LPCC Law and ethics Flashcards
Regardless of education and training, LPCC’s are NOT allowed to…
Regardless of education and training, LPCC’s are NOT allowed to
o Projective techniques in personality assessment
o Individually administered IQ tests
o Neuropsychological testing
o Using a battery of 3+ tests to determine: psychosis, dementia, amnesia, cognitive impair, criminal behavior
Acceptable abbreviations on advertisements include
Registered Associate Professional Clinical Counselor
registered associate PCC
*(‘APCC¬’– only used if full title included)
Licensed Prof Clinical Counselor or/ LPCC
In regards to social media, it is unethical to:
In regards to social media, it is unethical to:
- search or view CT’s social media (unless given permission)
- “friend” CT’s (or teachers ‘friending’ students)
AKA establish virtual relationship - NOT create a separate personal and professional account
- share confidential info
To provide teletherapy to a CT in state, legally the TH must:
To provide teletherapy to a CT in state, legally the TH must:
hold current & valid license
Legally, prior to starting teletherapy, TH must:
Legally, prior to starting teletherapy, TH must
(1) Obtain informed consent from CT
(2) Inform potential risks and limitations of telehealth TX
(3) Provide CT with license # and type
(4) Document efforts to ascertain the contact info of relevant resources + emergency services, in CTs area.
Legally, prior to the start of each teletherapy session, TH must:
Legally, prior to the start of each teletherapy session, TH must:
(1) Verbally obtain & document CT full name + address of present location
(2) Assess CT appropriateness for telehealth (including consideration of CT’s psychosocial situation)
(3) Utilize industry best practices for telehealth to ensure CT confidentiality and security of communication
Legally, to use teletherapy with a CT residing out of state only if:
Legally, to use teletherapy with a CT residing out of state only if:
A CA licensee or registrant meets the requirements in that jurisdiction,
telehealth is allowed by that jurisdiction.
Ethically, Telehealth and TH website (advertisement), must include:
Ethically, Telehealth and TH website (advertisement), must include:
- electronic links to licensure and professional certification boards
- Website = Accessible for disabled Ct’s + translation services
Ethically, informed consent for electronic storage of CT records should include:
Ethically, informed consent for electronic storage of CT records should include:
how records are maintained (security + length of storage time)
Ethically, bartering is acceptable only if:
Ethically, bartering is acceptable only if:
- no exploitation or harm
- CT requested
- arrangement accepted by professionals in community
*consider cultural implications, discuss relevant concerns, & document in clear written contract
Ethically, when determining to accept GIFTS, TH must consider:
Ethically, when determining to accept GIFTS, TH must consider:
- therapeutic relationship
- monetary value of gift
- CT’s motivation
- TH motivation for wanting to accept or decline
Ethically, when working with groups:
Ethically, when working with groups:
- screen & select prospective CT’s who:
have similar needs + goals
won’t impede group process
won’t be harmed by group experience - protect CT’s from trauma (physical, emotional or psychological)
It is unethical for TH working in an organization to self-refer (refer CT’s to private practice), unless…
It is unethical for TH working in an organization to self-refer (refer CT’s to private practice), unless…
organization’s policies make explicit provisions for self-referrals
(if allowed, inform CT’s of other available options)
It is unethical to split fees, or…
It is unethical to split fees, or…
give or receive payment, discounts, or any compensation for referrals
It is unethical to refer prospective or current clients due to,
It is unethical to refer prospective or current clients due to:
TH personal values, beliefs & behaviors
seek training when = risk of imposing values, TH values inconsistent w/CT goals or are discriminatory
ethically, TH should avoid entering or continuing therapy when:
ethically, TH should avoid entering or continuing therapy when:
TH lack of competency
(give culturally / clinically appropriate referrals)
if CT decline referrals, TH terminates
When is it ethically appropriate for TH to terminate?
it is ethically appropriate for TH to terminate when …
- CT no longer needs assistance
- CT not likely to benefit
- CT harm
- CT non-payment
- TH jeopardy of being harmed by CT or CT acquaintance
*Provide pretermination counseling & referrals (when necessary)
It is UNETHICAL to have sexual / romantic relationship with former CT within..
It is ILLEGAL to have sexual relationship with former CT within…
UNETHICAL to have sexual / romantic relationship with former CT within = 5 years post-termination
ILLEGAL to have sexual relationship with former CT within = 2 years post-termination
Prior to CT assessment, ethically TH must:
Prior to CT assessment, ethically TH must:
disclose the purpose and nature of assessment
When providing an evaluation, it is unethical to:
When providing evaluation, it is unethical to:
evaluate current/former CT’s (or partners/family )
can’t give therapy to those evaluated
Prior to CT evaluation, ethically TH must:
Prior to CT evaluation, ethically TH must:
- obtain written consent
- inform of purpose (it’s not therapy)
- whom info is shared with
Ethically, a TH may refrain from making a diagnosis or
reporting a diagnosis if…
Ethically, a TH may refrain from making a diagnosis or
reporting a diagnosis if = it is in the best interest of the client.
It is unethical for assessment to be…
It is unethical for assessment to be = unsupervised (unless intended for self-administration)
When CT is in a professional relationship with other mental professionals, ethically TH should:
When CT is in a professional relationship with other mental professionals, ethically TH should:
get CT release to inform other TH + collaborate
Ethically, informed consent should include:
Ethically, informed consent should include:
limits of confidentiality (supervisor/team)
type of services provided
purpose, goals, techniques, limitations, risk /benefits
TH credentials, experience & approach
procedures for TH death
technology role
test/report use
fees, billing, non-payment
participate in Tx plan
right to refuse services/modality changes + consequences
Informed consent with mandated CT’s should ethically include:
Informed consent with mandated CT’s should ethically include:
limits of confidentiality + reporting requirements
type of info shared + with whom
right to refuse + consequences
Sexual or romantic (virtual + in-person) relationships are considered unethical:
Sexual or romantic (virtual + in-person) relationships are considered unethical with:
current CT (or friends/family/partner) former CT (or friends/family/partner) within 5 years post termination
*can’t start therapy when CT-TH had previous relationship
It is considered unethical to start therapy with friends or family when:
It is considered unethical to start therapy with friends or family when = Th unable to remain objective
virtual friendship (social media) with current CT is =
virtual friendship (social media) with current CT is = UNETHICAL
When determining whether to accept Gift, ethically TH must consider…
When determining whether to accept Gift, ethically TH must consider…
therapeutic Relationship + monetary value + CT/TH motivation
Th have an ethical duty to _______, for CT’s to improve barriers/access for Ct growth. TH must obtain _____
Th have an ethical duty to _______, for CT’s to improve barriers/access for Ct growth. TH must obtain _____
CT informed consent (prior)
Prior to role changes, ethically TH must:
Prior to role changes, ethically TH must:
CT informed consent + right to refuse services + potential consequences
Examples: (vice versa)
individual TO couple /family
evaluative TO therapeutic role
counselor to mediator
Ethics on use of Testimonials
Ethics on use of Testimonials
Th who use testimonials, DON’T SOLICIT them from CURRENT/FORMER CT’S (or any person vulnerable to undue influence)
TH obtain CT permission & discuss implications
ethically, when making public statements TH must clarify:
ethically, when making public statements TH must clarify:
TH are speaking from their personal perspectives & are not speaking on behalf of all TH or the profession
when providing consultation, ethically TH must
when providing consultation, ethically TH must =
Written/verbal agreement of rights/responsibilities + fees + risks/benefits + purpose + conf limits
It is unethical to evaluate…
It is unethical to evaluate…
current / former CT’s (or friends/family)
unethical to counsel ppl TH is evaluating
Ethically, when using social media, TH should =
Ethically, when using social media, TH should =
create separate professional and personal web pages and profiles that clearly distinguish between the two kinds of virtual presence
Lack of knowledge or misunderstanding of ethical responsibility
*Lack of knowledge or misunderstanding of ethical responsibility = is not a defense against charge of unethical conduct
Ethically, teletherapy informed consent should include:
Ethically, teletherapy informed consent should include:
o Telehealth credentials, Th physical practice location +
contact info
o Risks / benefits (potential misunderstanding = lack of
visual cues/tone of voice + ways to address)
o Limits of confidentiality w/tech use
o Possible technology error + Alt method of service delivery
o Anticipated response time
o Crisis procedures
o Time zone differences
o Cultural / language issues (may affect delivery of services)
o Possible denial of insurance benefits
o Social Media Policy