LR Flashcards
“Fact Test”
- any answer that has any uncertainty (less then 100% true/false) is wrong!
Premise Indicators…
- because
- since
- for
- for the reason that
- in that
- given that
- as indicated by
- due to
- furthermore
Conclusion Indicators…
- thus
- therefore
- hence
- consequently
- as a result
- so
- accordingly
- it follows that
- it must be that
Ask yourself, “Which one of these answers, makes the conclusion less likely to be true?”
- Read with the idea that there is something “missing” in the argument/conclusion (prephrase)
Correct Answer;
- is sufficient to prove the conclusion when added to the premise
- logically proves the conclusion of the argument
- adds a piece of information to the premises that makes the reasoning structure valid
- if there is a “new” element in the conclusion, that same element will be found in the correct answer
Correct Answer;
- to be general: eliminate the weakness!
- any answer that strengthens the argument, whether by 1% or 100%
- eliminate any alternate cause for the stated effect
- show that when the cause occurs, the effect occurs (and the contrapositive)
Correct Answers;
- the assumption has to be true and NECESSARY for the conclusion to be true (including contrapositives)
- use the “assumption negation technique”
- logically negate the answer choice (do once you have narrowed it down some)
- then the negated answer choice which attacks the argument is the correct answer
Method of Reasoning
Incorrect Answers;
- they often begin by describing something that occurred in the stimulus but end by describing something that did not occur
Correct Answer;
- every correct answer has 2 req’s
- answer must accurately describe what the author did/said
- answer must actually describe an error of reasoning like a flaw (but a failure to do something is not a flaw)
Correct Answer;
- employ the “Parallel Reasoning Elemental Attack” (steps 1-3) *don’t use all 3, just skip to whatever is easiest/quickest
- parallel reasoning – is the argument in the stimulus uses an analogy, the correct answer choice will also likely use an analogy
- parallel the conclusion – an absolute conclusion in the stimulus will be matched by an absolute conclusion in the correct answer choice
- parallel the premise – like above
When you take the contrapositive, you also change the “and” to “or” and vice versa
Sufficient Conditions…
if when whenever every all any people who in order to
Necessary Conditions…
then only only if must required *unless, *except, *until, *without (*these words mean that they can sometimes come at the beginning of the sentence, but still symbolizes a necessary condition & the other term is negated)
if conditional reasoning (suff/nec), immediately look for the “repeat” or “contrapositive” answer!!!
Causal Indicators
- caused by
- because of
- responsible for
- reason for
- leads to
- promoted by
- determined by
- produced by
- is an effect of
- was a factor in