Lower Respiratory Infections: Bronchitis / Influenza / Pertussis - Part 1 Flashcards
What differentiates a LRI from a URI?
LRI is in the chest area
URI is above the chest
These are connected though - you should still ask URI questions (runny nose, sore throat)
What are the pertinent questions for LRI? (just read over)
What is causing it?
Is it acute or chronic?
Is it associated with constitutional symptoms?
Is it serious or constitute an emergency? (SOB, not forming sentences)
What do I need to assess?
What tests do I need to order?
How can I be confident in my diagnosis?
When to treat empirically?
What to prescribe and when are antimicrobials necessary?
When ordering tests, what should you do?
Order minimally based on s/s
How often do adults vs kids have LRI?
Adults 2-3 times a year
Children 8 a year
What is the #1 cause of a high instance of childhood LRI?
Second-hand smoke
How long do symptoms persist for LRI, and why is this an issue?
Persist for weeks :(
Often viral, so no AB
What differentiates viral and bacterial?
Bacterial = lack of cough, prolonged symptoms, SOB, fever
What are some PMH / PSH / Social Hx / Family Hx?
Married / Single - relationship status
Social - smoker, if so, how many years, how many per day, ever tried to quit?
Environmental exposure
Recent travel (could lead to PE)
Recent hospitalization (hospital-acquired illnesses) or surgery
Family history - COPD, asthma, cancer, HTN, HLD, etc.
What are the general s/s of LRTI?
General: Fever, malaise, weakness, fatigue, wt loss (cancer/TB)/gain, headache
What are the EENT of LRTI?
Itchy/watery eyes, discharge, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, post-nasal drip, earache, fullness in ears, facial pain
What are the CV of LRTI?
Chest pain/pressure, dyspnea (rest, exercise, sleep), palpitations
What are the respiratory of LRTI?
Cough: productive / nonproductive, post-tussive emesis, hemoptysis, dyspnea
What are the abdominal of LRTI?
N/V/D, dyspepsia, hematemesis, hematochezia
What are the skin of LRTI?
Rash, lesions, easy bruising
What are the PE findings of LRTI?
General: NAD
CV: RRR w/o murmur, normal S1/S2, no thrills, rubs, or gallops, peripheral pulses equal throughout.
Neck: Trachea midline, no JVD, no LAD
Respiratory: Inspection /Palpation Percussion / Auscultation
No nasal flaring, no retractions. CTAB, no W/R/R.
What are the Skin: Rashes, lesions, bruising, pedal edema, or clubbing
Why would a patient with a cough have a rash?
Might see petechiae d/t trauma from coughing so much.
What is acute, sub-acute, and chronic cough?
Acute < 3 weeks
Sub-acute 3-8 weeks
Chronic >8 weeks
What separates acute from chronic bronchitis?
Cough more than 3 months over a 2 year period
Treated differently d/t pathology and outcomes
What is the #1 cause of acute bronchitis? What are t he.
VIRAL MC (90-95% of cases), bacterial not as common
What percent of acute bronchitis seek treatment?
How long does acute bronchitis last?
Lasts 5 days to 3 weeks
When do you see bacterial bronchitis?
Immunocompromised patients (which is why this is not common)
What is the sputum production of bronchitis?
Sometimes none
Why is there pain in the chest from palpate the chest for acute bronchitis?
Irritation from coughing can cause pain
What is the pathophys of acute bronchitis?
- direct inoculation of tracheobronchial epithelium
- Hypersensitivity (last 1-3 weeks, sloughed epithelium leading to sputum production, air passages are clogged by this debris and irritation)
What are the viruses that cause acute bronchitis?
Influenza A/B
What are the bacterial causes of acute bronchitis?
Strep pneumo
H flu
M cat
Same as AOM!!!
What are the atypical causes of acute bronchitis?
B pertussis
C pneumonia
M pneumonia
B bronchiseptica (kettle cough)
typically in immunocompromised
What is the MC of Acute bronchitis?
Influenza A/B
What do you need to know for HPI of acute bronchitis?
Nature and duration of cough
Fever, malaise
Expectoration (amount, consistency, hemoptysis)
Breathing problems (dyspnea, stridor)
Smoking history
Previous respiratory infections, chronic bronchitis/sinusitis
Allergies, COPD, Asthma / Comorbidities
Hoarseness, rhinitis
Medication(s) ACE I
Exposure to inhalative noxae
Resp tract diseases in family
What are the symptoms of acute bronchitis?
Substernal pain
Fever (low grade, often absent)
Chest tightness
What symptoms are not seen in acute bronchitis?
no URI symptoms
these often proceed acute bronchitis
What are the PE of acute bronchitis?
General: Lethargic, irritable unable to speak, vitals (,T, RR)
ENT: Ears, nose, throat
Palpate and transilluminate sinuse
CV: Heart, JVD
Lungs: Inspection / Percussion / Palpation / Auscultation
Wheezing - insp/exp
Rhonchi - clear w/ cough?
What is wheezing indicative of?
What is rhonchi?
Mucous that clears as you cough (clear lungs afterwords)
What is the difference between stridor and wheezing?
Stridor: inspiratory (blockage)
Wheezing: expiratory
What are some zebras of acute bronchitis?
Diffuse wheezing with increased respiratory effort (worried about asthma, RSV), use of accessory muscles
Stridor (inspiration problems)
Sustained heave across left sternal border? RVH
Clubbing of digits and peripheral cyanosis? (chronic bronchitis)
Bullous myringitis? (atypical)
Conjunctivitis, adenopathy, and rhinorrhea? (viral - adenovirus)
What does adenovirus affect?
Every mucous membrane
What do we need to r/o for acute bronchitis
pneumonia: fever, dyspnea, SOB, productive cough - hear isolated rales)
GERD: chronic cough
UACS: upper airway congestion syndrome, chronic drainage, AKA postnasal drip
ACEI use