Low vision registration Flashcards
What is the definition of SSI?
so blind that they are unable to perform any work for which eyesight is required
What is the definition of SI?
Substantially and permanently handicapped by defective vision.
What acuity do you need to be registered SSI?
<3/60 3/60- 6/60 with contracted field ^/60+ with markedly contracted field, especially in the lower field
What acuity do you need to be registered SI?
3/60 - 6/60 with full field 6/24 with moderate field loss 6/18+ with gross loss or hemianopia
Where do the copies of a CVI go?
Local authority Primary care trust GP Office of national statistics Department of employment for patients of working age DSS for people receiving income suport
What is the CVI registration process for adults?
CVI is filled in my ophthalmologist in agreement with patient
What information is included on the CVI?
- Demographic details and consent
- Diagnosis and v/a
- Social considerations (can be filled in by ECLO or someone else.
What are the main advantages of registration as SSI or SI?
Access to work scheme Railcard Free directory enquiries Articles for the blind postage
What alternative routes are there for accessing social care?
Low vision leaflet, a self-referral form available from from Optoms for patients to access social services help Referral of Visual Impairment (RVI) can be filled out by eye clinic staff and puts the patient in touch with social care.
What services require CVI registration in order to access them?
- Financial benefits
- Travel concessions.
What N print is big print and giant print?
- N16
- N24
What near v/a would you expect from a person with 6/36 vision with a +4.00 add?
Are you automatically entitled to a blue badge?
Yes (mostly, depends on council) if SSI. Goes with blind person from car to car.
No if only SI

What concessions are automatic for SSI patients?
- Cinema pass for carer
- Blue badge
- Television licence fee reduction
- Blind person’s allowance