Lower Limb Flashcards
Compare the stability of the shoulder joint & hip joint based on the arrangement of the following structures
1.1. Articular surfaces (30)
1.2. Capsule, ligaments & Muscles (50)
1.3. Movements & stability (20)
Shoulder Joint (SJ) – Articulation of Glenoid Fossa with Head of Humerus
- SJ is a multiaxial ball & socket type synovial joint.
- Head of the humerus makes 1/3rd of a sphere.
- Glenoid fossa is shallow, with the head four times larger than the fossa.
- Glenoid labrum tries to deepen the articular surface, yet congruity is less, making the articulation weak.
- Superiorly, the secondary socket formed by the coracoacromial arch provides some stability.
Hip Joint (HJ) - Articulation of Acetabular Fossa with Head of Femur
- HJ is also a multiaxial ball & socket type synovial joint.
- Head of the femur makes more than half of a sphere.
- Acetabular fossa is deep, with the acetabular labrum further deepening it.
- Congruity is high, making the articulation strong.
- Length and obliquity of the femoral neck contribute to HJ stability.
Capsule and Ligaments
- Capsule is lax but strong in both joints.
- In HJ, capsule is reinforced by the iliofemoral ligament (anteriorly), ischiofemoral ligament (posteriorly), and pubofemoral ligament (inferiorly).
- In SJ, reinforcement is mainly by the glenohumeral and coracohumeral ligaments, making it weaker inferiorly.
- Stabilization of SJ is mainly by the rotator cuff muscle group: subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor. Deficient inferiorly.
- Long head of biceps prevents upward dislocation.
- Long head of triceps provides some inferior stability.
- SJ is weakest inferiorly, leading to common inferior dislocations.
- HJ is surrounded by muscles: iliopsoas (anteriorly), gluteus maximus (posteriorly), rectus femoris, gluteus medius & minimus (superiorly), and adductors (inferiorly).
- Both joints allow flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, medial and lateral rotation, and circumduction.
- SJ has a great range of movement due to laxity of the capsule, disproportionate articular surfaces, and the presence of the shoulder girdle.
- HJ has a wide range of movement due to the toughness of its capsule, deepened articulation, yet it has less movement compared to the shoulder girdle.
Describe the blood supply of the head of the femur
Greater part of the head of the femur is supplied by retinacular arteries along the retinacular part of the capsule. These arteries arise from the trochanteric anastomoses, which are formed by:
- Superior gluteal artery
- Medial circumflex femoral artery (ascending branch)
- Lateral circumflex femoral artery (ascending branch)
- Inferior gluteal artery (occasionally)
The arteries via the ligaments capitis
- The major blood supply to the femoral head before puberty is from the acetabular branch of the obturator artery. However, this supply is negligible in adults and more prominent in children.
- The diaphysial artery is the second perforator of the profundus femoris artery.
Explain the clinical importance of above blood supply regarding the fractures of neck of the femur
- Subcapital fracture, cervical fracture, and basal fracture are fractures proximal to the distal attachment of the capsule of the hip joint, thus classified as intracapsular fractures.
- Capsular attachment is anteriorly at the intertrochanteric line and posteriorly halfway down the neck of the femur.
- In adults, the femoral head primarily receives blood supply via retinacular arteries. Disruption of this blood supply occurs in the aforementioned fractures.
- The disturbance in blood supply leads to avascular necrosis of the head of the femur.
- However, a pretrochanteric fracture doesn’t disrupt this main blood supply and therefore does not lead to avascular necrosis, as it is an extracapsular fracture.
- Before puberty, the major blood supply to the head of the femur is via arteries through the ligamentum teres capitis, entering through the fovea capitis. This blood supply remains undisturbed in the above fractures.
- Avascular necrosis is relatively rare in children.
Describe the microscopic structure of muscle fibers of the psoas muscle including its arrangement of its myofibrils (30)
The Psoas muscle is composed of skeletal muscle fibers (SMF) bound together by collagenous supporting tissues. Each muscle fiber is surrounded by endomysium, a loose connective tissue, and grouped together to form fasciculi, surrounded by perimysium, another connective tissue. The whole muscle mass is invested by epimysium, a dense connective tissue. Psoas muscles facilitate voluntary contractions.
Skeletal muscle fibers are elongated, unbranched, cylindrical, and multinucleated cells with nuclei located in the periphery. The organization of myofibrils within these fibers comprises two types of myofilaments: thick filaments mainly composed of the protein myosin, and thin filaments mainly composed of the protein actin. This organization results in cross-striations, alternating between broad light I bands consisting only of thin filaments, and dark A bands consisting of both types of filaments.
Within the A band, there is a lighter H band consisting only of thick filaments. Z lines bisect the I bands and extend from one Z line to another, defining the sarcomere, which is the basic unit of contraction of a skeletal muscle fiber.
How does the microscopic structure differ from that of heart muscle fiber?
Skeletal Muscle Fiber:
Fibers arranged as fascicles
Elongated, cylindrical, unbranched cells
Multiple peripherally situated nuclei
Intercalated discs absent
Muscle triad located at the junction of A & I bands
Cardiac Muscle Fiber:
Arranged as interwoven bundles
Cylindrical, branched, uninucleated fibers
Single central nucleus (Some cells may be binucleated)
Intercalated discs present
Muscle triad located at Z lines
Define the femoral triangle.
- It is a gutter-shaped triangular depression.
- Located in the upper third of the anterior thigh.
- Laterally bounded by the medial border of Sartorius.
- Medially bounded by the medial border of Adductor Longus.
- The base of the triangle is the inguinal ligament.
- The apex is directed downwards and continuous with the upper end of the adductor canal.
- The floor of the triangle is composed of Iliacus, Psoas major, Pectineus, and Adductor Longus from lateral to medial.
- The roof is formed by skin, superficial fascia, and fascia lata from superficial to deep.
Describe the relations of the nerves and vessels within the femoral triangle.
The relations of the nerves and vessels within the femoral triangle are as follows:
- The external iliac artery continues as the femoral artery below the inguinal ligament and is initially contained within the femoral sheath. The femoral vein lies medial to it.
- The femoral sheath, an elongation of the Transversalis and Iliacus fascia, has three compartments:
- The lateral compartment contains the femoral artery and the femoral branch of the genitofemoral nerve.
- The middle compartment contains the femoral vein.
- The medialmost compartment is the femoral canal, which contains the node of Cloquet, a deep inguinal lymph node.
- The femoral nerve lies lateral to the femoral artery outside the femoral sheath, on the Psoas muscle. It gives terminal branches one inch below the inguinal ligament. The nerve to Vastus Medialis continues into the adductor canal. The Saphenous nerve is initially superficial and then medial to the femoral artery.
- The three superficial arteries of the femoral artery reach the superficial fascia through the saphenous opening or by piercing the fascia lata. They are the superficial circumflex iliac, superficial external pudendal, and superficial epigastric arteries.
- The femoral artery also gives three deep branches:
- The profunda femoris artery originates from the lateral side of the femoral artery and runs between pectineus and adductor longus to descend over adductor brevis and magnus.
- The profunda femoris gives the lateral circumflex femoral artery, which goes between the anterior and posterior divisions of the femoral nerve.
- It also gives the medial circumflex femoral artery, which runs between Psoas major and pectineus to leave the femoral triangle.
- The lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh enters the triangle laterally below the inguinal ligament and leaves the triangle into the superficial fascia.
- The femoral vein drains the greater saphenous vein just below the femoral sheath. The three superficial arteries are accompanied by veins that drain into the greater saphenous vein.
Describe the origin, course and distribution of the femoral nerve.
- The femoral nerve is the chief nerve of the anterior compartment of the thigh.
- It is formed by the posterior division of the anterior rami of lumbar nerves 2, 3, and 4.
- After emerging at the lateral border of the psoas major, it runs in the iliac fossa.
- It travels in the groove between the iliacus and psoas major.
- The femoral nerve supplies the iliacus muscle in the abdomen via the nerve to iliacus.
- Upon entering the femoral triangle by passing deep to the inguinal ligament, it lies on the lateral side of the femoral sheath, which separates the nerve from the femoral artery (the artery is medial to the nerve).
- Upon entering the femoral triangle, the femoral nerve gives a branch to pectineus, which runs deep to the femoral sheath and enters the anterior surface of the pectineus muscle, supplying it just distal (4cm) to the inguinal ligament.
- The nerve divides into its terminal anterior and posterior branches, which are separated from each other by the lateral circumflex femoral artery.
- The anterior branch supplies the Sartorius muscle via the nerve to Sartorius, which is continuous as the intermediate cutaneous nerve of the thigh.
- The medial side of the thigh is supplied by the medial cutaneous nerve of the thigh.
- The posterior division supplies the quadriceps femoris via the nerve to rectus femoris, which continues to supply the hip joint and via the nerve to vasti (medial, lateral, and intermediate), which continues to supply the knee joint.
- The saphenous nerve also arises from the posterior division. It runs in the adductor canal with the femoral vessels and leaves it by piercing the fascial roof of the canal and runs downwards (crosses the femoral artery lateral to medial, superficially in the adductor canal) to supply the medial part of the leg up to the base of the big toe.
Give an account on femoral canal (30)
The femoral canal can be described as follows:
- It is the medial compartment of the femoral sheath.
- Conically shaped, being wide above and narrow below.
- The upper end or base is referred to as the femoral ring.
- It is bounded:
- Anteriorly by the inguinal ligament.
- Posteriorly by pectineus muscle and its covering fascia.
- Medially by the crescentic edge of the lacunar ligament.
- Laterally by a septum separating it from the femoral vein.
- Contains a lymph node of Cloquet/Rosenmuller, lymphatics, and a small amount of areolar tissue.
- The lymph node drains the glans penis of males and the clitoris of females.
- Femoral hernia enters the femoral canal through the femoral ring.
- Incising the lacunar ligament may be necessary to release such strangulated hernias (extra).
- Abnormal obturator artery may be at risk within this region.
Give a brief account of the adductor canal (50 marks)
The adductor canal can be described as follows:
- It is an intermuscular space.
- Situated on the medial side of the middle 1/3 of the thigh.
- Extends above from the apex of the femoral triangle and below to the tendinous opening in the adductor magnus (adductor hiatus).
- Triangular in cross-section.
- Boundaries include:
- Anterolateral wall: vastus medialis.
- Posteromedial wall/floor: adductor longus (above) and adductor magnus (below).
- Medial wall/roof: fibrous membrane joining anterolateral and posteromedial walls.
- The roof is overlapped by the Sartorius muscle.
- Subsartorial plexus of nerves lies on the fibrous roof under the cover of Sartorius, formed by branches of the medial cutaneous nerve of the thigh, saphenous nerve, and the anterior division of the obturator nerve. It supplies the overlying fascia lata and neighboring skin.
- Contents include:
- Femoral artery, which enters at the apex of the femoral triangle and leaves through the adductor hiatus. In the canal, it gives muscular branches and the descending genicular branch.
- Femoral vein, which begins as an upward continuation of the popliteal vein, lies posterior to the artery in the upper part and lateral to the artery in the lower part of the canal.
- Saphenous nerve, which crosses the femoral artery anteriorly from lateral to medial and leaves the adductor canal by piercing the roof.
- Anterior division of the obturator nerve emerges at the lower border of the adductor longus and ends by supplying the femoral artery. The posterior division runs on the anterior surface of the adductor magnus and accompanies the femoral artery in the canal.
With the help of a labelled diagram explain the anatomy of the Popliteal fossa. (2009 repeat)
- Popliteal Artery: Direct continuation of the femoral artery beyond the opening of the adductor magnus or hiatus, at the junction of the middle and lower 1/3rd of the thigh. It runs downwards, reaching the lower end of the popliteus muscle, where it terminates by dividing into its terminal anterior tibial and posterior tibial arteries. The popliteal artery is the deepest structure in the popliteal fossa.
- Popliteal Surface of Femur: Forms the posterior wall of the knee joint, along with its capsules.
- Popliteus Muscle: Related to the artery deeply/anteriorly from above downwards in the popliteal fossa.
- Popliteal Vein: Posteriorly related to the artery.
- Tibial Nerve: Further posteriorly related to the artery, separated from it by the vein in the fossa.
- Biceps Femoris: Laterally related to the artery in the upper part of the fossa.
- Semitendinosus & Semimembranosus: Medially related to the artery in the upper part of the fossa.
- Gastrocnemius Muscle: In the lower part of the fossa, the artery becomes the most lateral structure, related laterally to the lateral head of gastrocnemius and medially to the medial head of gastrocnemius, popliteal vein, and tibial nerve.
- Genicular Arterial Branches: Arise from the popliteal artery and form an anastomotic chain to supply the knee joint. They include the superior medial genicular, superior lateral genicular, inferior medial genicular, inferior lateral genicular, and middle genicular branches.
- Muscular Branches: Large muscular branches are given off from the popliteal artery, terminating by anastomosing with the 4th perforating artery.
- Cutaneous Branches: Arise directly from the popliteal artery or from the muscular arteries.
What is the clinical importance of the adductor canal? (10)
In treatment for the popliteal artery aneurysm femoral artery can only be ligated in the adductor canal.
State the clinical relevance of the medial boundaries of femoral ring. (30)
- It’s bounded medially by the concave margin of the lacunar ligament.
- Laterally by the femoral vein.
- Anteriorly by the inguinal ligament.
- Posteriorly by the pectineal ligament.
- In cases of strangulation of a femoral hernia, the femoral ring has to be enlarged.
- This is possible only by cutting the lacunar ligament.
- Normally, this can be done without danger.
- Occasionally, however, an abnormal obturator artery may lie along the edge of the lacunar ligament, and cutting it may cause alarming hemorrhage.
Describe the course, distribution and relations of the popliteal artery (100)
- Popliteal artery is a direct continuation of the femoral artery beyond the opening of the adductor magnus/hiatus at the junction of middle & lower 1/3rds of the thigh.
- Artery runs downwards, reaching the lower end of the popliteus muscle, and terminates by dividing into its terminal anterior tibial and posterior tibial arteries.
- Popliteal artery is the deepest structure in the popliteal fossa.
- Popliteal surface of femur:
- Forms the knee joint & its capsules.
- Popliteus muscle:
- Related to the artery deeply/anteriorly, above downwards in the popliteal fossa.
- Posteriorly, artery is related to the popliteal vein and further posteriorly to the tibial nerve/nerve is separated from artery by vein in the fossa.
- In the upper part of the popliteal fossa, artery is the most medial structure and relates to biceps femoris laterally and to semitendinosus, semimembranosus medially.
- Inside the fossa, artery deviates laterally and becomes the most lateral structure in its lower part.
- Related laterally to lateral head of gastrocnemius and medially to medial head of gastrocnemius, popliteal vein, and tibial nerve.
- Branches:
- Superior medial genicular.
- Superior lateral genicular.
- Inferior medial genicular.
- Inferior lateral genicular.
- Middle genicular branch arises from the artery and winds around the knee joint to form an anastomotic chain to supply the joint.
- Large muscular branches are given off that terminate by anastomosing with the 4th perforating artery.
- Cutaneous branches also arise directly from the popliteal artery or by the muscular arteries.
Which meniscus is the most likely to damage? Give reasons for your answer.
The medial meniscus is more likely to be damaged. This is primarily because it is more fixed and less mobile compared to the lateral meniscus. The reasons for this are:
- Attachment: The medial meniscus is firmly attached to the capsule and the medial collateral ligament, providing less freedom of movement.
- Stability: Its attachment to the capsule and ligament provides stability but limits its ability to accommodate stress and movement.
- Limited Mobility: Due to its fixed attachment, the medial meniscus has less mobility, making it more susceptible to damage when subjected to forces or sudden movements.
- Contrast: In contrast, the lateral meniscus is separated from the capsule by the tendon of the popliteus muscle and the lateral collateral ligament, allowing it more freedom of movement and thereby reducing its vulnerability to damage.
Therefore, due to its anatomical and functional characteristics, the medial meniscus is at a higher risk of damage compared to the lateral meniscus.
Describe the intra-articular ligaments of the knee joint and their function.
The intra-articular ligaments of the knee joint and their functions are described as follows:
- Intracapsular and intrasynovial fibrocartilaginous discs.
- Crescent-shaped structures that deepen the articular surface of the tibia, dividing the knee joint cavity into upper (for flexion and extension) and lower (for rotation) compartments.
- The medial meniscus is nearly semicircular, while the lateral meniscus is nearly circular.
- Medial meniscus: Attached to the tibial collateral ligament at its peripheral margin.
- Lateral meniscus: Attached to the femur through the meniscofemoral ligament at its posterior end.
- Function:
- Increase congruity of the knee joint.
- Serve as shock absorbers.
- Lubricate the joint cavity.
- Provide sensory function (proprioception).
- The medial meniscus is more prone to damage due to its greater fixity compared to the lateral meniscus.
Cruciate Ligaments:
- Thick, strong, fibrous bands located within the knee joint.
- Intracapsular and extrasynovial.
- Function:
- Maintain anteroposterior stability of the knee joint.
- Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL):
- Begins from the anterior intercondylar area of the tibia, running upwards, backwards, and laterally.
- Attached to the posterior part of the medial surface of the lateral condyle of the femur.
- Becomes taut during extension of the knee.
- More commonly damaged in violent hyperextension or anterior dislocation of the tibia on the femur.
- Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL):
- Begins from the posterior intercondylar area of the tibia, running upwards, forwards, and medially.
- Attached to the anterior part of the lateral surface of the medial condyle of the femur.
- Becomes taut during flexion of the knee.
- Injured in posterior dislocation of the tibia on the femur.
- Both ligaments are supplied by the middle genicular nerve and arteries.