Low flow characteristics Flashcards
General characteristics
Intensity → minimum flow
Duration → number of days, weeks or months
Magnitude → deficit relative to a threshold e.g. for planning or regulation of reservoirs
Minimum water level → for navigation or ecological aspects
Frequency → risk regarding failure of water supply
Occurrence time → season dependent damage e.g. agriculture
Spatial extent → economic and social impact, possibilities for compensation
Specific characteristics for low flows NQ:
Low flow characteristics are estimated from stream flow data, either from flow duration curves (FDC) or from flow hydrographs (FH)
Usually daily time steps are used, but also monthly or other time intervals will work
When FH are used the elements are taken from a base time interval, which is usually 1 year, but also seasons can be considered
For low flow statistics annual series are preferred for partial duration series because of the high persistence of low flows
(A) Characteristics from flow duration curve (FDC)
FDC are constructed by ranking the data, and for each value the frequency of exceedance is computed as rank / sample size (if data are ranked from largest to smallest value)
Flow exceedance quantiles (percentiles) Qα can then be obtained from the FDC discharge which is exceeded α - percent of the period of record e.g. Q90, Q80
(B) Characteristics from flow hydrographs (FH)
a) n-day average annual minimum flow: NMQ(n-day) in m3/s
b) Duration of non-exceedance of a threshold QS
c) Deficit volume
a) n-day average annual minimum flow: NMQ(n-day) in m3/s
Is derived from a series of annual minima of the n-day average flow, e.g. 1-day, 7-days, 30-days
- Selection of n depends on the specific purpose of the analysis (e.g. n = 1, 7, 14, 30 days are typical values)
- Remark 1: for n=1d observations may be severely inconsistent because of short-term impacts like regulation, withdrawals, etc.
- Remark 2: Statistical analysis requires consistent, homogeneous and independent data (see course “Statistical methods”)
b) Duration of non-exceedance of a threshold QS
- Dmax in days → longest duration for which flow Q falls below threshold QS within base period
- ΣD in days → sum of all durations for all drought events for which flow Q falls below the threshold QS within base period
c) Deficit volume
- Vmax in m3 → largest deficit volume for the drought events; accumulated difference between threshold QS and Q(t) over time t for base period
- ΣV in m3 → sum of all deficit volumes for all drought events within the base period
Low flow characteristics from flow hydrograph
max D
Sum D
max V
Sum V
Frequency analysis
Low flow frequency analysis is methodologically comparable to flood frequency analysis
For design low flows also the return period T is used. However,mcompared to floods (cp. Eq. 6.1) the events of interest have a high exceedance probability. So it follows:
TDraught = 1/Pne = 1/(1-Pe)
Frequency analysis: Typical PD’s
Logarithmic Normal-distribution (LN2)
(Log.) Extreme value distribution type III (Weibull) (LE3)
(Log.) Pearson III distribution (LP3)
Generalised extreme value (GEV)