus (n)
a general agreement about something
binding (adj)
requiring someone to do something because of a promise
activist (n)
a person who tries to help make changes in politics or society
clash (v)
to fight or disagree
conservationist (n)
someone who tries to protection of animals plants and natural resources
myriad (adj/n)
a very large number of things
outstrip (v)
to become more than or use more than something
mandate (v)
an official order to do something
deputy (adj/n)
an important assistant who helps the leader of a government
kick (something) off (idiom)
to start soomething
weed out (v phr)
to remove (people or things) from a group
versatile (adj)
able to do many different things
world-renowned (adj)
known throughout the world or world famous
spate (n)
a large number of things that appear or happen in a short period of time
spectacularly (adv)
very impressively or wonderfully
sector (n)
an area of an economy
basically (adv)
in general
photographic memory (n phr)
perfect memory
discipline (n)
punishment for bad behavior OR the ability to keep working hard at something
sacrifice (n)
giving up something you want to achieve something or help someone
around (number)
a good size (phr)
a lot or large
hellish (adj)