Lower Extremity Lab Flashcards
Neurologic Testing
Knee- Flexion (L5, S1) Ankle: Dorsiflexion (L4,L5) Plantarflexion (S1,S2) Inversion (L4, L5) Eversion (L5, S1)
Sensation (Central Nerve Root)
L4- Anteromedial Leg; Patella
L5- Anterolateral distal leg
S1- 5th digit; Calcaneus
Peripheral Nerves
Lateral Femoral Cutaneous N. –> Lateral thigh
Patellar Reflex: L4-L5
Achilles Tendon Reflex: S1- S2
TIbiofemoral Joint- Femorotibial Dysfunction
Patient- Supine
Physician- ipsilateral to dysfunction
Technique- begin with slight posterior force
(More pressure caudal hand for ACL/ More Pressure cephalic hand for PCL)
Approximate the femur and tibia with a light compressive force
Add internal or external rotation to obtain BLT
Tibia on Femur- Supine HVLA
Patient is supine with knees flexed to 90 and feet flat on the table
Physician is seated on patient’s feet on dysfunctional side
Thenar eminences over the anterior tibia and thumbs at the plateaus with fingers wrapped around leg
Engage the RB and deliver thrust parallel to the long axis of the femur
Anterior: deliver a posterior thrust
Posterior: Deliver an anterior thrust
Tibia on Femur- Seated HVLA
Patient- seated with legs off table and pillow underneath thigh
Physician- seated in front of the patient
Hand Placement- Thumbs on the anterior tibial plateau with fingers wrapped around the leg
Relaxation Maneuver- spring the leg up and down 2-3 times may help to relax the thigh and provide a small “running start” to thrust, like the Hiss Whip
Anterior Tibia- deliver posterior thrust
Posterior Tibia- deliver anterior thrust