Lower Extremity Exam III O,I,N,A Flashcards
O: Iliac Fossa, Sacrum I: Lesser Trochanter of Femur A: (3) Flex Femur @ hip Jt. Flex vertebral column Maintain Posture (integrity of spine) N: Femoral Nerve
Psoas Major
O: Bodies and Transverse Process of lumbars
I: Lesser Trochanter
A: (3) Flex Femur @ Hip Jt.
Flex vertebral Column
Maintain Posture (integrity of spine)
N: Femoral Nerve
Psoas Minor
O: Bodies of Lumbar Vertebrae
I: Iliopubic Eminence of Pubis
A: Flexion of Pelvic bone
N: L1 (sometimes L2)
O: Anterior Superior Iliac Spine (ASIS)
I: Superior Medial Shaft of Tibia
A: (3) Laterally Rotate & ABduct Femur @hip Jt
Medially rotate Leg at Knee jt
When both ^^ happening then assists in flexion of femur @ hip jt and leg at knee jt
N: Femoral Nerve
Rectus Fermoris
O: (2) Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine & Acetabulum of pelvic bone
I: Base of Patella
A: (3) -Extend leg at knee joint
-Flex femur at hip joint
-Tonus of muscle influence strengthening of knee
N: Femoral Nerve
Vastus Lateralis
O: (2) Greater Trochanter & Linea Aspera
I: Base of Patella
A: (2) Extend leg at knee joint & Tonus of muscle influence strengthening of knee
N: Femoral Nerve
Vastus Medialis
O: Linea Aspera
I: Base of the Patella
A: (2) Extend leg at knee joint & Tonus of muscle influence strength of knee
N: Femoral Nerve
Vastus Intermedius
O: (2) Linea Aspera & Antero-lateral aspect of Femur
I: Base of Patella
A: (2) Extend leg at knee joint & Tonus of muscle influence strength of knee
N: Femoral Nerve
O: (2) Ramus of the Ischium & Inferior Ramus of pubis I: Superior Medial Shaft of the Femur A: (3) Flex Femur at hip joint -Adduct Femur -Flex leg at knee joint N: Obturator Nerve
O: Superior Rami of pubis I: Pectineal line of Femur A: (2) Adduct Femur Flex Femur at hip Jt N: (2) Obturator Nerve & Femoral Nerve
Adductor Longus
O: Superior Ramus of Pubis
I: Linea Aspera of Femur
A: Adduct Femur at hip joint
N: Obturator Nerve
Adductor Brevis
O: Inferior Ramus of Pubis I: (2) Linea Aspera Pectineal Line A: Adduct Femur at hip Jt N: Obturator Nerve
Adductor Magnus
O: Rami of ischium and Pubis I: (2) Linea Aspera of Femur Adductor Tubercle of Femur A: (2) Adduct Femur at hip Jt Flex Femur at hip jt N: (2) Obturator Nerve & Sciatic Nerve