LQ Quiz Flashcards
Motion that occurs at the hip in gait…
Flexion - 35degrees @ IC
Extension - 10-20degrees @ PS
In what action does the largest WB force occur at the hip?
4.5x BW
What is Femoral anterior glide syndrome?
Lacking posterior glide
Excessive flexibility in anterior capsule
Runners, dancers, soccer, females
What are the EMG exercises for glue med (highest to low)
lateral band walks, SL hip abduction
wall squats, quadruped w a/l lifts
bilateral bridge, clams
good mornings, cable walk outs
S/S of femoral anterior glide syndrome
groin pain with hip flexion and standing
sway back posture
Impingement association, hip flexor strain
S/S of lateral glide syndrome
deep groin pain popping hip active subluxation with adduction pain in weight bearing Association: troch. bursitis, snapping hip, piriformis strain
S/S of femoral hypomobility syndrome
deep groin pain, referred pain down inner thigh pain constant but vary in intensity associated with WB activities stiffness in morning or after rest Ages 55+
Treatment of lateral femoral syndrome
strengthen hip adductors and all external rotators
mid range initially
Treatment of hypo mobile syndrome
ROM all planes
Cane (opposite side)
Acute vs chronic hamstring strain
Acute - sudden movement, deceleration and eccentric
Chronic - proximal myotendinous junction (isch tube)
Acute hamstring strain signs
palpable tenderness
loss of ROM / strength
Acute hamstring strain reccurrence
common (25%) 2 weeks muscle imbalance (glutes vs. hamstring dominance) improper warm up fatigue
Acute hamstring strain treatment
muscle balance
ROM in pain free zone
neuromuscular control
progressive agility, trunk exercises
Chronic hamstring strain MOI
long distance runners
proximal tendon of semimembranosus
have an initial injury that becomes chronic
Chronic hamstring strain symptoms
pain lateral to isch tube deep buttock pain posterior thigh pain worse in sitting sciatic neuropathy may be present