low latency Flashcards
how to create immutable objects in java
if you variables are not provided any setters
if they are declared as final ( which implies they need to initialized within the constructor or defaulted to a value )
Take care the variable type say Employee has Address .. address should also be immutable
what benefit does creating immutable objects provide
As well they are side-effect free and can be freely passed across multiple threads without them being affected.
why is String object immutable in java
String is statistically the most used data structure in java so it needed optimization
a) String pools are made to reuse String literals so lesser object with same values are created . This helps save memory .. but then that necessitates that they be immutable so that multiple references can point to the same object and be sure its value is not changed
b) anything immutable can be cached safely
c) String also then becomes threadsafe
d) Security .. if another thread calls and changes the value of a string then that doesnt affect you .
void criticalMethod(String userName) {
// perform security checks
if (!isAlphaNumeric(userName)) {
throw new SecurityException();
// this security check would be useless if someone can change the value of userNAme after this check is done
// do some secondary tasks
// critical task connection.executeUpdate("UPDATE Customers SET Status = 'Active' " + " WHERE UserName = '" + userName + "'"); } 4) Helps in performance whereby we have decreased the size of heap being used. In java 9 they added compaction of string from char[] to be a byte[] in case you are using latin1 characters only
5) Hashcode of String object is only computed once and then its cached. Subsequent call to hashcode returns the cached value .. This in turn helps make collections like hashmap/ hashtable and hashset faster
java 17 new features
pattern matching for switch and instanceof
the case statement doesnt have to be a constant value .. and swtich can work across objects and also initialise the variabel i in this case .
public static String getInfo(Object object) {
return switch (object) {
default -> “Unknown”;
case Integer i -> (i < 0 ? “Negative” : “Positive”)+ “ integer”;
case String s -> “String of length “ + s.length();
case null -> “Null!”;
whats a race condition
Anytime the behavior of a multi threaded application depends on the timing of the interleaving threads giving inconsistent results can be called a race condition
Especially true for all check then act operation
For example c++
is equal to
read value of c
increment that value by 1
assign new value to C
In case multiple threads are involved and they run you may get an output of 1 ,1 or 1,2 with an input of 0
Lazy initialisation also has this issue
check if object exists and if not create an object
what problem does volatile variables address
has to do with the java memory model. the idea of threads working with their own thread cached shared resources.
Essentially there is a Visibility problem that means other threads don’t see the changes that were made by one thread.
The thread cache and main memory values might differ.
volatile bypasses caching and values are updated in the main memory … and each thread gets the updated value .. they dont have re-read it
low level observers.. each thread using a volatile variable would refresh all values in the current scope when the volatile variables are updated.
Atomic variables also address the visibility issues.( similar to volatile)
Write about Atomic Integers and the non-blocking concurrency setup
AtomicInteger or AtomicReference have added implementation for the compareandswap functionality
Typical use
AtomicInteger i = new AtomicInteger(0)
int oldvalue= i.get() ;
int newvalue =i++;
while (!i.compareAndSwap(oldvalue, newvalue)
so eventually the value is set by multiple threads. .CAS returns true or false based on if it was able to do the swap
The AtomicInteger has functions like
getandIncrement or incrementandGet() that work on the above principle and hence can be used in multi threaded application.
G1 collector option only
JVM will try to eliminate duplicate strings as part of garbage collection process
Works only on long lived objects
To see String deduplication statistics, such as how much time it took to run, how much duplicate strings were evacuated, how much savings you gained, you may pass ‘-XX:+PrintStringDeduplicationStatistics’
advantages of keeping xms and xmx the same
system starts up faster
there is no allocation and deallocation of memory from and to the OS as per systems usage of the memory
the max memory is retained for the process at startup so new heavy neighbours wont affect you
heap dump tool
load heapdum to eclipse MAT or jprofiler/Yourkit
usual cause of memory usages being high
, considerable amount memory is wasted because of inefficient programming practices such as: Duplicate object creation, suboptimal data type definitions (declaring ‘double’ and assigning only ‘float’ values), over allocation and underutilization of data structures and several other practices.
boxed wrappers take a whole lot of memory when compared to primitives along with duplicate strings
you can consider interning strings in your code
you can consider using primitive as much as possible
there are specialised collection framworks from apache that allows primitive values and they are way faster
fastutils is one such
get rid of boxed numbers
GC logging
Enabling GC logging on your application adds almost zero overhead
The GC log rich set of information, such as timestamps of GC events, types of events (Young GC, Full GC, Mixed GC), duration of events, sizes of internal JVM memory regions (Young Gen, Old Gen, Metaspace) before and after the event, time spent in the JVM and Kernel during GC events, number of GC threads used, duration each GC thread took to complete, string deduplication details…
how do you choose a GC
if memory is higher than 32
a) if GC throughput is important then go for parallelgc
b) if low pause is a requirement then go for shenandoah or Z GC
if memory is less than 32 then go for
a) if gc throughput isimportant then go for paralllelgc
b) else go for G1 GC.
What do you get by doing GC tuning /
what are the benefits of gc tuning
by reducing the gc pause you can improve response times
can improve throughput
can right size the memory / hence cost
can right size the cpu by reducing the cpu used by GC /hence cost
unearth memory problems earlier by monitoring gc logs
look at GC thread cout in a threaddump
XX:ParallelGCThreads=n: Sets the number of threads used in parallel phase of the garbage collectors.
-XX:ConcGCThreads=n: Controls the number of threads used in concurrent phases of garbage collectors.
So if your JVM is running on server with 32 processors, then
ParallelGCThread value is going to be: 23(i.e. 8 + (32 – 8)*(5/8))
ConcGCThreads value is going to be: 6 (i.e. max(25/4, 1)
how to tune GC
start from scratch .. old jvm arguements added at the first iteration may be obsoleted or counterproductive with newer algorithms or not meet the currect system requirements. There are 600 vm arguments related to memory and gc
. Tune GC Algorithm Settings
Adjust Internal Memory Regions Size
a. Young Generation
b. Old Generation
c. MetaSpace
d. Others
Reduce Object Creation rate : this is at an application level