Lower Extermity Flashcards
Common Femoral a divides into
superficial fem a
deep fem a (profunda femoris)
SFA runs the length of the thigh, passing through an opening in the tenton of the
adductor hiatus (adductor canal or hunter’s canal)
SFA enters the
pop fossa behind the knee
deep fem a is a large branch arising 5 cm from inguinal ligament on what side
deep fem a can act as a
collateral connection
Pop a starts at the
adductor hiatus
adductor hiatus is the termination of the ______ and beginning of the _____
Pop a
pop a gives off a number of
genicular branches
pop a is at interbal between tib and fib, divides into
ant and post tib art
anterior tib
post tib
peroneal a
1st branch off dist pop a
anterior tib
at the ant tib lower end, becomes
dorsalis pefis a
dorsalis pedis a is directed across of dorsum of foot towards
base of great toe
major branch of DPA is the
deep plantar a
deep plantar a penetrates the
sole of the foot
DPA united with _____ to complete plantar arch
lateral plantar a
extends obliquely down post/med side of the leg
post tibs
short segment between ATA branch and branches of PTA and peroneal a
tibioperoneal trunk
major branches of PTA
lateral and medial plantar a
the lat and medial plantar a branches below
medial malleolus to supply sole of foot
passes toward fib, traveling down med side of that bone to supply structures of the lat side of leg/foot
peroneal a
_____ distribute blood to digits
plantar and dorsal metatarsals
the plantar arch consists of
DPA and lateral plantar a
lateral plantar a is a branch of
lateral plantar a which united with the
deep plantar a
arteries transports gases, nutrients and other essentials to
considered resistance vessels
assist with regulating blood flow through contraction and relaxation
nutrients and waste products are exchanged between the tissue and blood