Low Unmeployment (3.2) Flashcards
What is employment
The use of labour in the economy to produce goods and services
What is unemployment
Occurs when workers able and willing to work at the current wage rates are unable to find employment
What is the claimant count method
The method of measuring unemployment according to the number of people who are claiming unemployment related benefits
What is the rate of unemployment formula
Unemployment rate = (number of unemployed / workforce ) x 100
What is frictional unemployment
Unemployment caused by time lags when workers move between jobs
What is seasonal unemployment
Unemployment caused by a fall in demand during a particular season
What is structural unemployment
Unemployment caused by a permanent decline of an industry or industries
What is cyclical unemployment
Unemployment caused by a lack of demand in the economy
What is cyclical unemployment also know as
Demand deficient unemployment
What are the benefits of unemployment
- wage rates are kept down and therefore an advantage for firms as they are spending less
- firm’s costs are kept down so therefore become more competitive
Costs of unemployment for individuals
- lower living standards
- excluded workers : when workers are unemployed for a long time they may never be able to find work
- cost to tax payers : as more must be spent on Jobseeker’s Allowance ect
Cost of unemployment for government
- unemployment leads to more unemployment :recession
- a budget deficit : government spending exceeds tax income
Cost of unemployment for regions
-may cause people to move away from that region causing more unemployment