The lower extremity and its girdle are studied in four parts, what are they?
1 foot,
2 leg, tib/fib
3 thigh, femur
4 hip/pelvis
The foot consists of how many bones?
26 bones
What are the bones of the foot?
- 14 phalanges,
- 5 metatarsals
- 7 tarsals(ankle)
What are bones of the toes?
14 phalanges
What are the bones of the instep?
5 metatarsals
What are bones of the ankle?
- 7 tarsals(ankle)
What are the foot divided in?
What does the forefoot include?
metatarsals and toes
What does the midfoot include?
The five tarsals, cuneiforms, navicular and cuboid bones.
What does the midfoot include?
talus and calcaneus
The bones of the foot are shape and joined together to form a series of?
longitudinal(shock absorber) and transverse arches
What is the superior surface of the foot termed?
dorsum or dorsal surface
What is the inferior surface of the foot is termed as?
plantar surface
What does the metatarsals consist of?
a body and two articular ends
What is the extended proximal end called?
What is the small rounded proximl end of the a called?
What does the 5 heads of the metatarsal form?
ball of the foot
Which metatrsal is thr shirtest and thicknest?
1st metatarsal
Which metatarsal is the longest?
2nd metatarsal
The base of which metatarsal contains the prominent tuberosity?
5th metatarsal(common site of fracture)
What are the 7 tarsal bones?
talus, calcaneus, navicular, cuboid, & medial, intermediate & lateral cuneiforms
The beginning at the medial side of the foot the cuneiforms are described as?
medial, intermediate, and lateral
Which tarsal bone is the largest and strongest?
Calcanus (oc calcis referred as)
The calcaneus projects_______
at the distal part of the foot, the long axis is inferior and forms a 30 degree angle.
Posteriorly and medially
The posterior and inferior portions of the calcaneus contain the posterior____? to attach?
tuberosity to attach the achilles tendon
what are the three articular facets that join with the talus superiorly?
anterior, middle, and posterior facets
Between the middle and posterior talar articular facets is a groove called the?
Calcaneal sulcus
The calcaneus sulcus corresponds to?
which corresponds to a similar groove on the inferior surface of the talus. These sulky constitue of a sinus tarsi
Which ligament passes through the sulcus?
Inferrosseous ligament
The medial asepct of the calcaneus extending downward outward as a shelf like over hang and is termed the?
sustentaculum tali
The lateral surface of the calcaneus contains the ?
What shape is the talus?
irregular in form
Which bone of the tarsal is the second largest and occupies the superior most position of the foot?
What are the four bones the talus articulates with?
tibia, fibula, calcaneus, and navicular bone
the superior surface of the foot, the trochlear surface articulates with?
the tibia and connects the foot to the leg