Lower Extremity Flashcards
Straight Leg Raise (SLR)
Tests for impingement of spinal nerves/sciatic nerve
Elevate leg, dorsiflex foot
Pain into ipsilateral leg is a positive test -
suggests a lumbosacral radiculopathy
Pain in the contralateral leg is a positive crossed SLR
Tightness / discomfort in the buttocks or hamstring is not a positive test
Seated Straight Leg Raise (SLR) “flip sign”
Patient seated with his/her hands on table
Extend leg
Watch for pt to “flip back” when leg extended
FAbER Test
Supine “figure 4”
Assesses SI Joint Dysfunction
Assesses Adductors
- Flexion
- Abduction
- External Rotation
Antalgic Gait
Limp adopted to avoid pain on weight-bearing structures, characterized by a very short stance phase
Patient remains on painful leg for as short a time as possible
“Limp” / Trendelenburg lurch
Noble’s Test
IT Band Assessment
Patient is supine, palpate IT band and passively flex and extend the knee
Subjective test for pain
Thomas Test
Iliopsoas (B)
- Positive is if femur raises off table
Rectus Femoris (A) - Positive is unable to have 90 degree flexion of the knee
Thomas Test
Iliopsoas (B)
- Positive is if femur raises off table
Rectus Femoris (A) - Positive is unable to have 90 degree flexion of the knee
Trendelenburg Sign
Identifies weak hip abductor muscles on side that is bearing weight (side we are testing)
If contralateral hip (not bearing weight) drops, the hip abductors on the weight bearing side are weak
Clark’s Test
Prone position and assessment of the greater trochanter
Bring to neutral position and measure vertical to tibial shaft (8-15 degrees is acceptable)
Hip Antiversion “Pigeon-toed”
Hip Retroversion
“Duck foot”
What are the Ottowa Knee Rules?
Age >= 55
Isolated tenderness at the patella (no other bony tenderness)
Tenderness at the fibular head
Unable to flex knee to 90
Able to bear weight immediately after and in ER for 4 steps (limping counts)
Any on of these positive with an appropriate MOI, the patient should get an xray (100% sensitive, 50% specific)
Baker’s cyst (popliteal cyst)
A synovial fluid cyst located in the popliteal space
Palpable as fluctuant fullness
May be painful &/or, if they leak, result in calf swelling
Best to palpate with knee extended