lower limb- thigh and gluteal region Flashcards
what are the three compartments of the thigh? describe them.
- anterior/extensor of knee/flexor of hip (femoral innervation). includes the femur.
- medial/adductor (obturator nerve)
- posterior/flexor of knee/extensor of hip (tibial portion of sciatic nerve)
- the gluteal compartment contains the abductors.
name the anterior thigh muscles
- pectineus
- iliopsoas
- sartorius
- quadriceps femoris
describe the location, attachments, innervation and action of pectineus
- flat, quadrangular shaped muscle in anterior superomedial thigh
- adducts and flexes the thigh and assists in medial rotation
- proximal attachment is to the superior ramus of pubis, distal attachment is to the pectineal line of femur just inferior to lesser trochanter
- innervation is mostly from the femoral nerve.
describe the location, attachments, innervation and action of iliopsoas
- lies in the posterior wall of abdomen and greater pelvis
- acts as the most powerful flexor of the hip. also has a stabilising action
- is divided into psoas major, psoas minor and iliacus
- psoas major attaches proximally to sides of T12-L5 vertebrae (and discs and transverse processes). distally attaches to the lesser trochanter of femur. innervation is anterior rami of L1-3)
- psoas minor attaches proximally to sides of T12-L1, attaches distally to pectineal line and iliopectineal eminence. nerve supply is anterior rami of L1-2
- iliacus attaches proximally to the iliac crest, diliac fossa and ala of sacrum. distally attaches to tendon on psoas major, lesser trochanter and femur distal to that. innervation is femoral nerve (L2-3)
describe the location, attachments, innervation and action of sartorius
- passes obliquely across the superoanterior thigh
- acts to flex hip joint, also weakly flexes knee, weakly abducts thigh and laterally rotates it (think leg crossing)
- proximal attachment is ASIS and notch inferior to it, distal attachment is to superior part of medial surface of tibia
- innervation is femoral nerve (L2-3)
describe the location, attachments, innervation and action of the various parts of quadriceps femoris
- forms the main bulk of the anterior thigh. has four parts: rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, vast us medialis
- major action is extension of the knee. rectus femoris also acts to flex the hip
- distal attachment of all four segments is the quadriceps tendon in which the patella is embedded. the extension of this tendon is the patella ligament which attaches to the tibial tuberosity. note that the medial and lateral vasti also attach independently to the patella via aponeuroses. these help to stabilise the knee
- innervation to all segments is demoral (L2-4)
- proximal attach of the rectus femoris is AIIS
- proximal attach of the vastus lateralis is greater trochanter and lateral lip of linea aspera
- proximal attach of the vastus medialis is intertrochanteric line and medial lip of linea aspera
- proximal attach of vastus intermedialis is anterior and lateral surfaces of shaft of femur
what is a psoas abcess?
- abscess arising in the abdomen from the sides of the T12-L5 intervertebral discs/vertebrae/transverse processes
- can occur in assoc with tuberculosis or complicating inflammatory bowel disease
- pain may be referred to hip, thigh or knee
- sometimes may be palpated in the inguinal region
name the five medial thigh muscles
- adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus, gracilis and obturator externus
describe the location, action, innervation and attachment of the adductor longus
- large, fan shaped, most anteriorly placed of the adductor group
- acts to adduct thigh
- innervation is obturator (L2-4)
- proximal attachment is body of pubis inferior to pubic crest
- distal attachment is middle third of linea aspera of femur
describe the location, action, innervation and attachment of the adductor brevis
- short adductor, lies deep to pectineus and adductor longus
- action is adduction of thigh
- innervation is obturator (L2-4)
- proximal attachment is body and inferior ramus of pubis
- distal attachment is pectineal line and proximal part of linea aspera
describe the location, action, innervation and attachment of adductor magnus
- largest, most powerful and most posterior of the adductors. has and adductor part and a hamstring part.
- has an aponeurotic distal attachment along the entire length of the linea aspera of the femur, extending inferiorly onto the supracondylar ridge
- the hamstring part has a tendinous dotal attachment to the adductor tubercle creating a gap, the adductor hiatus.
- the adductor part attaches proximally to the inferior ramus of pubis and ramus of ischium. innervation is obturator (L2-4)
- the hamstring part attaches proximally to the ischial tuberosity. innervation is tibial part of sciatic (L4)
describe the location, action, innervation and attachment of gracilis
- long slender strap like muscle, the most medial muscle of the thigh. crosses knee joint as well as hip joint
- action is adduction of thigh, flexion of lower leg. minor medial rotation
- innervation is obturator (L2-4)
- proximal attachment is body and inferior ramus of pubis
- distal attachment is superior part of medial surface of tibia
describe the location, action, innervation and attachment of obturator externus
- small flat muscle, deeply placed in the superomedial thigh (under pectinous)
- action is lateral rotation and steadying of head of femur
- innervation is obturator (L2-4)
- proximal attachment is margins of obturator foramen and obturator membrane
- distal attachment is trochanteric fossa of femur
what are the boundaries of the femoral triangle
- superiorly the inguinal ligament
- medially by adductor longs
- laterally by sartorial
- the floor of the femoral triangle is formed y the illiopsoas laterally and the pectinous medially
- the roof is formed by the fascia kata and the cribiform fascia, sub cut tissue and skin
what are the contents of the femoral triangle
- femoral nerve and its branches
- femoral sheath and its contents: the femoral artery and several of its branches, femoral vein and its tributaries, deep inguinal lymph nodes and associated lymphatic vessels
- these items then pass downwards through the adductor canal (an intramuscular pathway)