Lower Limb Muscle Anatomy Flashcards
Name the highlighted muscle.

Vastus Lateralis
Name the highlighted muscle.

Name the highlighted muscle.

Tibialis Anterior
Name the highlighted muscle.

Adductor Longus
Name the highlighted muscle.

Tibialis Posterior
Name the highlighted muscle.

Vastus Intermedius
Name the highlighted muscle.

Extensor Hallucis Brevis
Name the highlighted muscle.

Vastus Medialis
Name the highlighted muscle.

Psoas Major
Name the highlighted muscle.

Peroneus Longus
Name the highlighted muscle.

Gluteus Maximus
Name the highlighted structure.

Femoral Nerve
Name the highlighted structure.

Femoral Vein
Name the highlighted muscle.

Abductor Digit Minimi
Name the highlighted muscle.

Name the highlighted structure.

Femoral Artery
Name the highlighted muscle.

Name the highlighted muscle.

Flexor Digitorum Longus
Name the highlighted muscle.

Name the highlighted muscle.

Rectus Femoris
Name the highlighted structure.

Common Illiac Artery
Name the highlighted structure.

Common Peroneal Nerve
Name the highlighted muscle.

Extensor Digitorum Brevis
Name the highlighted muscle.

Name the highlighted muscle.

Gluteus Medius
Name the highlighted muscle group.

Deep Lateral Rotators
Name the highlighted muscle.

Name the highlighted muscle.

Abductor Hallucis
Name the highlighted muscle.

Name the highlighted muscle.

Flexor Hallucis Longus
Name the highlighted muscle.

Adductor Brevis
Name the highlighted muscle.

Name the highlighted muscle.

Biceps Femoris
Name the highlighted muscle.

Biceps Femoris
Name the highlighted muscle.

Gluteus Maximus
Name the highlighted muscle.

Vastus Lateralis
Name the highlighted structure.

External Iliac Vein
Name the highlighted muscle.

Flexor Digitorum Longus
Name the highlighted muscle.

Gluteus Medius
Name the highlighted muscle.

Vastus Lateralis
Name the highlighted structure.

External Iliac Artey
Name the highlighted muscle.

Name the highlighted muscle.

Peroneus Brevis
Name the highlighted muscle.

Name the highlighted muscle.

Vastus Medialis
Name the highlighted structure.

Internal Iliac Artey
Name the highlighted muscle.

Gluteus Medius
Name the highlighted muscle.

Extensor Digitorum Brevis
Name the highlighted muscle.

Name the highlighted muscle.

Adductor Magnus
Name the highlighted muscle.

Gluteus Maximus
Name the highlighted muscle.

Extensor Digitorum Longus
Name the highlighted muscle.

Flexor Digitorum Brevis
Name the highlighted muscle.

Tensor Fascia Latae
Name the highlighted muscle.

Name the highlighted muscle.

Adductor Longus
Name the highighted muscle group.

Deep Lateral Rotators